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Sergey Zagraevsky


Ivanushka in the Land of tales


Book 1. The invasion of compolds

Book 2. Good and evil

Book 3. The double



Published in Russian: Ñåðãåé Çàãðàåâñêèé. Èâàíóøêà â ñòðàíå ñêàçîê. Ì: Àëåâ-Â, 2005. ISBN 5-94025-069-6




Book 2. Good and evil







The following text was translated from the Russian original by the computer program

and has not yet been edited.

So it can be used only for general introduction.





- Alenka! Santa Claus has come! Come here! And Vanya call - it will also be interesting! "came from the hallway mother's voice.

Ivan reluctantly pulled away from the computer magazine and slowly walked into the corridor. What is Santa Claus? Alenka already do not believe in him, and her father and mother would never cause some masqueraders actors. Maybe it grandmother decided to make a surprise for her granddaughter?

Indeed, in the hall stood Grandfather frost and snow maiden. And parents with a smile, watching as Alenka quite willingly h is

"Oh, well done, well done, Alenka! - there was a thick bass Santa Claus. - A song can you sing? That sing-ka together with the snow Maiden in the forest was born herringbone...

- She grew up in the forest! - fun singing Alenka. Came and the snow maiden, having made an inviting gesture to the rest. In the chorus and mother. Even father's spirits - he, as always, the New Year were all sorts of reports on work, but today all the same thirty-first of December! It's time to relax...

Alenka happily grabbed a huge book of fairy tales, that Santa Claus was pulled from his m%

"Oh, " thought Ivan, ' sister once visited in the country of fairy tales, believed in Santa Claus? And computer games completely stopped playing... And now like a fairy tale... still correctly say that there is a silver lining... Interesting, a beard, this artist from wool? What is he really old... And I think I saw him... Maybe some well-known AK is

His thoughts were interrupted by the powerful voice of Father Frost:

- A brother is not whether it Ivanushka?

"Yes, " chorused mom, dad and Ivan.

- And you, Ivan, some poem can tell us?

- What was that?

- Poem! But it's not supposed to give gifts to children who do not know funny Christmas poems!

Mom and dad looked at each other awkwardly. Ivan wanted to immediately turn around and walk away, before explaining that the actor that he is not really in that age when I read Christmas poems posal to Santa Claus. In th

And at this moment the Grandfather frost looked straight into his eyes and winked. Vanya just remembered where he'd seen and the snow maiden and Grandfather. And not what some artists, but most of these.

He walked out in the middle of the hall, threw out his chest and with pathos read the only thing he remembered from the time of kindergarten:

- Little tree cold in winter,

From the forest herringbone we took home!

Then we had to improvise on the fly:

- Christmas tree, Christmas tree we all love,

The Christmas tree, the Christmas tree is better than a computer!

Nothing more folding had not occurred, but it was not important. Everyone laughed and clapped, and Santa Claus got out of the bag a small box and handed it to Ivan. Maiden farewell ceremony bowed. The father asked, in a receipt to him to sign, took from his pocket the money and wanted to give them to Santa Claus - "as a further appreciation. He refused, saying that there were no receipts and do not need money, and that for all long paid again winked at Ivan, and left.

- I wonder who sent us artists? "mom said. - Grandma, I guess. Herself-she called? When you come? Probably closer to the evening?

What his father had said about the arrival of her grandmother, Ivan did not hear. Clutching a gift under his arm, he sped away to his room.

The usual gift box, tied with colorful ribbon. Ivan grabbed the scissors and cut the tape. He was expecting to see anything, but still stunned when out of the box straight in the face jumped mouse and joyfully cried out:

- Ivan! Brave winner of double! Finally!

- Oh! Mouse-a place! Hi!

Past the face of Ivan mouse-a place missed, but grabbed the collar of his shirt. Ivan himself took it in his hands and kissed him.

- But hush, hush, little mouse! Parents will hear! Tell me, how, and why Santa Claus is come to me! Well, whatever the country of fairy tales? As there Merlin? Koschey The Immortal? Vasilisa The Wise? And frog-wah where? Why did she not come with you?

- Oh, Ivanushka, I do not know who and how is it with. I wander too long, Oh how long ago!

- As it wander?

- Well, in Lapland, then here... Tired of the way horrible!

- Well, rest, rest. Then tell me all about.

"No, I can now relax. I Merlinovskaya owl said that everything must be right to tell, but it is not enough time in your country of Russian fairy tales to save.

- Why? To save the country from Russian fairy tales? From whom? Is again kompoldy attacked?

- Yes, I do not know from whom. It seems that everything is quiet, all is quiet. Kompoldy, after you defeat them, on their country gaming nose't seem...

- So what happened?

"I don't know why, don't know! We lived, lived, not grieve. The Terem-Teremok cozy, well, the frog-wah there, my podruzhenka beloved, we always have something to talk about. And with a crew cut talk, and sometimes the bear comes, we will also talk. Suddenly an owl swooped down and whack me! I've thought all my end had come. I sgushenka words of farewell, and the owl there and said, " I'm from Merlin, mouse-the place must urgently to Lord John to go, he wants the country Russian fairy tales to save!

The story mouse was briefly interrupted by my mother, who asked that he gave Ivan Santa Claus. A place realized instantly silenced, Ivan shut behind her, said that he had received as a gift a team model car, and that he would show her where to gather. Mother called the son of decorating a Christmas tree and left.

- Well, mouse, go! What next was something?

