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Prof. Dr. S.V. Zagraevsky


Register of white stone buildings of ancient Russia



Published in Russian: Заграевский С.В. Реестр белокаменных зданий Древней Руси. Электронная публикация: (электронная научная библиотека «РусАрх»), 2010 г.





Into the register by Professor, Dr. S.V. Zagraevsky the white stone buildings of Ancient Russia, all known science building, built of white stone in the XII–XVII centuries on the territory of the Russian principalities and the centralized Russian state, are included.


The following text was translated from the Russian original by the computer program

and has not yet been edited.

So it can be used only for general introduction.




1. Terms and definitions:

- at present the register includes buildings erected in the XII-XVII centuries on the territory of the Russian principalities and centralized Russian state;

white stone - limestone middle sediments. In everyday life the white stone is often called dolomite, Sandstone and other kinds of light stone (this is primarily typical of architecture Galicia-Volyn land of the Russian North and the Volga region), but these cases we will specifically stipulate;

- whitestone we believe either of the building is fully built of white stone, or buildings, which of white stone built, at least, of the wall. External facing brick walls of white stone, creating the appropriate appearance of the buildings, and also allows you to name the building white-stone;

- buildings, standing on the white-stone basement and (or) decorated with white-stone decor, but not built in white stone above technique, in this register are not included;

- at present the register includes buildings, about which we know that they were white stone (i.e. they are either preserved or relative they have corresponding archaeological data);

- by default, it is assumed the construction of the white-stone buildings in the half-rubble technology, when it of hewn white stone blocks are built two walls-facing, and the space between them is filled with rubble (stone fragments, fragments of bricks and stones) and filled with lime mortar. Cases of application of a construction equipment specifically mentioned;

- speaking about the plans and the types of churches, we believe their default single-domed. Other cases are specifically mentioned;

- in this register lists of Dating, which adheres to the author;

- this registry is not intended as a Handbook for the study of white-stone architecture or on the role of scientific literature on the relevant buildings. Scientific apparatus of this registry is intended only to clarify some controversial issues.


2. The pre-Mongolian time.

2.1. Galich Duchy1 (the construction was carried out from different kinds of local light stone - limestone,

– церковь Иоанна в Перемышле Галицком. 1119–1124 годы. Четырехстолпный трехапсидный храм. Возможно, своды и глава были деревянными2. Не сохранилась;

- the Church of the unknown initiation in Zvenigorod Galitsky. The first half of the XII century. Small apses dvuhetapnyh (possibly four pillars) temple. Not preserved;

- the Church of our Saviour in Galicia. The end 1140-ies. Four pillars apses of the temple. Not preserved;

Assumption Cathedral in Galicia. The middle of the XII century. Four-column-free three-apse temple with galleries. Not Sokh is

– церковь неизвестного посвящения в урочище Цвинтариски около Галича. Вторая половина XII века3. Небольшой четырехстолпный трехапсидный храм. Не сохранилась;

- the Church of the unknown initiation in Galicia. The second half of the XII century. Rotunda-quadrifolia (so-called "Polygon"). Not preserved;

- the Church of the unknown initiation in the village Coast near Galich. The second half of the XII century. Rotunda-quadrifolia. Not preserved;

- the Church of Elijah the prophet in Galicia. The second half of the XII century. Rotunda with two adjacent volumes (perhaps with a tower). Not preserved;

- Panteleimon Church in Galicia. The turn of the XII and XIII centuries. Four pillars apses of the temple. Kept the lower part.

Total 9 buildings, one of them partially preserved one.


