To the page “Scientific works”
V. Zagraevsky
history of
the origin of the cross-like ceiling
Published in Russian: Заграевский С.В. Архитектурная история церкви
Трифона в Напрудном и происхождение крещатого свода. М.: Алев-В, 2008. ISBN 5-94025-092-0.
The research of Professor S.V. Zagraevsky
is dedicated to one of the earliest survived monuments of
The Appendix contains historical
information on the temple (by N.B. Gorbachev).
This publication is a donation of Professor
S.V. Zagraevsky to
The following text
was translated from Russian original by the computer program
and has not yet been
So it can be used
only for general introduction.
General provisions
Fig. 1. The Church Trifon Naprudnom. General view.
Fig. 2. The Church Trifon Naprudnom. The plan (by L.
Trifonovskaya - centric, covered with groin vault (with the cloistered
vault with two pairs of intersecting strikings and a hole in the center for
drum - Fig. 3, 4). The dome and the drum is made of small bricks size 224 x 110
x 45 mm2. Facades, crossed blades and horizontal brick profiled
cornice are trifoliynoe (three-way) completion. The shoulders are decorated
profiled bases and capitals. The basic motive profile cornices, archivolt,
imposts, bases and capitals - striping simplest calving, mainly shelves and
Fig. 3. The Church Trifon Naprudnom. The vault.
Fig. 4. The Church Trifon Naprudnom. The section on
North-South (by L. David).
The base drum decorated with corbel arches. Profile archivolt kokoshniki
repeats (fewer calving) horizontal ledges, separating trifolii from walls. In
the same style made capitals blades and a basement. Several more diverse
profile archivolt trifoliynogo complete facades (two shelves significantly
wider than the other), but it does not violate strict and consistent pattern
decoration of the temple.
Portals with ogee, mnogoobrazii imposts and kanalirovaniya beads typical
of the early
The feeling of elevation is particularly impressive, as formally
proportions of the Church Trifon very stocky. When the external dimensions of
the square, constituting approximately 8 x 8 m (with account of the apse - 12 x
8 m; the parameters are given approximately, since the temple has carelessly
broken plan - see Fig. 2) height from the base to the top of the ledge is about
3.9 m, i.e. less than half the width. Height to top of Le trifole about 7.5 m,
i.e. less than the width. The total height of the Church from the bottom of the
podium to the top of the dome is also small - about 11,8 m (for example, the
quadrangle of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky has the most
squat proportions all over the pre-Mongolian Church architecture of
North-Eastern Russia, but if we look away from his interior choirs and pillars,
the Church Trifon Naprudnom there free will?
The interior of the
The Foundation of the temple in Naprudnom arranged on a large building for
such a small depth (almost 2 m) and is made of large boulders on the clay,
covered with two rows of hewn white stone blocks.
At the beginning of the XIX century West of the Church Trifon were built
the belfry and refectory (by this time in a temple have been broken new window,
nalozena corners Le trifole, arranged hipped roof, the drum has been highly
decorative dome of the temple was finished). In 1825 the Church was built South
Nicholas chapel, in 1861 -
The restoration work 1930-1940-s under the guidance of PD Baranowski and
L. David has released a monument of the late additions and gave him the
appearance close to the original3.
Chronicle dates Trifon Church has not. In the XIX-first
half of XX century about it was dated from the
middle of the XVI century4. La David
suggested earlier Dating - between 1479 and 1492 for years5. This
date has found a wide response in the popular literature, with some
reservations (closer to 1500) was adopted Vl.v.sedovym6, but was not
taken V. kavelmaherom7, SS pod'yapol'skii8 and Alinalove9
holding on to the Dating of the second half of the XVI century.
In recent years, on the basis of proximity of Dating David L. and
construction equipment Trifonovskaya Church and date construction techniques of
the Moscow Uspenie Cathedral 1475-1479 period (white-stone walls and brick
vaults) the authorship of the Church in Naprudnom sometimes attributed to
Aristotle Fioravanti10.
The question of the masters Trifonovskaya Church we explore in paragraph
6, and now need to consider all the reasons put forward by various scholars for
one or another Dating temple. Let's start with a later date - middle-second
half of the XVI century.
Odnoapsidnosti, besstolpnosti and availability groin vault for such
Dating is not enough. Odnoapsidny were the first Cathedral of the Annunciation
in the Moscow Kremlin11 (end of XIV
century12), and the Cathedral Bobreneva monastery near Kolomna (most
likely Dating - XV century)9 and many of
Novgorod churches XIII-XV
centuries, and many temples of the XVI century with groin vaults of the Church
of St. Nicholas in Kolomna 1501 (support dates, see paragraph 4), Nikola in Red
bells middle of the XVI century, the Trinity in the Fields 1565-1566 years,
etc. And when the architecture of Ancient Russia appeared the phenomenon, as a
centric Church without columns with a groin vault, we do not know (%D
We also do not know where in ancient architecture appeared small brick,
and therefore the fact of its use in Trifonovskaya Church did not clarify can14.
The lower bound of the date of its appearance - along with large
"industrial" brick technology Fioravanti15, i.e. the
second half of 1470-ies.
Kavelmaher in the early 1980-ies found under the existing Church of
Archangel Michael in the village Sinkova Ramensky district of Moscow region
(XIX century) remains small pillarless odnoapsidny temple16 (Fig.
5). Found the temple was built in the technique, similar to the technique
Trifonovskaya Church (wall - well-treated white stone arches - small brick).
The researcher was Dating both of the temple middle of the XVI
Fig. 5. The Church of Archangel Michael in Sinkova.
South facade. Sketch of reconstruction Kavelmahera.
But the closer the date of the churches in Sinkova and Naprudnom could
not be justified for the following reasons:
- the Church in Sinkova had a unique plan with a shifted to the North
apse, unique asymmetrical facade and a vaulted roof;
- due to a significant shift drum to the East in Sinkovsky the temple
could not be groin vault;
- date of the Church in Sinkova unknown to us as the date of the Church
in Naprudnom.
A. Batalov believed that the temple Trifon "white-stone masonry is
not only the walls of the square, but Le trifole in combination with a groin
vault, built from the small size of bricks, finds direct analogues it in the
monuments of the Grozny period - in the Church of the Annunciation in Stepanovski
and, possibly, in the Church of the Conception of John the Baptist in the
Settlement"17. But actually we do not know neither the18),
or date of restructuring the top "Gorodische" Church in Kolomna of
white stone with terracotta Le trifole and groin vault (see item 4). In
addition, the Church in Stepanovski, unlike churches in Sinkova and Naprudnom,
has a symmetric dvojpanelovy the song, and clutch surviving fragments of its
white stone lining is so chaotic that there are even doubts in its primary.
Thus, no satisfactory reason for Dating Trifonovskaya Church of the
second half of the XVI century, researchers have not
offered. Let us study contains a proof of earlier date - the end of the
XV century.
First, we note that in no case can not take after David L.19
as grounds for Dating bore the
First, the "stove could fall into the masonry much later that time,
as it was dated the date" (Vl.v.sedov20).
Secondly, absolutely fair to the observations Kavelmahera and S.
Podyapolsky, these inscriptions are samples of a font cemetery carvers.
"This formula is a standard cliche of any epitaph, which, depending on the
date of death of the deceased is supplemented by the hundreds, tens and units.
In addition, the gravestones in the 90 years of the XV
century, in the vast majority do not superscribed and those that still
superscribed, superscribed in technology in the proper sense of the word
"graffiti", i.e. scratched" (Kavelmaher)21.
Thirdly, in the opinion of the author of the study, in the face of
laying of the Church houses and blocks with other samples font cemetery
carvers, including more complete inscription with his other hand, but in
identical style - "Summer 7178 (1670) died there" (Fig. 7).
Consequently, the estimated Dating all these labels is not 1492, and 1670 year.