- Oh, and carried me to the owl, suffered... long, Long bore... And brought to Lapland. And by the way she kept saying to me, said...

- What to say?

- Yes, all the same, to I remember by heart.

- And do you remember?

- Of course! Now, listen.

The mouse took a deep breath and blurted out:

- Lord John! In the country of Russian fairy tales triumph over evil, and your help is very much needed. You have to catch the thirty-first of December adjust your clock at seven minutes before the New Year, and you through the book of fairy tales take place in the country of fairy tales.

"What else said owl?

- I told you already. I must quickly get to you, you have a country of Russian fairy tales to save.

"Is that all?

"No, not all. Something else she mumbled, but I'm also in their language, Merlinovskaya not understand!

- That is in English? Yes, of course, owl of English fairy tales. Rote, I suppose, only these phrases in Russian... And what does that mean? You say you are all quiet and calm?

- Yes, calmly. And then I brought the owl to Santa Claus, he me into the box planted, told him to sit still. And here I am. Ivanushka, brave winner of double, went quickly to save the country of fairy tales! I have to go back to our tower-chamber, and then all the worry! And the frog-wah, and Michael Potapitch!

- M-m... How to go to? Let me repeat once more that owl was saying. I will write... " all right... the Book of fairy tales is probably the one that Santa Claus gave Alenka. But what time... of course! This grandfather of Swiss watches, which are then Merlin and all the other magicians repaired. But it is interesting, I can set them up at seven minutes before the New Year?.. Come on, come up into his pocket, went to With%D

He ran into his sister's room and took the book of fairy tales, which gave Santa Claus. Fortunately, Alenka at this time with parents in another room dressed Christmas tree, but it never would have given, even briefly.

Then Ivan went into the corridor and shouted:

- MA-AMA! PA-APA! I'll go briefly to Sergei, while dressing the tree without me!

And ran out into the yard, not even wearing a hat. However, his jacket was ka%

Hearing on the intercom, voice buddy, Sergei joyfully cried out:

- Vanyukha! Come quickly! I hate it when the trees have to dress up! Tell my parents that I'm urgently needed! Or your dad needs - computer help!

"Say, say. And you really need me urgently!

Five minutes friends were sitting on top of the staircase entrance and choir questioned my mouse-norushki what actually happened in the country Russ

- Well, what should we do? "asked Ivan. - How to configure grandfather clock at seven minutes before the New Year?

- Yes I do think, think... vanyukha and not try to do we put the clock forward to get a free seven-midnight?

- I have forgotten how to translate them - they have since, as they Merlin cast a spell, go second in the second... just Kidding. Of course, not forgotten. Let's try it.

"What time is it?

- Ten hours, forty two minutes. Before the New Year... it is Necessary to count... Thirteen hours, eight%D

"Yes, sir, WAN, I would place our teacher you one of five math set... Spin the clock forward to the hour hand was twelve... And another may say twelve circles, until seven minutes to the New Year... yeah! Turned out! Fellow Merlin!

- What happened?

"And you look back and see.

Ivan looked back and saw. There, where a moment ago they put Alenkino book of fairy tales, appeared a pillar of thick fog.

- Excellent! - said Sergey. - Probably, it is necessary in this mist enter - down here somewhere will come up. But let kompoldovsky gun to bring with you! I'll run home now, and bring me since that times have... Ugh. I hid in a closet, and a number of times as parents dress up a Christmas tree!

"Nothing, nothing. Why do we need a gun? In the country of fairy tales is all quiet, no enemies %

- Yes, caution would not hurt anything because it happened, once you called Merlin... Okay, let's dispense with the gun. Well, the winner of all sorts of double, went to save the country from Russian fairy tales knows what evil?

- Wait, Serge! Let us first I am going to explore, and you wait here. When I was ten or fifteen minutes will not, then there's something really serious. Then take a gun and go to the rescue.

- Well, let's you first.

- Ivan, brave winner of the double, and may I be with you? "asked the mouse. "I would hurry to my chamber to get...

- Get into your jacket pocket.

'Well, sir, WAN, come on. No luck.

"Damn! - said Ivan, stepped into the fog Bank, and then felt that is under water. Pretty cool.





A second later, Ivan emerged from the river (or rather, from the hole in the ice) around the familiar shore, which came last time, where the action is a tale about Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka. Low bridges over the ice, forest clearing, the path going off into the woods... Probably still remained wheel ruts kompoldovskih cars, but everything was covered with snow, bright spark

Ivan climbing out of the hole, he was afraid that the cold - winter yet, but he's all wet. But then he remembered that the water in the country of fairy tales and dries instantly. Easily get to the thick ice and nearly in tears from the rush of memories. Surely he will soon see the wizard Merlin, Koshcheev, Tsar Saltan, the gray wolf, cat scientist? How are they? What could have%D

Indeed, it was very quiet. No wind, no sound of the leaves on the branches still covered with snow. So Ivan almost jumped when I heard in the woods quiet cough. A minute later because of the trees came haired small creature, feathered hair and moss. Apparently harmless, in fact - with fear.

- C-zdravst... Hello... It's you, Ivan, the brave... Otvagi%D

- Hello. Yes, I Ivan. And who are you? Goblin, perhaps?

"N - no, where am I to d-grandparents Goblin. I just this... the most common to the hobgoblin. A t-you sit down, sit down, Ivanushka, here on this p-stump. I and snezhochek he will shake off, to t-you better sit down.