2.2. Vladimir-Suzdal Grand Duchy of4:

- The Church of Boris and Gleb in Kideksha. 1152. Four pillars apses of the temple. In the XVII century vaults, the top apses and dryer were transferred from the brick. Otherwise preserved;

- Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky. 1152. Four pillars apses of the temple. Preserved;

- the Church of St. George in the court of Yuri Dolgoruky in Vladimir. 1152. Four pillars apses of the temple. Collapsed during a fire in 1778 and was re-built from the white stone (probably recycled);

- St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky. 1152. About the type and the plan of the temple no information. Dismantled in connection with the construction of a new Cathedral in the beginning of the XIII century;

Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. 1158-1160 years. The five-domed six pillars free three-apse temple with three porches. In 1186-1189 built the high galleries;

white - stone walls Bogolyubov (named Bogolyubovo-Suzdal, Vladimir region), roughly the turn of the 1160-1170-ies. Disappeared not later than the XVIII century;

- white stone Palace of Andrey Bogolyubsky in Bogolyubovo. Approximately 1160-ies. From the Palace survived stairwell, the remaining part of the disappeared not later than the XVIII century;

- the Church of the Nativity of the virgin in the hierarchy. Four pillars apses of the temple. 1158. Fell in 1722 and was completely rebuilt brick;

- The Dormition Cathedral in Rostov Veliky. 1161-1162 years. The five-domed six pillars apses of the temple. Fell in 1204, 1213-1231 years re-built on the same plan of white stone;

- Golden gate with the Church of deposition of the robe in Vladimir. Between 1158 and 1164 years. The Church is supposedly was a small four-column apses of the temple. Gates remained generally the same, the Church lost during reorganizations top of the gate;

- Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya Church in Vladimir. 1164. Four pillars apses of the temple. Collapsed during a fire in 1778;

- the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl river near the settlement of Bogolyubovo-Suzdal, Vladimir region. 1158. Four pillars apses of the temple. Preserved;

- Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir. 1191 year. Four pillars apses of the temple. Preserved;

the virgin Nativity Cathedral of the Nativity monastery in Vladimir. 1192-1196 years. Four pillars apses of the temple. Demolished in the middle of the XIX century, in its place was built a new white-stone Church in the old forms, destroyed in the 1930-ies;

- strengthening of the citadel in Vladimir. Approximately 1194 year. Disappeared before the XVII century;

- the Church of Joachim and Anna at the gates of the citadel in Vladimir. Approximately 1196 year. About the type and the plan of the temple no information. Ceased to exist together with citadel;

- The Dormition Cathedral in Rostov Veliky. 1213-1231 years. Six pillars apses of the temple, probably, five-domed. Built on the site of the collapsed Cathedral 1161-1162 period. In 1408 the temple collapsed top, restored to 1411. At the beginning of the XVI century5 on its place was built the brick Cathedral;

the virgin Nativity Cathedral in Suzdal. 1222-1225 years. Three-headed six pillars free three-apse temple with three porches. Initial material - tuff-like limestone (in fact, low-quality white stone). Fell in 1445, completed the top of brick in 1528;

- the Church of Michael the Archangel in Nizhny Novgorod. 1227-1229 years. Four-column-free three-apse temple with three porches. In 1359, the Church was completely rebuilt;

- St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky. 1230-1234 years. Four-column-free three-apse temple with three porches. Collapsed in the early to mid XV century, partially rebuilt in 1471.

A total of 21 building, fully or partially preserved nine.


3. Post-Mongol ("possibities").

3.1. Galicia-Volyn Principality6 (the construction was carried out from different kinds of local light stone - limestone, alabaster, Sandstone, travertine, popularly referred to as the white stone):

- castle in Lviv. The second half of the XIII century. Preserved the foundations of the tower and the adjacent areas South and West walls;

- the Church of St. Nicholas in Lviv. Till 1292. Pillarless odnoapsidny domed Church with two aisles. In the XVII and XIX centuries, the Church was reconstructed several times lower fragment;

- the Church of good Friday in Lviv. The end of XIII-first half of the XIV century. Pillarless odnoapsidny Church with a nave. Not preserved;

- Church of the Nativity in Galicia. The end of XIII-beginning of the XIV century. Four pillars apses of the temple. Not preserved;

- Spassky monastery in the village of Spas near Old Sambir. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (probably four pillars apses of the temple) and defensive tower. The end of the XIII century. The Cathedral has not survived, masonry of the tower remained to the height of about 1 m;

- the Church of St. John Chrysostom in the Hill. 30-50-s of the XIIIth century. Probably four pillars apses of the temple. Not preserved;