If after David L. use these labels as Dating back to the sign, the Church
Trifon should be attributed to the end of the XVII century, which, of course,
absolutely illegal22.
Fig. 6. The Church Trifon Naprudnom. Blocks with
samples font cemetery cutters ("Summer 7000", "Summer
7000...", "Summer 7000...").
Fig. 7. The Church Trifon Naprudnom. Blocks with
samples font cemetery cutters (including "Summer 7178 passed
Speaking about the possible grounds Dating temple, it must be remembered
is written in the nineteenth century, the legend of the miraculous salvation of
St. Trifon near the village Naprudnom Royal Falconer patrikeeva wrath of Ivan
the terrible23.
The essence of the tradition is the following: in the area Patrikeev
missed the Falcon, and had to find it in three days, otherwise he expected
penalty. With the%
Historical facts testify that Prince Ivan Patrikeev was a real person
and played a prominent role at court, but not of Ivan IV, and of Ivan III,
who in the sixteenth century, also known as the Terrible. To print patrikeeva
was a horseman with a Falcon and this way corresponds to the Russian Orthodox
canonical image of St. Tryphon (including n24.
In connection with the foregoing, the legend of the miraculous salvation
Falconer is of interest, emphasizes the importance of the village Naprudnom (on
the swamps near this village was hunting with falcons and Tsar Alexei
Mikhailovich25), but still, like any popular legend, may not be
sufficient argument in favor of Dating Trifonovskaya temple time of Ivan III.
The generality of construction machinery of the Church of the assumption
Cathedral Trifon Fioravanti (stone walls in combination with brick arches) also
cannot be the reason for Dating temple in Naprudnom. Mixed brick-and-stone
technique used in Russia and to the construction in 1475-1479 by the Moscow
Cathedral (for example, the Novgorod Church of St. Nicholas in Lipno the end of
XIII century), and after (for example, the resurrection
Cathedral in Volokolamsk the turn of the XV and XVI centuries,
the Church of Archangel Michael in Sinkova XVI century).
Stylistic analysis also can not give conclusive Dating Church Trypho, as
we do not know centric pillarless churches with similar proportions and decor26.
The only temple, relatively close Trifonovskaya (centric, pillarless,
odnoapsidny, covered with groin vault, with a relatively uncluttered decor and
built in the half-rubble white-engineering in combination with a small brick) -
Anna Church of Conception "in the Corner" in China-town (Fig. 8) -
not yet dated to a satisfactory degree dostave%
Fig. 8. The Church of the Conception Anna "in the
Corner". Reconstruction Of David L..
The Nativity Church in the village Yurkin Istra district, Moscow region,
dated back to 1504 (Fig. 9; support dates, see paragraph 4), which Vl.v.sedov
thought construction of almost simultaneously with Trifonovskaya27much
closer to a "Renaissance" in the construction of Vasily III.
It applied and terracotta friezes, and arched niches around the Windows, and
Italianate portals.
Fig. 9. The Church of the Nativity in Yurkin.
Reconstruction Kavelmahera.
Of course, at the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ and Tryphon has a
number of similarities (Vl.v.sedov noted characteristic ribs at the vertices of
spandrel arch, "Renaissance" profiles archivolt three Gables and
orderly nature of the blades with a dedicated profiled bases and capitals28),
but still sufficient for convergence dates they serve can't. In Konz is%
Dating trait cannot be and horizontal position of small vaults of
strikings groin vault Trifonovskaya Church: horizontal these small vaults were
not only in the Church of the Nativity in Yurkin, but in the Church of the
ascension (Isidore the blessed in Rostov Veliky (1566).
Thus, a satisfactory reason for this or Dating Trifonovskaya Church
researchers did not offer, and we have to consider the date of the temple
arguments against a late date
in the Church Trifon
First we show that Trifonovskaya Church could not be built in the
middle-second half of the XVI century.
In the Byzantine Empire, the Church building from plinfy or in a mixed -
"opus mixtum" (hereinafter, for simplicity we will call both of these
techniques plinfyanymi). Stone built only in certain suburbs of Byzantium, and
then only because the mountains and deserts were clay plinthite. Plinthite was
the construction of Kiev, Novgorod, Pskov, Polotsk, Smolensk, Chernigov,
Pereslavl-South, Vladimir, Volhynia and all other ancient lands, except for the
Galician and Suzdal, where the pre-Mongolian time the vast majority of Church
buildings were built of white stone.
According to calculations, the present author of the study in the book
"Yuri Dolgoruky and the old white-stone architecture"29,
white-stone building in Suzdal was more than ten times more expensive
plinfyanogo (due to, first, incomparably more complex extraction and processing
of stone; secondly, its transportation to several hundred kilometers from the
quarries that were in the area of modern Myachkovo, Podolsk and Domodedovo30).
Reliability of buildings, built of white stone, in the Russian climate was
significantly lower Printania31. Often sung in the popular
literature white color of the stone was not his advantage: Printania walls were
plastered and whitewashed, and the white-stone building in a few years after
the construction was dull gray from the smoke ovens and frequent fires, and the
practice of cleaning them appeared only in the XIX century.
Thus, the white stone as a building material produced by the
But in the middle of the XII century, when in North-Eastern Russia began
white-stone building, the Byzantines had been weakened and does not constitute
a significant force in the international arena. And in Western Europe during
Romanesque and high Gothic construction of various types of stone showed the
state power and Imperial ideology, plinfy there were built only minor
construction of a civil nature and temples in the poorer outlying regions.
Western European example and made Suzdal (in 1120-ies - Galician) princes go to
white stone building is expensive and unreliable, but the "Imperial"32.
The author of this study showed33 that is the immediate
precursor of white stone temples of Ancient Russia was a huge Romanesque
Cathedral (the tombs of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire"), built in
1029-1106 years in the German city of Speyer (Fig. 10). It is very likely that
there is, in Speyer, were "trained" the first old Russian masters
"stone cases.
Fig. 10. The Imperial Cathedral of Speyer.
Thus, the prestigious white stone building became a "business
card" of two dynamic principalities and Halych, and Suzdal. In order to
build a "Imperial", Galicia and Suzdal princes spared neither effort
nor money. And if Galich in the middle of XIII century was absorbed by Poland
and Lithuania, the Vladimir-Suzdal land became the basis for future%
This is of great importance for the white-stone building in Russian
history. It has become one of the main components of the process of entering
Ancient Russia among the major European powers, a process interrupted for a
long time only the Tatar-Mongol invasion.
It is noteworthy that even in the hardest times of the Mongol yoke
wizard of North-Eastern Russia is not switched on cheap and reliable plinthite,
and continued to build exclusively "European" white stone. And,
apparently, it was one of the factors that allowed the Vladimir-Suzdal Grand
Duchy caught "ulus" Horde, not to lose their spiritual independence,
reset hated yoke and be reborn under a new name - the Moscow Rus.
And only in the end of XV century, when the masters of the Western
European Renaissance completely switched to a much more reliable, cheap and
practical brick construction, expression of state power and Imperial ideology
in the stone lost its meaning. Then in Moscow Russia there was a widespread
adoption of bricks.
Since that time, for ancient architecture white stone churches - a rare
exception. They were built, as a rule, near the quarries - in Volokolamsk
(Voskresensky Cathedral, the turn of the XV and XVI centuries),
Sinkova (Archangel Mikhail Church, the XVI century), the Island
(Transfiguration Church, end of the XVI century), Conversations (the Church of
the Nativity of Christ, the end of the XVI century), Staritsa (the assumption
Cathedral, 1530 year), Serpukhov (the Bishop's Cathedral of the monastery, the
XVI century), Kazan (the Annunciation Cathedral 1556-1562 years and others),
Sviyazhsk (Cathedral of the Dormition monastery 1555-1561, and others),
Kargopol (Nativity Cathedral in 1562, and others), the Great Vyazemy (Trinity,
now the Transfiguration, the Church, end of the XVI century), Kolychev (the
resurrection Church, 1697), Dubrovitsa (Znamenskaya Church, 1690-1704 years).