- Why should I sit on this stump?

- P-sit on it, n-wait a bit, the cuckoo had flown to the Tsar Saltan, tell him that the n-arrived brave winner of the double. And the king immediately after you send their messengers.

- Escort? Well, wait. So you have then happened that I was so urgently needed?

- I do not know, Oh, I don't know. Now, now, after you arrive. Cuckoo flew away immediately, as you saw. And the Palace of the king-priest of b-close, very close...

Kikimora silent. Nothing Ivan took out his watch, and began to consider them.

The idea is that in the country of fairy tales watch from the real world should not have to go. Indeed, the first van thought they are worth. But then it%2

- That's how cool Merlin and all the wizards then bewitched grandfather clock! "thought Ivan. - Probably, they show the time, which takes place in the real world, while I'm here! Well, I can escort to wait, and to the Tsar Saltan to go and see what's happened - and there will be a Serioga minute or two, he was jittery not have time...

In fact, the long wait is not PR is

One, without going to the edge, turned away to the side and disappeared in the forest. Ivan did not even have time to wonder at this strange behaviour "honorary escort", when he rode the second.

Horse rider was under huge - Ivan those seen only in pictures. Yes, and the rider was notable for considerable growth and a very fat belly. He was dressed in something like a short jacket. ABOUT%D

The fright at the sight of the rider shook and fell down. Ivan arose from hemp and accepted the possibility of a solemn look.

But the first words of the rider were:

- Wow, what Morel - spit destruct!

Ivan decided that these words referred to a hobgoblin. And was wrong, because the rider dismounted and turned almost certain to him:

"Hey, plygamy! Is that you, Ivan?

What-what, and such meetings shall

- And who are you-and p-so why talk?

"I am here to ask questions, not you! Your name Ivan? But tell you, Morel, hurry, I have so many things, and I fritters here with you sharpen half will not!

Ivan it, Ivan! - " dummy trembling voice, faithfully watching the rider. "Please, my Lord, put in a word for me before the king-Emperor, that I first saw Ivan! And the cuckoo sent to the Royal Palace!

- Say, say! Went away, tired! said the rider and kicked the dummy leg. That came off a couple of meters, hitting the snow and, creeping, crawling to the forest.

Ivan stunned silence, not knowing what was happening. Then took a deep breath and blurted out:

- Behave yourself! Yes, I Ivan! The greatest Prince and commander of the regiment of the right hand! - he remembered the titles given to him by Tsar Saltan after capture kompoldovskoy prison. And don't you kick a defenseless forest creature! And anyway, who are you that behave this way?

Rider oglasi

Is this plygavka Tsar Saltan such titles granted? Well, let's go to the king! Find out who's the greatest Prince, and who the least!

He took Ivan's shoulder and pushed him to the side of his horse.

- Keep your hands off! - screamed Ivan the terrible voice that only he was capable. - Will not tell you who you are, not going anywhere!

- Do not go? Of course, not go. That I'm going! And you get a horse of my run! And will lag behind, the lasso to the saddle for tie the legs and dragged me! That will go to pieces zakoulochkam!

Resistance was futile - the rider was heavier Ivan is not%

Rider once again pushed Ivan, climbed on his horse and said, almost genially:

- Come on, come on, Morel, run for me. Oh well, then grab the stirrup, while I was good! Will then remember Nightingale the Robber affectionate word, as he wished, on lasso are not dragged, gave the stirrup to touch a horse because you have procomil!

- Nightingale The Robber? You Brigand?

"I, I. Now do you understand? As depends, so all the grass, which ant-ate, dark Lisouski to C%D

Brigand leaned over to Ivan and deft hand movement drew from his pocket a mouse-the place. Holding it by the tail, happily said:

- Here zdo'rovo! I've promised Baba Yaga any gift! Here is a cat than its profit!

And began to shove his numb horror mouse in the pocket of his greasy coat.

Ivan did not expect from him this skill. Podryg the

"Oh, you!.. "snapped the Nightingale.

The last thing that was able to see Ivan, was flying club at him.





He came to Ivan bound hand and foot, strapped like a sack to the saddle Nightingale the Robber. The head desperately ill, and on his forehead, seemed to swell a huge bump. The snow was Packed and nose, and ears, and eyes. However, due to snow headache seemed easier. Well that Vanya, leaving the house, took the gloves - hands bound and even stiff, but not freezing.

Ivan tried to free herself, but the Nightingale, not turning, painfully kicked him. Most of these attempts Vanya did not. He began to twist his head, but saw only the edge of a forest, overlooking the road.

Soon the forest came to an end, the road skirted the high hill, and led to a small town, as if descended from some ancient images in popular print style. In the midst of the city towered castle, surrounded by snow-covered brick walls which could be seen peaked towers. However, carefully consider their Ivan could not, as it hung down his head and saw everything, whatever the%B

A few passers-by horror shied away from the horse Nightingale the Robber. Some, retreating to a respectful distance, bowing obsequiously.

Before entering the castle were two of Sagittarius with hammers. Seeing the Nightingale, they bowed down and opened the gate.

In the large courtyard to them immediately ran disheveled, long-bearded and bent old man, like a sort of forest monster. However, he was dressed in splendid livery.

- Hello, Nightingale, " he said to the rider. - Who brought it?

- Yes, that's the traitor is

- Ah, so this is Ivan, a former winner of double? Our father the Tsar ordered immediately to him a traitor to lead.