- the Church of saints Cosmas and Damian in the Hill. 30-50-s of the XIIIth century. Probably four pillars apses of the temple. Not preserved;

- defensive tower in the Hill. 30-40-s of the XIIIth century. Not preserved;

- civil building in the hills, often called "the Palace of Lviv". The end of XIII-beginning of the XIV century. Not preserved;

- defensive tower in the village of Coma near the Hill. The end of XIII-beginning of the XIV century. Preserved;

- defensive tower in the village of Belavina near the Hill. The end of XIII-the beginning of XI

Итого 12 зданий, из них полностью или частично сохранились четыре.


3.2. Ростовское княжество:

- Boris and Gleb Church in Rostov the Great. 1287. Small four-column odnoapsidny temple. Was built in the rubble technique (using form) with the subsequent lining thin slabs of white stone7. Stable at 2/3 the height of a brick Church in 1761.

Total 1 building not survived.


3.3. Ryazan Principality:

- The Church, preceded the assumption Cathedral in %8. О типе и плане храма сведений нет;

Assumption (now Nativity) Cathedral in Pereslavl-Ryazansky (modern Ryazan). The end of the XIV century. Four pillars apses of the temple. Completely rebuilt brick in 1598-1606 years;

Total 2 unpreserved building.


3.4. The Grand Duchy of Tver9:

- The Savior Cathedral in Tver. 1285-1290 years. Supposedly four pillars apses of the temple10. In the SEVENTEENTH century in its place built a brick Cathedral;

- The Church of the Nativity of the virgin in the village of Gorodnya Tver region. The end of XIII-beginning of the XIV century11. Four pillars apses of the temple on the basement. Preserved;

- the Church, preceded temples abroad XIV-XV centuries in Staritsa. The XIV century. About the type and the plan of the temple no information;

- the Cathedral of Fyodor Stratilat Fedorovsky monastery in Tver. 1323-1325 years. About the type and the plan of the temple no information. Not preserved;

Arkhangelsk Cathedral in Staritsa. The end of XIV-beginning of XV century. Four pillars apses of the temple. Destroyed in the time of Troubles;

- the Church of St. Nicholas in Staritsa. Beginning of the XV century. Small odnoapsidny temple without columns. Destroyed in the time of Troubles;

A total of 6 buildings, one of them survived.


3.5. The Grand Duchy of Moscow12:

- the Church of the Conception of John the Baptist in the Settlement in Kolomna. The beginning of XIV century13. Church without columns with the corner pillars. Top rebuilt brick in the XVI century;

- St. Nicholas Church in the village of Kamianske Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region. Start XIV century14. Church without columns with the corner pillars. Preserved;

- Staro-Nikolsky) Church in Mozhaisk. The beginning of XIV century15. Four pillars apses of the temple on the basement. Rebuilt brick in the XIX century with the copying of old forms;

- The assumption Cathedral in Moscow. 1326-1327 years. Four-column-free three-apse temple with three porches16. Dismantled in the early 1470-ies in connection with the construction of a new Cathedral;

Church-belfry of St John Climacus in Moscow. 1329 year. Octagonal odnoapsidny temple pillars form17. Top dismantled in 1505, the lower part is in the XVII century18;

- Petroverigsky chapel of the assumption Cathedral in Moscow. 1329 year. About the type and terms of information there. Dismantled along with the Cathedral in the early 1470-ies;

- 19) в 1527 году, затем в XVIII веке частично из белого камня, частично из кирпича;

- Archangel Cathedral in Moscow. 1333. Probably four pillars apses of the temple. In 1505 demolished, on its place the New Aleviz was built new brick Cathedral;

- Chapel-the porch of the Cathedral of our Saviour on the Bor in Moscow. 1350 year. About the type and terms of information there. Dismantled along with the Cathedral in the XVI century.

- Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod. Around 1350-1352. On the type and plan information the%B

- the Church of Michael the Archangel in Nizhny Novgorod. 1359. Built on the site of the temple 1227-1229 years. Four-column-free three-apse temple with three porches. In the XVII century on its place was built a brick Church;

- the Cathedral of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael in the Chudov monastery in Moscow. 1365. Probably four pillars apses of the temple. Rebuilt brick in 1501, dismantled in the twentieth century;

- the walls of the Moscow Kremlin. 1367 year. Dismantled in the end of XV century;

- The Dormition Cathedral of the Simonov monastery in Moscow. 1379-1405 years. Probably four pillars apses of the temple. Rebuilt brick in 1540-ies, blown up in the twentieth century;

- The Dormition Cathedral in Kolomna. From 1379-1382 years. Three-headed six pillars apses of the temple on the basement. Collapsed during construction, was soon rebuilt and stood till 1672, when his place was built brick Cathedral;

- unfinished construction of the white-stone Kremlin in Nizhny Novgorod. 1372 year;

- the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in the Moscow Kremlin. 1393. Four pillars apses of the temple. The top hit in 1479. In the beginning of XVI century the temple above the choir was rebuilt out of brick;

- The Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow. Mid 1390-s20. Pillarless odnoapsidny Church on the basement21. Rebuilt from the white stone (apses with angular pylons22in 1416, brick in 1484-1489, respectively. From the first temple preserved basement;

The Epiphany Cathedral of the Epiphany monastery in Moscow for "Mart". The turn of the XIV and XV centuries23. Four pillars apses of the temple. Destroyed after a fire in 1684, in its place built a new brick Church;

- Mozhaisk, the Church of Joachim and Anna. Beginning of the XV century. Four pillars apses of the temple. Rebuilt brick in the XIX century, from the first Church survived the Northern wall;

- Zvenigorod. Assumption Cathedral "on the Town". Around 1400. Four pillars apses of the temple. Save%D

– Звенигород. Собор Рождества Богородицы Саввино-Сторожевского монастыря. Начало XV века. Четырехстолпный трехапсидный храм. Сохранился;

- Moscow. The ascension Cathedral of the ascension monastery in the Kremlin. 1407-1467 years. Four pillars apses of the temple. Dismantled in 1516. On its place was built a brick Church, destroyed in the twentieth century;

- The Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Trinity Cathedral. 1422-1427 years. Four pillars apses of the temple. Preserved;

- Moscow. Andronicus monastery. The Cathedral Of The Winter Palace. To 1427. Chetyreh%24.

Итого 25 зданий, из них полностью или частично сохранились девять.


3.6. Centralized Russian state:

- The Cathedral of the Nativity of the virgin in Pafnutiev-Borovskoy monastery. 1466 year25. Four pillars apses of the temple. On its place in the end of XVI century was built a new brick Cathedral;

Uspensky Cathedral Myshkin and Krivtsov in Moscow. 1472-1474 years. Six pillars apses of the temple (chapters to build not have time). Collapsed during construction;

Uspensky Cathedral, Aristotle Fioravanti in Moscow. 1475-1479 years. The five-domed six pillars patapedia the temple. The vaults, drums, round pillars and the East wall of the apse are built of brick. In General preserved;

- Faceted chamber in Moscow. 1487-1491 years. Built with bricks, facade facing the Cathedral square, is faced with white stone. Preserved;

Resurrection Cathedral in Volokolamsk. The end of the XV century. Four pillars apses of the temple on the basement. Vaults and drum - brick laid in the late XVII century.

- the Church Trifon Naprudnom (Moscow). Pillarless odnoapsidny temple groin vault. The end of the XV century26. The dome and the drum - brick. In General preserved;

- Anna Church of Conception "in the Corner" (Moscow). The turn of the XV and XVI centuries27. Pillarless odnoapsidny temple groin vault. The dome and the drum - brick. In General preserved;

- the Church of Nikita for Yauza in Moscow. The first third of the XVI century28. Pillarless odnoapsidny temple groin vault, the basement. Code, drum and conch - brick. The top of the temple rebuilt in 1595;

- The assumption Cathedral of the Founding of the monastery in Tver. The XV-XVI century29. Apses of the temple, four-column or columns on the porch30. In the XVIII century in its place built a brick Church;

- the Cathedral of the Nativity of the virgin Bobreneva monastery in Kolomna. Approximately XV-beginning of XVI century31. Church without columns with the corner pillars, probably odnoapsidny32. In the XVIII century in its place built a brick Church.