In these cases, the huge complexity of transportation of stone%2
The last dated uniquely large white stone temples, built on a large (a
few tens of kilometers) away from the quarries, were two of the Moscow
Cathedral of the Assumption - Myshkin and Krivtsov (1472-1474) and Fioravanti
(1475-1479). The logic of their construction of white stone is clear: at this
time in Russia the fact that the use of this material was still expressed the
Grand is%34. But once arrived after Fioravanti Pietro Antonio
Solari, Aleviz Fryazin "Old"Bon Fryazin, New Aleviz and other Italian
architects began in the Kremlin massive brick building, the expression of the
Grand ambitions in white stone has lost meaning.
Therefore, since the end of XV century, exceptions to the General rule
of construction of white stone churches near the quarries very little: it Nikon
Church (Nikon chapel of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra
(the bottom of the temple, Dating from 1548 year35 faced with white
stone; rebuilt in 1623 the top of the temple brick), the Dormition Cathedral in
Rostov (the beginning of the XVI century36; the interior of the
Church is faced with white stone), the Church of Nikita for Yauza (1530-s - see
item 4) and considered in this study Church Trifon Naprudnom and conception of
Anne in China-town.
Motivation facing Nikon white stone Church is clear: it needed to
"stylize" under the nearby Holy Trinity Cathedral (in this way was
stylized and motive arcature of the decoration of the square Nikon's Church -
under neighbouring the Church of Holy Spirit). Rostov Cathedral of the
assumption, and the Church of Nikita date from before the middle of the XVI
century, it was still able to act "inertia" special prestige of the
white-stone building, besides the builders of the Rostov Cathedral had a huge
number of white stone left over from the previous temples 1161-1162 and
1213-1231 years).
Therefore, we have to date before the middle of the XVI century and the
Church of Trifon Naprudnom and conception of Anne in China-town, otherwise
their construction in the white stone has lost all logic. And to explain the
huge additional costs mere coincidence is hardly appropriate.
There is another reason why we cannot accept the Dating of the Church
Trifon middle of XVI
Naprudnom since the days of Ivan Kalita was Grand village and was
mentioned in a number of spiritual diplomas. In 1505, Ivan III, bequeathed
to his son Dmitri "in Moscow hamlet Naprudnoe with courtyards and urban
The concept of "hamlet," usually meant a small settlement with
the Church and (or) master's house in the centre (in contrast to "the
village" - the large settlement with a Church and / or the estate in the
center, "selishka" - a small village with a Church,
"settlements" very large settlements with several churches, or
burnt-out village with the remnants of housing)38. In the case of
"hamlet" Naprudnom we see that it has gravitated towards the city and
townspeople yards, therefore, its value was great. About a legend, also
emphasizing the importance of "hamlet," we said in paragraph 1. And
most importantly - Naprudnoe was the property of the Grand Duke.
And the Church Trifon Naprudnom small in size, has a squat proportions,
poor decor, simple "early Moscow" portals and carelessly broken plan
(Fig. 2). By the middle of XVI century in
significant Grand (1547 - Royal) suburban villages have already been built
these temples, both of the ascension in Kolomenskoye and beheading of St. John
the Baptist in Djakova. Put them in one row Trifonovskaya, of course,
impossible. For example, A. Batalov, dated Church in Naprudnom 1560-years (see
item 1), was compelled to note that it would be time for this
"arhasarak" monument39.
Even such a small boyar manorial churches of the first half of the XVI
century, both of the Nativity in Yurkin, of the Annunciation in the
Annunciation Pogost40 and Cover in Chirkina (see item 4) have a more
graceful proportions, more luxurious and more perfect construction equipment
than the Grand Church Tryphon. Therefore, probably earlier construction of the
great princes of the Church on the estate, and not Vice versa.
Origin groin vault
We approached the subject, it is crucial for our study: the definition of
the earliest known to us centric pillarless churches groin vault. To do this,
you must first consider the more General question - origin groin vault.
Everyelse advanced the hypothesis that the groin vault was transformed
from a cloistered vault with angular herds, applied in the Novgorod Church of
St. Nicholas in Lipno (1292)41. But, of course, the only example is
very high (by definition S. Podyapolsky, almost pyramid42) of the
body with angular herds four pillars in the temple cannot be considered as a predecessor
groin vault is relatively low, but is able to cover large pillarless space due
to overlapping pairs strikings. These structures do not have anything in common
either in engineering or in the architectural plan.
A. Batalov believed that churches with groin vaults that have installed
an early date, " Christmas in Yurkin (see paras. 1 and 4), the
Annunciation in the Old Vagankovo (1514-1518) and of St. Prophet Elijah at the
Auction (1519-1520), were built by Italian masters43. Accordingly,
the researcher proposed "to discuss the Italian version of the origin of
this design"44.
But it should be noted that no information about the construction of the
Church of the Nativity in Yurkin and Ilya on Trade Italian masters we do not
have, and Italianate nature of the decoration of these temples are not
necessarily mean their building it Italians. Considers the%
But even if we consider fair the hypothesis about the construction of
all three of these temples Italian masters, for proof of Italian origin groin vault
still requires its prototype in Italy (otherwise we can assume that the Italian
masters reproduced already known in Russia design - just as they play a cross
shape temples). But no matter what the specific Italian prototypes groin vault
A. Batalov not indicated45. The author of this study are prototypes
are also unknown.
Prototypes groin vault in the architecture of Northern Italy tried to
find Daitro46. This position, however the researcher was subjected
to an absolutely valid criticism S. pod'yapol'skii: developed Italianate decor
in a number of early ancient churches groin vault can not be considered as an
Italian source of constructive solutions groin vault. Such a set has nothing to
do with widespread in Italy, an umbrella body, or with a system of intersecting
arches, applied in the narthex of the Church of San Ehwaz in Casale Monferrato
(XIII century)47. On LCA, in the position of Daitrada is a
"search purely external geometric similarity completely ignoring the
constructive sense of this form (groin vault - SZ), in this case two
intersecting arches, without which it is impossible to consider the issues of
S. pod'yapol'skii after David L.49 and VV kavelmaherom50
believed that the groin vault is of Central Asian origin51.
But this position is applicable counterarguments, reverse the arguments
against the "Italian version": there is a similar search for
constructive solutions ("work" arches and strikings) while ignoring
the architectural appearance of the groin vault. In other words, given
researchers parallel with the medieval architecture of Central Asia may
indicate the similarity of some constructive techniques, but in no case is not
about any influences: a complex multi-tiered and multi-arch crossing designs
from the walls to the drums and the domes in the Central Asian mausoleums and
mosques (for example, the mausoleum Ha is%
Fig. 11. The Mausoleum Gauharsar. The plan.
Fig. 12. The Mausoleum Gauharsar. The incision.
Fig. 13. The Mausoleum Ishrat-Khana. The plan.
Fig. 14. The Mausoleum Ishrat-Khana. The incision.
In connection with the foregoing, we reserve the right to put forward
their own vision of the problem. We believe that the Genesis groin vault was
against the%8
The fact that the formal definition groin vault (as cloistered vault
with a light hole and four strikings) creates a wrong stereotype complexity of
its Genesis: in the beginning had to be invented closed vault, and then it was
to "guess" to arrange four Stripping and penetrate the light hole.
But we can show that in fact the thought process of inventors groin
vault was absolutely different and not based on any borrowings or influences,
but on common sense and previous experience of centuries of architects of
Ancient Russia.
How can "remove" from the classic old centric four pillars of
the temple pillars, obscure and zatesnyayuschie inner space?