- Well then, help me to untie this shrimp. Imagine what a petty, arrogant and horribly! With me, Nightingale, dared to argue, and then attacked, bat selected! It gave Baba Yaga gift to do!

Ivan allowed himself to move. Rogue shouted:

- Hey, brave man cf is%

He untied Ivan from the saddle, and he almost broke his neck, fell on swept clean the stone slabs. Nightingale untied his legs tighten tightened the rope in his hands (those so numb so that Ivan could not feel them) and pushed to the entrance to the tower.

Archers guarding the entrance, stepped back, looking suspiciously at the associated Vanya. Staggering, he went inside and went up the stairs. Just a few doors with security, and hit in the eye with a bright light. The strongest push in the back thrown him into the middle of the great hall, where the richly gilded throne sat Tsar Saltan in the crown and an ermine mantle, and around crowded some courtiers in bright uniforms.

Ivan tripped on the edge of the carpet and fell, almost bloodied his nose in addition to the huge bump on his forehead. However, immediately jumped to his feet and shouted:

- Tsar Saltan! Hello, your Majesty! It's me, Ivan, you are given the title of Prince and the greatest generals of the regiment of the right hand! The one you awarded the Grand order! The one who saved you from kompoldovskoy prison! Why are there so I'm talking to? Why are called by some a traitor?

Sultan was silent with several absentmindedly, strangely of ogle%D

- Well, how? It's not fair! Not good! It is unfair, finally!

In his long-suffering head hit the head. The powerful voice of a Nightingale roared in his ear:

- Be smart, Morel who you're talking to! Who are you in injustice to accuse into his head?

- Yes I do not blame anybody, I am just saying that it's unfair!

- Talk, talk more! Well, the king-priest, for me to execute a traitor or butcher your empty coffers? Permit me! My hands are so itchy! Imagine a king-priest, he attacked me, bat selected!

Sal is%

- N-wait, n-wait, boyar Nightingale, maybe punishing a traitor, and can, while pomiluem... Wait...

Nightingale stopped with a bored look. Ivan paused and, feverishly trying to understand what is happening and to whom he could change. But the head did not come to the same bump on his forehead was sick so that was dizzy.

And then came a familiar voice:

- Oh, how? What do you treat a good lad? Nightingale, untie, untie the hands Ivanushka!

Ivan wrapped the%8

Ivan wanted to rush towards the Koshcheev, but failed, as the Nightingale began to untie his hands. Some time was spent on a bit to restore blood circulation in the dead hands. Koschey meanwhile came to the throne of Tsar Saltan and said authoritatively:

- Let's king-priest, I'll talk to a traitor.

- What, you Koschey, think I'm ismen the%

- Yes, of course. Who are you still, Ivanushka? tenderly, even as the father said Koschey.

"But to whom I changed? I have this same... Brave winner of double! I was here all name!

- Well, let's no one here, so you are not calling. What won you once more the double, it is certainly good, and here you have all loved and respected, if you were not a traitor.

- Traitor to whom? Or what?

- Evil, Ivanushka, evil.

- Which evil?

- Yes very normal.

- Koschey! Yes, explain to me, as a person! - cried Ivan, quite bewildered.

- Well, Ivan, listen. Have you read, for example, the tale of Masha and the three bears?

- Once read.

- I wonder were you?

- I do not remember. I was a little. Probably, it was interesting.

- If you got it today to read, it would be interesting to you?

- Hardly, I'm not small.

" . And now imagine that everyone in this tale gone differently.

- How?

- Well, for example, attacked the three bears in Masha and ate. Then lay everything on my bed and began to remember what a delicious was a girl. A bear, which got a very small piece of M Is%B

- Well, nonsense will, - Ivan shrugged.

- But it will also be interesting to read!

- What's so interesting? We ate and ate. I am sorry to Masha, and all.

- So if you feel sorry - this is too interesting! What children and begin again to read the tale, but it's completely ceased, all from childhood on machines play!

- And what will grow out of children who will read these evil tales? Nightingale The Robber?

- And what? And Nightingale the Robber, and graphs Dracula, and Kosei Bessmert the

- Why? Even computer games are now increasingly defeats evil! - remembered Vanya. - And more and more of these games!

"You'll be to us an example of computer games to bet? "grinned Koschey. - That's proof that you are a traitor! At first has won the double, and now as an example to their place! Heard, your Majesty, as Ivan says nasty speeches? All heard?

Tsar Saltan and courtiers nodded vigorously. Ivan was so taken aback by this strange logic that was speechless. But To%

"Okay, okay, Ivan, though we are evil, but not very bloodthirsty. In principle, we would have thee for thy treason be executed or at least to hone in prison forever. But we are ready to forgive and even leave you the greatest titles of Prince and Governor of the regiment of the right hand, if you join us.

- Who is - to you?

- To the wicked fairy tale heroes. To me, to the Tsar Saltan, to Solo The%B

- Yes Tsar Saltan did not seem angry!

- Was not bad, became angry.

"But I have no fairy-tale hero! How can I join you, even if we suddenly want to become evil?

- You can, for example, to return home and start telling their Alyonushka tale with a bad end. Here, for example, sailed in a boat Ded Mazay and not picked up a single rabbit, so all the bunnies and drowned...

- Never! "snapped Ivan and he was frightened. That put him now in prison, if not executed...

But Koschey said the surprisingly soft:

"Okay, Ivanushka, it's your business. Want to tell me, you want - don't tell me you're from another world, we are there no power over you. You Merlin here called? So go to your Merlin. Only a letter to him from me to tell, but he also does not want to accept that tale with bad end much more interesting.