The Epiphany Cathedral in Old - Golutvina monastery in Kolomna. Approximately XV-beginning of XVI century33. Pillarless dvukomnatny temple with the corner pillars. In the XVIII century in its place built a brick Church.

Nikolskiy Cathedral of St. Anthony " s Krasnokholmsky mo is%34. Сохранился в руинированном состоянии;

- The assumption Cathedral of the Dormition monastery in Staritsa. 1530 year. Five-headed, four pillars apses of the temple. Preserved;

- walls and towers of Zaraysk Kremlin. 1531 year. Top and battlements and towers built of brick. Preserved;

- the house of the XVI century in Staritsa Kremlin. Not preserved, open excavations in 197935.

- Nikon Church (Nikon chapel Trinity Cathedral is%36. Небольшой бесстолпный одноапсидный храм. Нижняя часть построена из кирпича и снаружи облицована белым камнем. Верх перестроен в 1623 году37. Сохранилась;

- walls and towers of the Serpukhov Kremlin. About 1556. There are two fragments of the Eastern wall to the level machicolations;

Annunciation Cathedral in Kazan. 1556-1562 years. The five-domed six pillars patapedia the Church on the basement38. The Cathedral, as all the listed buildings of Kazan and Sviyazhsk, built of light limestone of the Permian period, popularly referred to as white stone. In General preserved;

- five-tier belfry of the Annunciation Cathedral in Kazan. The end of XVI century. Dismantled in 1930;

- St. Nicholas Church of the Saviour-Transfiguration monastery at Kazan. 1560-ies. Four pillars odnoapsidny Church on the basement. Destroyed in the XX century;

- Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the Spaso-Transfiguration monastery at Kazan. The end of XVI century. The five-domed six pillars apses of the temple. Destroyed in the twentieth century;

- walls and towers of the Kazan Kremlin. 1555-1562 years. The upper part of the completed at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries of bricks. Preserved;

- The assumption Cathedral of the Sviyazhsk Uspenie monastery. 1555-1561 years. Single-domed four pillars apses of the temple on the basement. Vaults and drum brick. In General preserved;

- Nikolskaya refectory Church of the Sviyazhsk Uspenie monastery. 1556 year. One-pillar odnoapsidny temple ward type the basement. Preserved;

- a four-storey bell tower of the Sviyazhsk Uspenie monastery (above St. Nicholas Church). The second half of the XVI century. Preserved;

the virgin Nativity Cathedral at Sviyazhsk. The second half of the XVI century. Four pillars apses of the temple. Vaults and drum brick. Destroyed in 1928;

- Cyprian's Church and Ustinia in Kazan. 1595. Four pillars odnoapsidny temple. Destroyed in the 1930s;

Sergius refectory Church of St. John the Baptist (up to 1775 Trinity) monastery in Sviyazhsk. 1604 year. One-pillar odnoapsidny temple ward type the basement. Preserved;

- the Church of Constantine and Helen in Sviyazhsk. XVII century. Pillarless free three-apse temple with the refectory. Vaults and drum brick. Preserved;

- Christ Cathedral in Kargopol. in 1562. Patig The%B

- The Church of the Annunciation in the village of Stepanivka Ramensky district of Moscow region. Before 1578. Brick dvukhyadernye the temple groin vault, partly coated with white stone. At the end of the XVII century, the upper hand was rebuilt. In General, the Church preserved;

- Vvedensky Cathedral Bishop's monastery in Serpukhov. XVI century. The five-domed two-column apses of the temple. Built with bricks, outside faced with white stone. Preserved;

- the Church of Michael the Archangel in the village of Sinkovo Ramensky district of Moscow region. Approximately XVI century39. Pillarless odnoapsidny temple. Vaults and drum were brick. In the XIX century on its place was built a brick Church;

- walls Tsareva-Borisov Town (named Borisovo Mozhaisk, Moscow region). The end of XVI century. Destroyed in the beginning of XIX century.