Such attempts were made before the turn of the XV and XVI centuries, but
they inevitably led either to a significant reduction of the sizes of churches
(examples - many small temples with no columns covered one torispherical arch
or "in Pskov" - is a torispherical arch with transverse dismantling),
or to refuse from the corner of compartments, as in the case of erection
instead of the pillars of angular pylons (examples - St. Nicholas Church in the
village of Kamenka and the Church of the Conception of John the Baptist in the
Settlement in Kolomna; both temples date from the early XIV century52).
Therefore, at the turn of the XV and XVI centuries, as in several
previous centuries, the task of bringing the four pillars of the temple without
columns was very relevant and required solutions.
If you just "remove" from the four pillars of the temple (Fig.
15) pillars, the top, except for overlapping angular compartments remain two
intersecting Korobov set, each %
- top - light hole;
- longitudinal - three pairs of arches (mid - supporting, on the sides -
arches over the side aisles).
These vaults in places where the heel arches previously based on
"taken out" pillars, will not rely on that (Fig. 16).
Fig. 15. The conditional scheme of arches, arches and
pillars above the Central nave of the four pillars of the temple.
Fig. 16. Conventional scheme "cut" the
pillars and "care" toe arches up.
In this case suggests the following constructive solution: cut in each of
the two intersecting vaults Korobov not three pairs of longitudinal arch, and
one pair - the entire length of the arch. The four points where arches
previously relied on the pillars will be upwards (Fig. 16), and the whole
structure through the longitudinal arch in intersecting Korobov vaults will
draw on the walls of the temple. In this case, disappear not only the pillars
and arches (Fig. 17).
Fig. 17. The scheme of replacement of three pairs of
longitudinal arch of one pair for the entire length of the temple (same
It is important to accurately determine the depth of cutting through the
longitudinal pairs of intersecting arches in Korobov vaults:
- if the arches were too high (carved on the whole height of the code),
then the upper body near the light holes would be too thin;
- if the arches were too flat, the overlap would not be reliable;
- optimal depth of cutting through gave the opportunity to build not
only a reliable cruciform design of the intersecting vaults Korobov, but also
to make a smooth transition to the corner compartments from overlapping areas.
Naturally, one longitudinal pair of arches on the whole length of the arch (Fig. 17) was still too steep and could not carry the same load as the three couples with the same total span, based in the middle on the pillars. It took a certain decrease of the size of the temple, increasing the height of the dome and the maximum relief mid-construction. Hence, the forced mind the%B
Fig. 18. Bringing the proportions set, a pair of
longitudinal arch and the drum to the actual proportions of temples with groin
In the end it was invented by a unique code, which crossed torispherical
vaults with carved into them longitudinal arches played the role of four
strikings, and in the center was a light hole. Such a set and became known
under the name groin.
It should be noted that the groin vault not only preserved, but much
more clearly revealed the characteristic of classical temple's cross
"sacred" the shape of a cross. In order to consider the shape of the
cross inscribed in four pillars (and even more famous mosque) temple, even when
you look at the plan requires some imagination, but from inside the Church this
And since, as we have shown above, any direct or indirect analogues of
this architectural solution anywhere in the world, we must assume that the
groin vault was invented in Ancient Russia (to be precise - in the Moscow Grand
Duchy) without any borrowing or influences. The roots of such a set lie
exclusively in the old Russian architecture and the direct predecessors of
churches with groin vaults are centric four-column temples.
On the origin of the masters, developed and first applied this positive
phenomenon, we'll talk in paragraph 6.
Temples with groin vaults,
Dating from before the middle
of the XVI century
Now we can try to answer the question, in what we know of the Church
building was first erected groin vault. For this it is necessary first of all
to list all the temples, which are known (at least hypothetically)that they had
a set and they were (or could be) built before the mid - XVI
1. The Church Trifon Naprudnom. The white-stone Church
in the village of Grand Prince. The groin vault. History of Dating the Church,
we examined in detail in paragraph 1.
2. The Church of the Conception Anna "in the
Corner" in China-town. Outside the white-stone Church with a groin vault.
Churchwarden unknown. For the first time the Church was mentioned in Chronicles
in 1493 year in connection with the great Moscow fire: "And from the city
bargaining caught fire, and thence Posad vigora near the Moscow river to
Zachatie at the Sharp end"53.
Until the mid-twentieth century it was considered that the existing
Church was built before 1493, had four pillars of the plan and arches, and in
the middle of the XVI century was rebuilt became
pillarless and was covered by a brick groin vault54. After research
and restoration of the monument, conducted by David L. 1954-1957 years, the
primacy groin vault is beyond doubt, but was questioned Dating until 1493, as
in the above message about the fire could say and a wooden Church55.
Following an early date Church Trifon Naprudnom, L. David noted a number
of distinctive stylistic%56. Currently, researchers often dated to
the temple by L. David57 although in popular literature is still
dominated by "classical" date - until 149358.
Dating questions New Church will discuss in paragraph 6.
3. The Church of the Nativity in Yurkin. Brick Church in
the boyar Golohvastov. The groin vault.
"Classic" Dating of the Church (the turn of the XV and XVI
centuries59)associated with chiterstva deceased to 1504 boyar60.
In a work devoted to yurkinskomu temple, Kavelmaher based on the study
of the history of the family Golohvastov confirmed ktitorstvo ys Golohvastov
and, consequently, loyalty to the "classic" Dating is to 150461.
4. Church of St. Nicholas in Kolomna. Townsman,
"merchant" brick Church. The groin vault. In the mid-twentieth
century temple Dating from the first third of the mid- XVI century62.
In 1980-ies Aviswana found in the inventory Kolomna churches 1786 text
Church-grant grammota inscriptions of the Church of St. Nicholas: "
rock shows: summer 7009 (1501) in memory of the Holy prophet Amos covered this
Church... when Nobleborn Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasiljevich, and when the
Bishop of Kolomna Josyf zameshcheniem guest Vasily Ivanov Yurieva"63.
The authenticity of the text has been questioned Alinalove64.
Researchers believe that these inventory person could not live under Ivan III
(Joseph was Bishop of Kolomna in 1565-1569 years, and the merchant Vasily
Ivanov Yuriev known only in the first half of the XVII century). But it is
doubtful whether this criticism is fair.
The fact that the Foundation of the Church was in the year of death of
the Bishop of Kolomna Abraham. The next Bishop - Nikon - was chirotonia65
and who was the vicar bishops of the chair between the death of Abraham and his
consecration, Nikon, we do not know. Given that at that time was the middle of
the fight between the "Josephites" and "non-possessors",
could be even more candidates on establecimento, and any of them could insist
on the mortgage loan the Board of the temple he was named Bishop. And
merchants, who wore very commonly used name of Vasily Ivanov St. George, in
Kolomna could be a lot at all times.
Thus, we must accept the message inventory in 1786 and to date the
Church of St. Nicholas 1501 year.
5. The Church of the Annunciation in the Old Vagankovo
(Moscow). Brick Church in the village of Grand Prince, in the XVI century in
Moscow townsmen. The Church was built in the years 1514-1518 one of the Italian
architects, known under the name Aleviz66. Have not survived.
Trifoliynoe completion of facades, known to us by lithography AA Martynov and
im Snegireva67 (Fig. 19), allows to assume that the temple was groin
Fig. 19. The Church of the Annunciation in the Old Vagankovo.
Lithography AA Martynov and im Snegireva.
However, this is only a hypothesis: the temple when Trifolium completion
of facades could be four pillars, "Novgorod" type (as the Church of
Paraskeva Pyatnitsa on Speculations, 1207, assumption on Volotovo box 1352 year
of our Savior on Ilyina street 1374 year). Church of the Annunciation could be
pillarless, but refer to the "Pskov" type", i.e. to have
torispherical arch with transverse dismantling (as the Church of Nikita
Gusyatnikov 1470, Sunday in the Empty 1496; in paragraph 6, we show that such a
set when Trifolium completion of the facades had and built by craftsmen Moscow
Church of the presentation in the Field 1482-1485 years68).