Ivan did not have time to wonder what he just released, as%2

- And then, Ivan, be sure to come back, we'll still talk. And that you just came back and is still here, we still your friend herself.

- Which one?

- We'll see. Hey, boyar Tugarin, bring me his prisoner!

Ivan remembered that in my childhood reading an epic Alyosha Popovich, where he fought with some naughty Tugarin Zmievich. And indeed, from the side of the door came extremely repulsive type, shape and clothing reminiscent Nightingale the Robber, only with the Mongolian face, thin mustache and pointed beard is

Type pushed ahead... linked to Sergey.

Ivan wanted to rush to his friend, but strong hands tightly Nightingale grabbed him by the shoulders.

Some time friends looked at each other, unable to utter a word. Then Koschey abruptly ordered, without looking back at Tsar Saltan:

- In the dungeon!

Sergei tried to shout something, but Tugarin Zmievich covered his mouth and pushed him out of the hall.

- Well, Ivanushka, he can see that it is better you will be back, but then tomorrow before the sun will reach its Zenith and the head of good young is%8

- How do tomorrow? I did not have time to reach the country of English fairy tales and find Merlin!

We still have time. You Baba Yaga in his mortar to the country of English fairy tales will take it to you, and writing for Merlin will pass. And then she'll wait at the border, with her back to you quickly reach. Well, if delayed by Merlin - so Royal executioner knows that with your boyfriend to do. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot! Nightingale, you pulled the watch from his pocket a traitor Ivan?

- what%

- Give them here, come on! I know you!

Nightingale reluctantly pulled out of his pocket Swiss watch Ivanov grandfather and gave them to the Koshcheev.

- Here, Ivanushka, and watch their magic will get back when you return. We do not need someone else, we have a missing... why do not you ask, how is your friend in captivity Tugarin zmievicha was?

Ivan was silent. Koschey said with a triumphant air:

"I thought so, what you would call Merlin. And watch I then helped him to charm to pass in the country of fairy tales they opened. And I knew exactly where this passage opens. So then, as they say, a matter of technique. Every timber evil was always on duty at the hole, and when you got there, I was immediately notified. I sent Nightingale and Tugarin. Robber you distracted, and

- Well, if Serega I was not expecting?

- What's the difference? Well, would have caught the Tugarin some of your neighbor or just any passer - and surely you would admit that he was executed? Of course not! We know you that good!

Koschey as he was prone to boasting, and left. Standing in solemn pose, he gave:

"So we're also something to see the light! And you, Ivan, saying, the good must win! What could be a good fairy-tale hero in my place to do? Nothing! Couldn't even take a hostage! And the evil - doing, what he wants! You know as well to be angry? So think about it, Ivanushka think, until tomorrow afternoon, you have the time, that is!

- Yes, Koschey, I knew I had your true nature... Well, where there Baba Yaga? It should be possible to fly!

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. Hey, the king's servants! Sprinkle Ivan forehead living water, and it won him a huge bump which still think of Merlin, that we here sinister any!..





Stupa Baba Yaga, like a huge flower tub (with a diameter of one meter and a half), netaro the%B

Through forests and fields was a broad, snow-covered and completely deserted road, and the witch led the stupa on it. Apparently, this road led from the Russian fairy tales in the country English, and it was convenient to navigate.

Baba Yaga cheerfully told Ivan, how well she is now living at the court of Tsar Saltan. Say, and rank solid - almost what the Governor, and a lot of gold for the work of the

- Yes, by the way, how is your cat with a black? Do not miss without you? - indifferently asked Ivan, his elbows on the edge of the stupa and look like the bottom of a huge floating wood, swept the snow.

- Miss! Oh, how bored! But what can you do, the service is service! And you, Ivan, as I see love all kinds of small animals, love. I too love, though wicked.

- Yes, what you're evil, grandma? Good you good, the

- I'm furious, Ivan, preslusao! Otherwise, why would I H.E. Koschey the title of Governor promised, if I am little letter to Merlin cook?

- What was that? Prepare a letter to Merlin? In terms write? A Koschey that he himself could not write?

Baba Yaga something grunted in confusion as if he blurted out. Ivan asked:

- Are you writing at the Royal court writing?

- None of your business, " said the witch, obviously not wanting to continue this theme.

There was silence. Ivan nothing better to do was watch as Baba Yaga manages stupa. In the middle of the floor was a hole (as in flower pots, but not through), and there was inserted a broom, who played the role of the control knob. Yaga often turned, following the winding ran down the road, lifted the stupa so above, below, if on the way met the hills, so to understand where%

- No, wrong something with this letter, he decided. - Baba Yaga, I suppose, and write something can not...

- Where is the letter, grandma? - Vanya said aloud. - Give it to me, and then when to the border fly so far as if I forgot to take it...

"I remind you, my dear. Well, actually, all right, take it, so be careful with him. Put a good, won in his pocket. Yes, half't put it away, and then suddenly envelope prematurely broken.

- Yes what is it? "thought Ivan. - Dark something Granny dark. Something in this letter are unclean, and no wonder Koschey with me it was handed over, as if just because he could not send. Post them here, of course, no, but with some cuckoo would have sent, in safe and sound would carry... And not poison there be some sort? Poison, for sure! That Baba Yaga was preparing this letter, I suppose kakoAnd after all, Serge they held hostage, not give the letter and all execute it...