- Trinity (now the Transfiguration) Church in the village of Bolshiye Vyazemy Odintsovsky district, Moscow region. The end of XVI century. Five-headed, four pillars free three-apse Church with two chapels, the basement. Vaults and drums brick. Preserved;

- Preobrazhenskaya Church in the village of the Island of Leninsky district, Moscow region. The end of XVI century. Vaulted Church with two chapels. Preserved;

- The Nativity Church in the village Conversations Vidnovskoe district, Moscow region. The end of XVI century. Vaulted Church with two chapels, the basement. Basement, rectangular and apse of white stone, brick vaulted top. Preserved, except for the side-chapels;

- The exaltation of the cross Cathedral of the Cross Cue-Ostrovsky monastery (Onega district, the Arkhangelsk region). 1657-1661 years. Three-headed look apses of the temple. The upper part of the square (above the chorus) - granite boulders and brick. Preserved, except for two small heads40;

- the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in the town of Kargopol. 1678-1680 years. The five-domed pillarless odnoapsidny the

Благовещенская церковь в Каргополе. 1682–1692 годы. Пятиглавый четырехстолпный трехапсидный храм. Своды и барабаны кирпичные. Сохранилась;

Resurrection Church in the town of Kargopol. The end of the XVII century. Five-headed, four pillars apses of the temple. Vaults and drums brick. Preserved;

- The Church of the Rest of Lyapun (Nikolo-Lyapunov) in Kazan. 1695 year. Odnoapsidny Church without columns of type "octagon on square" with a refectory. Dismantled in 1964;

Resurrection Church in the village Kolychevo Domodedovo district of the Moscow%D

- Znamenskaya Church in the settlement of dubrovitsy Podolsky district, Moscow region. 1690-1704 years. Centric towering temple in the forms of Western European Baroque. Survived.

A total of 44 buildings, one of them completely or partially preserved 30.


Thus, only in old Russia, we know 120 white-stone buildings of them completely or partially preserved 54, including 49 - in the territory of the Russian Federation.





1. In the absence of additional links section 2.1 cm.: O.M. ioannisyan Main stages of development of the Galician architecture. In the book: Old Russian art. Art culture's-the first half of the XIII century, M. 1988. C. 41-58.

2. Zagraevsky SV Yuri Dolgoruky and old white-stone architecture. M., 2002 (hereinafter - Zagraevsky, 2002). C. 29.

3. O.M. ioannisyan TO the question about the Dating of ancient stone Church in the tract Swinarski in the vicinity of ancient Halych. In the book: Problems of studying old Russian architecture (architectural and archaeological readings dedicated to the memory Rappoport 15-19 January 1990.). SPb., 1996. C. 83.

4. In the absence of additional links section 2.2 cm.: Zagraevsky SV New study of architectural monuments of Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-reserve. M., 2008.

5. Melnik A.G. New data on the assumption Cathedral in Rostov Veliky. In the book: Restoration and architectural archeology. New materials and research. M., 1991. C. 125-135 mA.

6. In the absence of additional links section 3.1 cm.: Antipov IV of the old Russian architecture in the second half of the XIII century to the first third of the XIV century, SPb, 2000.

7. O.M. ioannisyan, Torshin E.N., P.L. Zykov Church of Boris and Gleb in Rostov the Great. In the book: Old Russian art. Rus. Byzantium. The Balkans. XIII century. SPb, 1997. C. 232.

8. Zagraevsky SV Architecture of North-Eastern Russia the end of the XIII-the first third of the XIV century. M., 2003 (hereinafter - Zagraevsky, 2003). C. 47.

9. In the absence of additional links section 3.4 cm.: Voronin N.N. The decree. cit., so 2.

10. Zagraevsky, 2003, with

11. Там же, с. 76.