The hypothesis is that some of the other churches (including the great),
built in Moscow by Aleviz in 1514-1518, respectively, could also be groin
6. The Church of Elijah the Prophet in Ilyinka street
(Moscow). Originally Elias monastery Cathedral, churchwarden - merchant Klim muzhilo.
Material of construction - brick. The groin vault69. 1519-1520
7. Aisles to the Moscow monastery's Cathedral of the
Saviour on the Bor 1527 (material of construction - brick). Their trifoliynoe
conclusion suggests that they had groin vault70. However, all the
doubts expressed by us in relation to the availability of groin vault in the
Church of the Annunciation in the Old Vagankovo and other temples are also
applicable here.
8. The Cathedral of the Ivanovo monastery in Moscow.
Conditional date - around 153071. Material of construction - brick.
The Church has not survived. On the pliers completion of facades, known to us
by lithographs May the%72 you can assume that the temple had a groin
vault. But here also apply all the doubts expressed by us on the arches of the
Church of the Annunciation in the Old Vagankovo and other temples of Aleviz.
9. The Church of St. Nicholas in Butcher (Moscow).
Townsman, "merchant" brick Church. The groin vault. The Church has
not survived. Dates from either the middle of the XVI century73, or
the first third of the century74.
10. The Church of St. Nicholas in Red bells in
China-town. Townsman, "merchant" brick Church. Have not survived. In
lithography and description AA Martynov and im Snegireva can hypothetically
assume that the temple when she coverage had groin vault75. Dating
David L. - to 155176.
11. The Church of Martyr Nikita for Yauza (Moscow).
Townsman, "merchant" white-stone Church with brick groin vault.
Probably Dating the early 1530's77. Rebuilt in 1595.
12. Pokrovskaya Church in the village Chirkina Stupino
district, Moscow region. Manorial Church boyars Sheremetevs. Material of
construction - brick. The top of the temple was rebuilt, but the likely initial
groin vault. Relative Dating to the first half of the XVI century78.
13. The Church of the Conception of John the Baptist in
the Settlement in Kolomna. The main volume of the Church is with rough white
stone masonry refers to the beginning of XIV century79. In the XVI
century, when the Settlement was the residence of the Bishop of Kolomna, the
top of the temple was rebuilt from well-treated white stone with the
construction of brick groin vault. Altshuler assumed that the restructuring
could take place in the beginning of XVI century80.
14. The chapel Nikita the Stylite to the Cathedral,
Nikitsky monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky. The groin vault. The material of
construction%281)that prior to the erection of a large monastic
Church 1561-1564 years he was detached temple82, - in this case, it
can be dated to the first half of the XVI century.
15. The Church Antipov at carriage court (Moscow).
Townsman, "merchant" brick Church. The groin vault. Relative Dating -
middle of the XVI century83but sometimes found in the literature and
Dating 1530 year84.
16. The Church Grebnevskoy icon of the virgin
(assumption) at the Lubyanka in Moscow. Not preserved (reconstruction DP
Sukhova85 shown in Fig. 20). Posad brick Church with Tripoli the%86.
Fig. 20. The Church Grebnevskoy icon of the Theotokos
in Moscow. Reconstruction DP Sukhova.
Probably, the churchwarden wooden Church existed at this place from 1472,
was the Grand Duke (according to the Church lost manuscripts, this temple was
founded in connection with a campaign of Ivan III in Novgorod87).
This allows us hypothetically assume that someone from the Grand Duke was
churchwarden and built on the place of the stone Church.
No more churches groin vault, which could be at least tentatively
attributed to the end of the XV-first half of the XVI century, we do not know.
Sometimes you can read that the groin vaults had not survived brick Church of
Elijah the Prophet in the village of Ilyinskoye near Maloyaroslavets (the
manorial Church princes Ranenyh-Obolensky, relative Dating - beginning-middle
of the XVI century)88 and refectory Church of the Annunciation
monastery of STS near Rostov (1524-1526 years)89. But in fact, in
the first temple was torispherical arch with transverse dismantling90
in the second there was no trifoliynogo complete, and set the original was a
wooden forward91.
the first temple groin vault
So, in addition to levinovsky temples years 1514-1518 who had groin
vaults only hypothetically, and the Church Trifon Naprudnom, we have listed
fourteen estate, construction, and monastic churches, with some degree of
probability, had groin vault and could be built before the middle of the XVI century.
Two of them have the earliest date, determined with a high degree of certainty
- the Nativity in Yurkin and of St. Nicholas in Kolomna.
Yurkinskomu the temple was built minor92 boyar Jacob
Golohvastov, Kolomna - local merchant Vasily Yuriev. Unlikely and Golokhvastov,
and St. George could be "legislators architectural fashion, predetermined
extremely rapid (within ten to twenty years) development of a whole branch of
the ancient architecture.
Much more likely that builds%D
Such point of view was held SS pod'yapol'skii. Quote: "you Can make
a guess that not the last, if not decisive, role here (in the appearance of the
columns of the temples with a characteristic "order" system scenery,
trifoliynym completion and groin vault - SZ) could play a construction in
1510-ies Fryazino Aleviz at the Moscow Posad a series of small churches (on
their particular importance in this respect in the 1920-ies pointed Ni Bruno93).
The only thing that would contradict this assumption is much earlier date of
Kolomna and especially yurkinskoy churches, which, as was said above, can
hardly be considered definitively established"94.
However, SS pod'yapol'skii there conceded that "the Dating of the
first, not extant, churches with groin vaults deprived of the gravitating to
order with the%B95.
We see that the desire to include the construction of the first temple
without columns with a characteristic "order" system scenery,
trifoliynym completion and groin vault to creativity Grand architect Aleviz SS
pod'yapol'skii "donated" quite reliable Dating churches of the
Nativity in Yurkin and of St. Nicholas in Kolomna. The researcher also ignored
the possibility of earlier the construction of churches Trifon Naprudnom and
conception of Anne in China-town - despite the fact that these two centric
Church in the groin vaults almost no "prazhskoe" decoration, i.e.
could be dated to the end XV century and
But, with exceptional severity of the early Dating of these four churches,
clearly having groin vault, SS pod'yapol'skii lost sight of the fact that we
have no confidence in the groin vault at least one of the eleven churches of
Aleviz. As we said in paragraph 4, the Church of the Annunciation in the Old
Vagankovo known to us only by lithographs AA Martynov and im Snegireva, i.e. it
when Trifolium completion of facades could be four pillars or have
torispherical arch with transverse dismantling. The hypothesis is that some of
the other churches (including the great), erected by Aleviz in 1514-1518,
respectively, could also be groin vault.
In connection with the foregoing, we cannot accept the view SS
Podyapolsky for the construction of the first centric pillarless temple
trifoliynym completion and groin vault Italian architect Aleviz in 1514-1518,
But the logic of the construction of the first building of this type is
Grand architect sees absolutely valid, and then only
It is important to note that the Church Trifon not only clearly has a
groin vault (unlike the churches in the Old Vagankovo and other temples
Aleviz), is not only clearly belongs to chiterstva Grand Prince96
(unlike the churches Grebnevskoy icon where churchwarden defined only
hypothetically), but not built on the tenements, and in the rustic village of
Grand Prince is actually in the%
In favor of early Dating of the temple in Naprudnom say and the fact
that its construction of white stone away from the quarry (see item 2), and
simple "early Moscow" portals, and not a rich decor of the Church.
For example, the Church Grebnevskoy icon of the virgin decorated with a much
richer (see Fig. 20).
Thus, we believe that the Church Trifon Naprudnom was the first
temple without columns trifoliynym completion and groin vault.
In this regard, we have to date its construction significantly earlier
churches of the Nativity in Yurkin (up 1504) and of St. Nicholas in Kolomna
(1501), so as to ensure that the new type of the temple was perceived in Yurkin
and Kolomna, must pass a lot of time.