Ivan looked around ago. The Palace of Tsar Saltan long ago disappeared from sight, all around was the seemingly endless snow-covered forests and fields.

- Well, well, let me tell Merlin, that the letter was not opened, - has continued to think Ivan, glancing at Baba Yaga. "But I'm still then have to go back to Serge, and Koschey say? Said he'll talk. So, again, will make terrible tales to tell Alenka... no, he Alenka? What it the difference that in the tales she listens? Just KAZ%Urgent need to somehow stop this stupa with Baba Yaga, and even the border of English fairy tales, I suppose, soon!

Vanya invented. As if by chance he dropped the letter, slowly, like a paper airplane, flew down the road.

- Oh, what have you, my dear! I felt that I had a letter to you just at the border to give! - cried the witch Baba Yaga, a slight movement broom sending a stupa in a steep dive followed by a letter. 'Stand by, not attacks! Catch a letter a catch! Oh, how embarrassing! Let I will try!

Over most expensive Baba Yaga, leaning out of the stupa almost to the waist, still grabbed the letter. But Ivan took only one movement... a little push in the back...

And the witch with a wild cry fell out of the stupa and flew down.

Fortunately for her, was to fly far - the top of the trees were very close. She ducked into one of them and disappeared, we could hear was her curses.

But Ivan was not up to abuse. He grabbed a broom and tried to send up a stupa. Sharp jerk right, left... And now, in obedience to a sharp slope of the broom to one who%

The acceleration was such that Ivan threw on the floor. He issued a broom, she turned to the other side, and stupa, which nearly turned over a stone flew down. A couple seconds of weightlessness... Les catastrophically approaching, and Vanya save only that he, like a cat turned over in the air (Oh, would see this pirouette PE teacher!), managed to grab a broom and again e.g. the

A few unimaginable aerobatics, and aircraft almost resigned. Gradually the jerks became less and less dramatic flight - all the more calm and measured, and, finally, Ivan accustomed to so much that he allowed himself to look around and look for eyes Baba Yaga. Suddenly broke? Pity all the same...

He managed to fly back from the road, and the snow, which fell Yaga, and disappeared from sight. Then Ivan sank lower and shouted:

Baba Yaga! Where are you?

Here I am, here! "came a voice from the side.

- Where? Where? Yes, you scream, woman, yell, not stop, so I could scream to fly! Yes come out of the snow, so now I have seen!

Looking to the cries of Baba Yaga, Ivan flew to drift. I tried to hang in helicopter, but could not - stupa was nearly broke into a tailspin. Then he started with a minimum speed to circle, and, gradually narrowing, approached d%

- Come on, take me, Ivashka, and flew away! - grumpy cried the witch, waving the unfortunate letter. - Quickly take off! As for me, so be it, I will not say his Excellency Koshcheev, that thou me out of the stupa pushed!

- No, Granny, I won't take you with me! - said Ivan, pretty angry at such tone. - The very foot you reach the back, down the road what Shiro%D

- You are for fools us, Ivan, do you think? - screamed Baba Yaga. - I in a letter such poroshok of henbane and Datura poured that would not die Merlin, and forever slept about sleep, and no living water would not help!

Realizing that with anger blabbed Yaga was silent for a moment, and then screamed with redoubled force:

- And if not will carry you, Ivan, the letter Merlin - so Kazna the%

- Swear, swear, " said Ivan, wondering where he now to go and what to do. In any case, here it was nothing to do, and he sent a mortar up and flew along the road.

But behind the high hill road split in two, and some of them led to the country English fairy tales, understand it was impossible. And ahead were another fork... Any pointers from the

No way! - Vanya said to himself. - Never give up! Serega be saved! Think I'll go up higher, can you see, where to go... There must be mountains, sea...

Stupa was up almost vertically. First, it became impossible to distinguish individual trees, then the horizon began to fall down somewhere.

Was truly frightening. Ivan suddenly felt the fragility and unreliability of its aircraft managed not reactive and not even a screw engine, and unpredictable magic power... And suddenly, Baba Yaga is now below Kaldany, and he will fall from this height? That certainly will go to pieces zakoulochkam...

But nothing terrible has happened, mortar flew regard%

The horizon widens and expanded. Height was a huge, snow-covered forests and fields at the bottom turned into small squares - like the sight of the airplane. Vanya was afraid that at this altitude it can freeze and gasp, but, apparently, the atmosphere in the country of fairy tales was something special.

But now, finally, the distance seemed sea.

- Fly me there! - decided to Ivan. - There still Lukomorye, green oak, male scientist... Maybe I'll find it, together'll think of something... by the Way, what with all the good characters of Russian fairy tales? With Vasilisa the wise, Ivan Tsarevich, sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka? Perhaps, too, all evil began as Tsar Saltan? Okay, let's see. The cat would have to find a scientist, could not be, that is%8

Putting a spectacular turn, Ivan sent a stupa in the sea, gradually reducing and trying not to lose sight of a blue line on the horizon, bright shining in the afternoon sun.





Was roaring surf. Ivan, turning the broom in different directions, described above sea coast smooth circles, wondering where to go next. And right and the left picture was absolutely the

Ivan landed (it was not very gently, he almost went out of the stupa), climbed on a shallow snow near the shore and tried to look goldfish. But the response was complete silence.