12. При отсутствии дополнительных ссылок в разделе 3.5 см.: Voronin N.N. The decree. cit., so 2. N.N. Voronin believed that the white-stone basement of the resurrection Church in Kolomna is preserved part of the white stone Church of the XIV century (Voronin N.N. The decree. cit., so 2, S. 194), but research BL Altshuller and MH aleshkovskii showed that the brick Church of the resurrection on the white-stone basement was built in XVI century (B.L. Altshuler Monuments of architecture of Moscow Russia the second half of XIV-early XV centuries (new studies). The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of architecture. As a manuscript. M., 1978. C. 44). Accordingly, the Church of the resurrection inclusion in the register is not subject.

13. Zagraevsky, 2003. C. 50.

14. Ibid., C. 56-62.

15. Ibid., C. 87.

16. Ibid, 106 S..

17. Kavelmaher CENTURIES, Panova ETC. Remnants of the white-stone Church of the XIV century in the Cathedral square of the Moscow Kremlin. In the book: Culture of medieval Moscow XIV-XVII centuries M, 1995. C. 66.

18. Zagraevsky, 2003. C. 46.

19. Voronin N.N. The decree. cit., so 2, S. 158.

20. Zagraevsky, 2003. C. 22.

21. A.A. Sukhanov the Basement of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin according to the architectural and archaeological studies of the twentieth century. In the book: Art monuments of the Moscow Kremlin. Materials and research. Vol. 16. M., 2003. C. 171.

22. Ibid.

23. Belyaev L.A. Ancient monasteries of Moscow (con. XIII-beginning of the XV centuries), according to archeology. M., 1994. C. 47-72.

24. Zagraevsky SV inthe survey of the architectural history of the Cathedral of the Saviour of the Andronikov monastery. M., 2008.

25. Vygolov VP Architecture of Moscow Rus middle of the XV century. M., 1988. C. 40.

26. Zagraevsky SV Architectural history of the Church Trifon Naprudnom and origin groin vault. M., 2008.

27. Ibid.

28. Rabinovich MG Excavations 1946-1947, in Moscow at the mouth of the Yauza. In the book: Materials and researches on archeology of the USSR, materials and researches on archeology of Moscow. So 2. No. 12. M.-Leningrad, 1949. C. 20; Batalov A.L. Moscow stone architecture of the end of XVI century. M., 1996. C. 64.

29. Zagraevsky, 2003. C. 64.

30. The Bulkin, VA, A. M. Salimov assumption Cathedral of the founding of the monastery in XV-XVI centuries. In the book: Tver, Tver region and adjacent territories during middle ages. Vol. 1. Tver, 1996. C. 79-84; Chvorostov EL assumption Cathedral of the founding of the monastery in Tver (problems of reconstruction). In the book: Tver archaeological collection. Vol. 4, so 2. Tver, 2001. C. 346.

31. Zagraevsky, 2003. C. 23-36.

32. Ibid., C. 34.

33. There W the%B

34. Vygolov VP Nikolsky Cathedral of St. Anthony " s Krasnokholmsky monastery (the last quarter of XV century). In the book: Monuments of Russian architecture and monumental art. Space and plastic. M., 1991. C. 3-27.

35. Chvorostov EL, Galasiewicz A.A. staritskaya the white house of the XVI century In the book: Restoration and research of the monuments of culture. Vol. IV. M, 2001. C. 66-74.

36. Zagraevsky S.V. TO a question of %D2006. M., 2009. С. 616–624.

37. Там же.

38. The author expresses his gratitude to the Deputy Director of historical-architectural and art Museum-reserve "the Kazan Kremlin" on scientific work NH Khalitova and SPELESTOLOGY from Naberezhnye Chelny AA gun'ko for consultations on the white stone buildings of Kazan.

39. Kavelmaher CENTURY Monument of architecture XVI-of XVIII centuries - the Church of Michael the Archangel in the village of Sinkovo Ramensky district of Moscow region. The article is on the web-site; Zagraevsky SV Architectural history of the Church Trifon Naprudnom and origin groin vault. M., 2008.

40. The author expresses his gratitude to the Director of Onega Museum AA Krysanova for consultations on the temples of the island Kyi.


Moscow, 2006.


© Sergey Zagraevsky

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