We can specify the date Church Tryphon, drawing attention to the Great
Zion of Vladimir assumption Cathedral (Fig. 21), the upper part of which (the
work of Moscow artists) dated by 148697.
Fig. 21. Great Zion assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.
Voronin drew the Zion for his reconstructions of St. George's Cathedral
in Yuryev-Polsky (1230-1234 years)98 and the first assumption
Cathedral in Moscow (1326-1327 years)99believing that trifoliynoe
completion of Zion corresponds to a hypothetical trifoliynogo completion of
these temples.
But we cannot agree that Zion reproduces the completion of the first
George and assumption cathedrals, for the following reasons:
- first, trifoliynoe completion of the temples has no analogues in the
surviving monuments of architecture of North-Eastern Russia in XII-XIV
- secondly, St. George's Cathedral collapsed for many decades to
manufacture in 1486 the top of Zion, the first assumption Cathedral was
dismantled in 1472, i.e. for 14 years until 1486. Even if these churches were
indeed trifoliynye completion, it is unlikely that the "historical
memory" of the Moscow jewelers has been so long. It is hardly lawful to
approach the XV century by the standards of our time, when the destruction of
the monument of architecture is so extraordinary and tragic event that can be
picked up in the works of decorative art. During the reign of Ivan III there
was no concept or on the protection of monuments of architecture, nor to
perpetuate their memory. Accordingly, for craftsmen of that time much more
likely to focus not on the ancient and the modern samples;
- third, the architectural and archaeological data, from AV Stoletov,
indicate that the pedestal drum George%D100;
- fourth, the author of this study showed that the first assumption
Cathedral in Moscow had the pedestal is not processed Le trifole and innovative
From all this it follows that the Le trifole in Zion plays completed and
cathedrals, destroyed many years before its manufacture, and
"landmark" temple built shortly before 1486 and had considerable
resonance among old Russian masters. We know only one such temple - trifoliynym
completion, Grand, who became, as we showed above, "the legislator
architectural fashion for decades to come, the Church Trifon Naprudnom.
Thus, as of the date Trifonovskaya Church, you can take the time
interval since the mid-1470-ies (the appearance of "industrial"
brick technology Fioravanti102) to mid 1480-s (formerly the
date of manufacture the upper part of the greater Zion Vladimir assumption
Cathedral, for 15-25 years before the erection of the Church of the Nativity in
Yurkin and Nikola room in Kolomna).
Masters of the Church Trifon
and Dating conception Church
of Anna
Consideration of the architectural history of the Church Trifon
Naprudnom not conclude without exposing critical analysis of the hypothesis
that the temple was built by Aristotle Fioravanti.
In principle, in favour of this version speaks that in the construction
of the assumption Cathedral were implemented and similar construction
machinery, and similar General principles of decoration ("stylization
under the classic old type of the Church). Furthermore - and in Moscow's
Cathedral, and in the temple were used Trifonovskaya unprecedented engineering
Note that after the collapse of the huge Cathedral of the assumption
Myshkin and Krivtsov (1472-1474 years) Fioravanti was invited to address the
first of all engineering problems103. "Activity of Aristotle in
Italy is an activity, not an architect (perhaps with some exceptions), and
engineers, with an outstanding engineer who carried out a series of bold
technical solutions, much%104).
Perhaps the main engineering idea Fioravanti during the construction of
the assumption Cathedral was the inclusion in stone technology brick elements
(arches, pillars105, drums, East of the wall above the altar apses)
so that the overall construction has kept a "white stone" (i.e. the
"Imperial" - see item 2) appearance. For the first time in Russian
architecture appeared and cross vaults thick%106. With the erection
of the altar additional arches East compartments of the temple actually turned
into a monolith, perceiving a significant part of the burden of huge drums.
Accordingly, the opportunity to build in the Central and Western parts of the
Cathedral on thin round pillars, which created a sense of wholeness
("zalnosti") and ease of construction.
Eventually, the Moscow Cathedral was General reproduction of the
external forms of Vladimir assumption Cathedral with a completely different
design solutions and an organization of internal space.
The main idea of engineering in the Church Trifon clear: it groin vault.
The external shape of the temple is also not unprecedented: it is traditional
Novgorod trifoliynoe completion of facades, traditional Novgorod odnoapsidnost107
and the decoration of the early Moscow type.
Thus, there is a temptation to include Trifonovskaya creativity
Aristotle Fioravanti. In favor of this may be evidence of the fact that
Fioravanti together with Ivan III went to the 1477-1478 years in Novgorod, i.e.
could get acquainted with the Novgorod architecture as well as shortly before -
with Vladimir.
But there are a number of fundamental points, not allowing to accept
that the architect of the Church Trifon Naprudnom (and, accordingly, the
inventor of the groin vault) was Aristotle Fioravanti or any of his students
(at the level of our knowledge of the architecture of the end of XV
century almost the same).
First of all, Trifonovskaya Church has not quite broken plan carefully.
In principle, this fact can "write off" on unscrupulous
builders-contractors - in fact busy with state Affairs Ivan III unlikely often
visited his "Falconer" the village, and Fioravanti, if he was the
architect of the Church Trifon, could not pay the "Uptown"
construction in emphasis will
But there are other reasons to doubt the authorship of Aristotle against
Trifonovskaya temple. This wooden wall connection108 and dryer,
originally had no Windows (that convincingly showed SS pod'yapol'skii109).
It is impossible to imagine that the outstanding Italian engineer
introduced in the design archaic wooden ties. For example, in the assumption
Cathedral was used exclusively metal communication - and flush, and proemnyh110.
It is equally impossible to imagine that Fioravanti, who paid special
attention to the problem of illumination of churches (for example, for these
purposes in the assumption Cathedral of the internal Windows sockets were made
much larger outdoor), elevated deaf dryer. Anyway, inside the Church Trifon so
dark that no Association with the works of Aristotle does not occur.
All other famous Italian masters (Solari, Aleviz and others) arrived in
Moscow later than a Church was built Tryphon, and the author of this temple
none of them could not be.
In 1470-1480 years in Moscow, except for Aristotle Fioravanti, on Grand
orders worked gang Pskov masters (come not from Pskov, and from Western Europe,
where the master had an internship at the "German"111).
But attributed Trifonovskaya to work the farm, we can't, for the following
- firstly, a list of buildings known Pskov112and the Church
Trifon it not;
- secondly, the people of Pskov not worked in the white stone;
- third, Pskov team in 1482-1485 were constructed Church of the
presentation in the Field113. In the 1920-ies during the examination
of the St. Nicholas Church of the Moscow Sretensky monastery were found the
remains included in its composition of an ancient temple, covered with a
torispherical vault with transverse dismantling. S. pod'yapol'skii questioned
the identity of the Church with the Church of the presentation in the Field,
referring to the use of its small size brick and polished tile114.
But hardly this question is legitimate: small brick could be used along with
large-already in times Fioravanti (we talked about this p. 1), and polished
tile was used and Naprudnom115and in Yurkin116. So, from
the masters from Pskov was "his own" (characteristic of Pskov
architecture) design of the arch, and it is unlikely they would be applied
along with her kr is
Thus, most likely, the authors of the Church Trifon Naprudnom (and,
accordingly, the groin vault) are seen by local, Moscow great wizard.
Hardly Ivan III with the advent of Western Europe Fioravanti and Pskov
imposed disgrace to all of their Moscow artists. For example, we don't know
what happened with Myshkin and Krivtsov after the disaster that befell their
Cathedral in 1474. Whether they were severely punished? Or they were able to
attribute its failure to "force majeure" - an earthquake? Do they
trust the Grand Duke to have any construction, at least in their villages - in
particular, in Naprudnom?