And then over the forest seemed something like a flying geese. Whether geese or swans slowly flew towards the sea. It was named after a bird, it did not matter, as in fairy tales they are still called "geese-swans". This is Ivan recalled immediately and shouted with all his might:

"Hey, geese-swans, geese and swans! Where is Lukomorye?

Birds, as if on command, looked in the direction of Ivan, but continued to fly silently.

- Eh-eh-Hey! Geese-swans! Help! Really need to Lukomorye, friend dies in prison! Ivan shouted themselves hoarse, but the birds silently removed.

- These parasites! "thought Ivan. - It is difficult to them that I say? Oh, I remember! They are also in the tales of brazen something, someone claimed there! Boy or something, it then my sister was looking for... Well, geese-swans, do not want in a good way, now another talk!..

Angry is not a joke, Ivan jumped up in a mortar, flew up and at maximum speed chasing geese-swans. Rising high above the pack, dived straight at the leader, shouting the most disgusting voice, which was capable of:

- And here I am now, his Excellency Koshcheev complain! And for Baba Yaga fly! Will calcuim all, and will know where cancers winter! And you, g is%

The leader of geese-swans looked scared at the stupa, which barely managed to Dodge. Apparently, the threats worked, or goose, the Swan just decided that anybody in the mortar Baba Yaga will not fly.

- Come fly with us, angry young man, will show you where Lukomorye, - said the leader, turning along the coast.

Ivan sent a mortar for the flock, chuckling over the appeal of the "evil they say is%

Soon appeared a large meadow in the middle of which stood a huge oak tree. Geese-swans turned towards the sea, and Ivan - a curving, not even time to thank birds. However, they are not very deserved.

Green oak - more precisely, black and white, as he was without leaves and snow - was approaching. It was already possible to distinguish a Golden chain on that oak, but there seems to be a scientist and a cat in

Near the oak tree stood and kicked customized cat haired dlinnousyh type in a high hat and a medieval coat.

- Hallo, whoop, hi, grandma! happily shouted and waved his arms type, saw the stupa and not make out who it manages. - Come fly here, along the Tomcat sense will teach!

Unfortunately the cat began to tremble and shrank in the snow. Ivan was able to see what he went not in the chain (as was the tale), and on the chain. A heavy gold chain was attached to the collar, and the cat had to drag her around the oak.

But the time to look at the cat was not. In such a belt hung a huge sword, and his belt was stuck a gun is quite a modern form.

- A gun that kompoldovsky, - said Ivan. - What to do? This type of despicable as you'll see that not Baba Yaga flying in a mortar, just to understand everything, shooting begins... Or Koshcheev will run, and Earrings are executed... Fly me away, then something else will come up with...

But it was too late. Type shouted:

"Hey, in a mortar! Who is there? Come, answer! Hey! Hey! Who is in my grandmother's mortar flies? Where grandmother Delhi?


Shoot type did not, but to hit the sword on the incoming mortar - Yes. Stupa started, but the path is not lost. The clash was the strongest, Ivan went out of the stupa and a few meters rolled through the snow - fortunately, they were deep, and he did not even hurt. Immediately jumped to his feet and looked around.

The type was lying on his back, pinned stupa, and showed no signs of life. %

Ivan rushed to him and above all took a sword and a pistol. Then he turned to the cat scientist with the horror of looking at what is happening and, apparently, not believing my eyes.

However, the silence was short-lived.

- Ivan! Brave winner of double! Oh, joy!" "howled the cat, throwing Ivan. But the gold chain threw the cat back.

- Wait, wait, cat scientist, now I set you free, " said Ivan, running up to lying on the ground cat and trying to break the chain sword. 't work. Then he told the cat does not move, and aimed a pistol at the place of fastening of the chain to the collar. Fired. Thank God came not to mind the cat, but just the right way.

A couple more strokes sword - and hopped off the collar along the%

However, the greeting was short-lived. First of all it was necessary to remove the oak tree chain and tie it type, still unconscious. Then Ivan decided that if a long time to lie on the snow, you can catch a cold, and the type and even disgusting, but still its a bit pathetic. Had propped him up against the oak. This took a lot of time, during which Ivan briefed the cat everything that happened with him and Serge, and the cat Ivan, as he was forced after the victory of evil to sit on the circuit and to tell the most terrible tales of the bad end.

He told the cat, as usual, long and boring, and Ivan interrupted him:

- And where Vasilisa the wise? Prince Ivan? Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka?

- Vasilisa and Alyonushka - in prison. Ivan-Tsarevich seemed to be managed in the country of German fairy tales to gallop away, but do not know. Thirty-three heroes from Tsar Saltan to the king Peas went, where they Koschey not touch. There remained only the%

I said, sister Alyonushka in prison? Where's brother Ivanushka?

- Probably, there, in prison.

- So it's quite small!

- Brave winner of double, you Koshcheev Immortal don't know? It's good that he is not convinced the Tsar Saltan at all to execute all the good characters!

- Yeah, well, things you have going on... And who is this? 'asked Ivan, pointing to the associated type.

- Oh, and this is count Dracula! He often goes to check whether the most terrible tales I tell you!

- And what, you really are so many article is%

- No, Ivanushka, you! Here are just a bun Fox ate, and then he impudent was fun, grandparents upset, from all wanted to go! Remember:

...I went from my grandfather,

I'm from the women had gone,

I went from the hare,

I'm from a wolf left...

And in General, for bun and was preparing to eat! And so we have all the good stories, the end of all fairy tales are good!

- Well, how do you tell terrible tales of bad end?