Of course, on this subject, we can only propose a hypothesis. But the
fact that the first temple groin vault - Trifon Naprudnom - was built during
the time interval from the mid 1470's to mid 1480 x, it is an established with
a sufficient degree of reliability.
Thus, we have shown loyalty to the "classic" look (adopted in
the middle-second half of the twentieth century) on the Sabbath.117.
In this connection it is appropriate to confirm and "classic" Dating Conception
Church Anne, close to the date of the temple in Naprudnom118.
In favor of rapprochement dates Trifonovskaya and New churches say the
same construction materials (brick and white stone, and away from the quarry),
odnoapsidnost, blind drums119, simple decor, "early
Moscow" portals.
Of course, these churches have a number of features of the differences
(proportion clutch Le trifole, some elements of architectural decor120),
but these features do not go beyond the individual artists. The application of
the Conception Church in Anna rail links (unlike wood in Trifonovskaya Church)
cannot serve as a reason for distancing dates of these temples as iron ties
were in the assumption Cathedral Fioravanti, and wood and in the Cathedral of
the Intercession on the Moat. The tendency of Selig of small vaults of
strikings distinguishes Conception Church from Trifonovskaya (where seligi
horizontal), but, again, cannot serve as a basis for the late Dating
Kitay-Gorod temple, as slanted of seligi of strikings were in the Church of St.
Nicholas in Kolomna (1501 - see item 4). Differences in the size of small brick
in the temples Tryphon (22,4 x 11 x 4.5 cm) and the Conception of Anne (22 x 11
x 4.2 cm121) keep within tolerances, typical of that time: in the
Church of Elijah the Prophet on Speculations the size of the brick was 5-6 x
11-12,5 x 24-25,5 cm122.
A semicircular end Le trifole Conception Church in Anna looks even more
archaic than the pigeon is in the Church Tryphon.
In General, "Novgorod-early Moscow" style Church of the
Conception of Anne (Fig. 8) is much closer to the Church Trifon than to
"raiskuma" the Church of the Nativity in Yurkin (Fig. 9), fine
levinovsky Church of the Annunciation in the Old Vagankovo (Fig. 19) or the
Church Grebnevskoy icon with its well-developed architectural decor (Fig. 20)123.
Of course, we must bear in mind that between the construction of
churches Trifon Conception of Anne could have been some period of time (at
least a few years)required for the perception of "townsmen" architects
"princely" groin vault. During this time could happen and that
"the development of an architectural type" from Trifonovskaya of the
temple to the Church of the Conception of Anne, which he wrote L. David124.
However, one can not deny the possibility of erecting a temple townsman
one of the Grand architects (especially because of the churchwarden
Consequently, we may take before the fire the date of ozodani%D125
States it on the existing stone Church Conception Anna.
Thus, the words of David L. on "churches Trifonovskaya type"126
cease to be a mere formality, and become quite competent symbol of one of the
most important areas of old Russian architecture - centric pillarless churches
groin vaults.
1. With the growth
2. The basic
architectural and archaeological data on the Church Trifon given by L. David
(Ludmila. The Church Trifon Naprudnom. In the book: Architectural monuments of
Moscow XV-XVII century. New
research. M., 1947 (hereinafter - David, 1947).
3. David, 1947,
S. 34, 38. It should be noted that the restoration of the temple in
Trifonovskaya 1930-1940-s, though it was by today's standards are too radical
(in terms of complete and fully justified the destruction of extensions of XIX
century), but differed high quality. Currently the only important clarification
was made SS pod'yapol'skii, showing that the Church drum Trifon originally had
no Windows (SS pod'yapol'skii. To the question about Oriental elements in the
Moscow architecture of the XV-XVI centuries In the
book: Old Russian art. Russian art of the late middle ages: XVI a century. SPb,
4. David, 1947, S.
5. Ibid., C. 50.
6. Vl.v.sedov. The
Church Trifon Naprudnom. The article is on the web-site
7. Kavelmaher. The
monument of architecture - the Church of Michael the Archangel in Sinkova
Ramensky district of Moscow region. So 1: conservation project. JI
Mosoblstroyrestavratsiya". M., 1990 (hereinafter - Kavelmaher, 1990).
C. 23.
8. S.
pod'yapol'skii. To the question about Oriental elements in the Moscow
architecture of the XV-XVI centuries In the
book: Old Russian art. Russian art of the late middle ages: the XVI century. SPb, 2003
(hereinafter - pod'yapol'skii, 2003). C. 28.
10. B. flowers.
Riddles italic aratiatia. The article is on the web-site It should be noted that at present and in the
scientific and popular literature increasingly prevails writing
"Fioravanti, imitating the Italian pronunciation. But we will stick to the
option "Fioravanti, due to tradition of XIX-XX centuries and Italian
spelling "Fioravanti" (here the author has the advice AI Komech).
11. About odnoapsidnosti
first Annunciation Cathedral, see: AA Sukhanov (article written under the
guidance Kavelmahera). The basement of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow
Kremlin according to the architectural and archaeological studies of the
twentieth century. In the book: Art monuments of the Moscow Kremlin. Materials
and research. Vol.
12. About
odnoapsidnosti and probable Dating%2
13. For more
information, see: Zagraevsky,
14. That small
brick cannot be a sign of attribution, showed SS pod'yapol'skii (SS
pod'yapol'skii. On the ancient Church of the Sretensky monastery in Moscow. In
the book: Russian archaeology, № 1, 2000 (hereinafter - pod'yapol'skii, 2000).
C. 47-61). In buildings that have a clear date, small brick size 5(6) x
11(12,5) x 24 (25,5) cm was first used in 1519-1520 years - in the Church of
Elijah the Prophet on Trade (Batalov,
16. Kavelmaher,
17. Batalov,
18. Monuments of
architecture of
19. David, 1947,
with. 36.
20. Vl.v.sedov. The
decree. cit.
21. Kavelmaher,
22. Unfortunately,
incorrect interpretation of this inscription David L., in the second half of
the XX century, received such a negative response in the scientific world that
Kavelmaher, and S. pod'yapol'skii even did not allow the possibility of Dating
Trifonovskaya temple end of the XV century (personal conversation with V. kavelmaherom,
2003.). In fairness, we note that this inscription attention David L. drew PD
Baranowski (David, 1947, with. 36).
23. David, 1947,
s 38; information materials in the community of the Church Trifon Naprudnom.
24. David, 1947,
S. 38.
25. Ibid.
Characteristically, A. Batalov, offering their version of
27. Vl.v.sedov. The
decree. cit.
28. Ibid.
29. For more
information, see: SV zagraevsky. Yuri Dolgoruky and old white-stone
architecture. M., 2002 (hereinafter - Zagraevsky, 2002). C. 23-25,
96-100, 141.
30. For more
information, see: SV zagraevsky. Organization of production and processing of
stone in Ancient Russia. M., 2006. The article is on the web-site
31. Zagraevsky,
32. For more
information, see ibid., C. 72.
33. For more
information, see: SV zagraevsky. Apology Rostov chronicler (to the question
about the Dating temples Yuri Dolgoruky). In the book: Materials of the
regional conference dedicated to the centenary of the birth of N.N. Voronin (19
April 2004.). Vladimir,
34. For more
information, see: Zagraevsky,
35. Dating
justification Nikon's Church, see: SV zagraevsky. To the question about the
Dating of the Church is%
36. Dating
justification of the assumption Cathedral in
37. CIT. in book.: David,
1947, with. 36.
38. Subvocalise.
Village and village in North-Eastern Russia XIV-XVI centuries, M, L,
39. Batalov,
40. Built in the early
to mid%century unique dvuhetapnyh forechurches the Church of the
41. Everyelse.
Church of St. Nicholas in Kolomna. In the book: Architectural heritage, №
42. Pod'yapol'skii,
2003, S. 17.
43. Batalov,
44. Ibid., C. 65.
45. Ibid.
46. Daitro. Centric
construction time of Basil III and Elena Glinskaya. Problems of interpretation. In
the book: Archive architecture. Vol. IX. M.,
47. Pod'yapol'skii,
2003, S. 17.
48. Ibid.
49. David, 1947,
S. 53.
50. Kavelmaher. To
the question about the time and circumstances of construction of the Church of
the Nativity in Yurkin. In the book: Monuments of culture. New discoveries.
51. Pod'yapol'skii,
2003, S. 19.
52. On the Dating
of these temples see: Zagraevsky, 2003.
53. PSRL 8:226.
56. Ibid., C. 11.
57. Architectural
monuments of
61. Kavelmaher,
1996, s.
62. Everyelse. The
decree. cit., s 62.
63. Aviswana. About
the architectural monuments of the Kremlin XVI-XVII centuries In the book:
Monuments of culture. New discoveries.
65. Information
gleaned from the Internet site
66. At the end of
the twentieth century SS pod'yapol'skii and Vygolov VP was inclined to think
that the author of eleven temples years 1514-1518 was not the architect of the Archangel
Cathedral Aleviz New, arrived in Moscow in 1504, and Aleviz, arrived in 1494
and built to strengthen the Kremlin and the Grand Palace (see SS
pod'yapol'skii. Aleviz the activities of the New Russia. In the book: Old
Russian art. Problems of attribution. M.,
67. Man, Imoneynet.
Russian ancient monuments of Church and civil architecture. M., 1846-1860.
68. David,
69. Upenov.
Full-scale research of the ancient temple at Ilyinke. In the book: Architecture
and construction of Moscow. No.
71. Pod'yapol'skii,2003,
S. 26.
72. Man, Imoneynet.
The decree. cit.
74. Batalov,
75. David, 2001,
S. 12.
76. Ibid.
78. Monuments of
architecture of
79. For more
information, see: Zagraevsky, 2003.
80. Altshuler.
Monuments of architecture of Moscow Russia the second half of XIV-early XV
centuries (new studies). The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree
of candidate of architecture. As a manuscript. M.,
81. Batalov,
82. David, 2001,
S. 13.
84. Website
85. David,
87. David,
89. Wettrunden.
Monastery of STS. The architectural ensemble. M,
90. Pod'yapol'skii,
2003, S. 26.
91. Batalov,
92. Higher service
accomplishments kind Golohvastov - appointment of Boris and Alexander, sons
churchwarden yurkinskomu Church Jacob Golohvastov, heads the Embassy mission of
Ivan III (information gleaned from the Internet site www.rulex.EN).
93. Ni Bruno.
Monument of Russian architecture of the XVI century In the book: Institute of archaeology and art
history. Proceedings of the section of art. Vol. II. M.,
Pod'yapol'skii, 2003, S. 26.
95. Ibid.
96. Kavelmaher
showed that none but the great Prince, could not build the temple in the
village of Grand Prince: "This God-pleasing endeavor, as the construction
of the Church was not subject to re-consignment was impossible to have inspired
the construction of the temple of Tsar Feodor and the Queen and wait for this
bliss in the next life for themselves. To deserve the eternal repose of the
construction could only "own" the Church itself and its offspring -
the priest began to read the Obituary in all circumstances with you. The
medieval people were vulgar pragmatic: the Church prayed for churchwarden, and
wait for that salvation could only churchwarden and his family. A building on
behalf of another, to bear this burden for another did not make sense"
(Kavelmaher. Pseudo-Gothic vaulted Church abroad XVIXVII centuries in the
Moscow region. To the question of the date of construction, the initial volume
and style Church of the Transfiguration in the village of Ostrov (configured of
manuscripts). The article is on the web-site
97. Voronin. The
architecture of North-Eastern Russia XII-XV centuries. M., 1961-1962. So 1, S.
98. Ibid, so 2, S.
99. Ibid., C. 156.
For the first time Zion specified as a likely picture of the top of the first
assumption Cathedral in Moscow attracted AI Nekrasov (AI Nekrasov. The
emergence of the Moscow art. M.,
100. AV century.
St. George Cathedral city of Yuriev-Polsky XIII century, and its
reconstruction. In the book: From the history of restoration of monuments of
culture. M., 1974; Kavelmaher. The cornerstone of Lapidarium George's Cathedral
in Yuryev-Polish (to the question of the so-called cross Svyatoslavovom). In
the book: Old Russian art. Rus. Byzantium. The Balkans. XIII century. SPb,
101. Zagraevsky, 2003,
107 S..
103. For more
information, see: Zagraevsky, 2002, 89 S..
104. S.
pod'yapol'skii. To the question about the peculiarity of architecture of the
Moscow Uspenie Cathedral. In the book: Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow
Kremlin. Materials and research. M.,
105. Hidden altar
barrier of the Eastern square pillars of the assumption Cathedral is completely
brick. Round pillars are also made of bricks, but faced with white%238. M.,
106. Kavelmaher. On
the initial appearance of the assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In
the book: Architectural heritage. No.
107. The apse of
108. David, 1947,
S. 46.
109. Pod'yapol'skii,
2003, S. 22.
110. Kavelmaher,
1995, S. 214.
111. PSRL 20:1:301.
112. Ibid.
113. Ibid.
114. S.
pod'yapol'skii. About the Church of St. Cyril of the XVI century the
Kirillo-Belozersky monastery. Approx. 23. The article is on the web-site
115. David, 1947,
S. 50.
116. Kavelmaher,
117. Batalov,
119. Note that in
the churches of the Nativity in Yurkin and of St. Nicholas in Kolomna Windows
drums were (pod'yapol'skii, 2003, S. 22).
120. David, 2001,
S. 10.
121. Batalov,
122. Ibid., C. 53.
124. Ibid., C. 11.
125. PSRL 8:226.
126. David, 1947,
S. 51.
A brief history of the Church of the Martyr Tryphon
The temple of the Holy Martyr Trifon
Naprudnom is one of the oldest and most revered temples especially in
Now the
With the Foundation of the temple of
the Holy Martyr Tryphon Naprudnom linked to old
The proof of true devotion is the
image of the Martyr Tryphon on the icon in his Moscow Church just as he was
Falconer, is on a white horse with a Falcon on his arm. For this image, named
the people "Russian icon" St. Trifon, no motives or in the life of
this Saint, that he was feeding poultry, nor in the Church of molitvoslov
In the reign of Basil I (1389-1425)
falconry was of such magnitude and importance that the image of the equestrian
Falconer with a bird in the hand even received the status of the state emblem
When Patriarch Filaret (Romanov), in 1625., the temple was listed among
the churches, which generated a
tribute to the Patriarchal order. In 1680., when Tsar Theodore Alekseevich, he
owned several acres of arable and hay forest land. Under Peter the Great, in
1716., preserved the names on the list of homeowners at the time of his arrival
there were about
The devastating fire of 1737, 1748
and 1753. not passed and naprudnuyu settlement. In 1792. lowered water
contaminated with the Great pond, which served not only for decoration, but
also a necessary condition of economic activity in the area. The terrain is
completely depopulated during the epidemic of plague 1771. Then for the burial
of the victims opened Lazarevskoe cemetery, and the houses in the area burned.
The Church of Martyr. Trifon long remained without joining. In the end, the
clergy began to petition the Archbishop of Moscow to close the Church because
of the lack of livelihood. Ruling Bishop at the time (1821-1826) was Filaret
(Drozdov), the future Hierarch instead for%D
In 1889-1895, almost all extensions
of the XIX century, was demolished, and by architect PZU Jr. built a new, high
bell tower and the dome Church, housed three and a half thousand pilgrims,
ancient temple belonged to it from the East. The new St. Nicholas chapel was
consecrated in 1896., Philaret - in 1898. The largest bell weighed
Currently, the temple of
Address of the temple of
the Holy Martyr Trifon Naprudnom: 111513,
© Sergey Zagraevsky
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