- To mid will tell and will focus on the most horrible place. It seems to be here and fairy tales end, and who listened - well done. And once the song some sad start to sing, like:

...Not b is%

No noise-ka you, Yes dark forests!

Don't cry, don't cry, soul fair maiden! -

Not very, I was crying, tears rolling down their own...

- Wow, what a sad song, - said Ivan. - You know that I'm not a fan of Russian folk songs, but really, just tears...

- Tears of a roll, but still me on a chain planted, and still Dracula all did not like.

- Why. For he and Dracula. Well, the blood of you did not drink. Or not fried and eaten.

The cat in the terror stopped. Ivan paused and, looking at the stupa. By the middle of it from being hit by stray deep crack. But as if to soar, that's just not disintegrated in flight...

- Yes, well, the cat scientist! Don't eat your Dracula, and well. Now I need to think what to do to Serega tomorrow at noon is not executed. And you know what I think? What Tsar Saltan not my fault that it all Koschey arranged. Could he king hoodoo?

- Yes, probably. Although it's not easy, Oh, how difficult!

- Well, Koschey, will tell you, is not easy. In my life seen such sneaky and sly, strikes%D

- Death of Kashchey the Immortal at the end of the needle, needle in the egg, the egg is in a duck, a duck in a hare, hare in the chest, chest on the oak - rapped cat.

"Well, and where the oak? Can we find this needle and take a look at what then Koschey speak?

- It is impossible, brave winner of double! Where the oak, nobody knows, but look for it - seven pairs of boots bear, seven staves wiped... And you%

- Yes, you are right - sadly said Vanya. - What can we do? And Merlin to find already do not have time, and even if we find - than he can help? Yeah, my goodness... Is to fly to surrender Koschei?

Hung heavy silence. Ivan sat on the mortar, intently fiddling with a broom. Cat walking around, rubbing his neck, apparently she is still sick, and living was no water.

Connected graph DRA is%

- Yes stop you! It is connected, nothing now can not hurt you, ' said Ivan cat scientist. - And then you're just like a cat Baba Yaga... Hmm, cat Baba Yaga... cat Baba Yaga... Hey, did you see him?

- Yes, quite recently, when I was at the Palace on the chain dragged, forced the boyars king terrible tales to tell! - said the cat. - Just a witch came with their vile beasts. Cote me as I saw immediately pounced. And the crow Babkina too rushed, almost eyes pecked out. Well, my grandmother was sorry, his brute drove away. Said, " though I am angry, but I love animals...

"Hmm... So after Babkin cat like you, eh?

- Well, you say, my good fellow! How so? He's blunt and angry, and I'm good and scientist!

- Could you a little bit of modesty, and prices would not you be, " said Ivan. - It seems like! And in size, and the coat is almost the same... that's just a pain to it, of course... Look, wherever there to get the black paint?..





Grew dark. Stupa B

Both were incredibly smeared with soot, which had a special fly into the house of the old man and woman. The old man was not at home - he was throwing nets. The old woman, seeing Ivan was so happy that I could not understand what they want from it, and then in his joy made the whole bucket of soot.

Now the bucket he was standing there in a mortar, and both John and cat - from the soul smeared with soot other is%

To manage stupa bound hands was very uncomfortable. The cat helped as he could, but still fly exactly did not work. And maybe made itself felt a deep crack in the mortar.

But, in spite of that, they were flying at full speed, straight to the Palace of Tsar Saltan. Fortunately, the cat is perfectly oriented in the country of fairy tales, and from height of the bird's flight, so that the route%

The sun had already disappeared behind the forest, when mortar cool dived into the middle of the courtyard of the Royal Palace and with a thud landed.

"Hey, uncle Goblin! Take another prisoner! 'cried the cat scientist disgusting voice, very reminiscent of the voice of the cat Baba Yaga.

- Yes, I come! - from a side door in the wall of the Palace came the Goblin. - This one is of the night has brought? Oh, Hey Tomcat! And where is your mistress?

- Grandma something? And tired of it, for those chasing a traitor, and at home, in his hut on chicken but%D

- Wow! Good for grandma - and managed a traitor Ivashka to take, and another to find a traitor! And where he found?

"I know? Sitting at home with a black swear - well, you know, uncle Goblin, so we get along. And then my grandmother arrived and brought here this traitor. In a mortar it somewhere planted by fraud and deceit, the hut has, like how to feed, drink, and then we all its whack! Hardly twisted. Here's the stove almost blew. See, all smeared with soot?

- See, see. I wonder where he came from? Hey, you! What's your name?

Ivan sat silently in a mortar, with his head - though he smeared with soot, and disheveled, and the yard was almost dark, and suddenly Goblin still recognize him?

- Answer me! - cried the Goblin.

- Do not answer it, uncle! Paused a traitor, even when my grandmother he was tied up! "the cat said.

- Do not worry, the executioner, then it quickly starts a language! Hey, archers, executioner here!

- Wait, wait, Goblin. Grandma%

- What for?

- And to check, not a conspiracy if they, and wilt why traitor Ivan - yet he is now at the Merlin - mysteriously whispered to the cat's ear Goblin.

- That his Excellency Koshcheev need to call!

Ivan gasped - too Koschey something he just found out! But the cat is not confused:

- Don't! Grandma said - let tomorrow morning surprise him and Tsar will be!

Goblin $ is

- Well, grandma knows best. She caught a traitor, and her address. Hey, archers, the hangman is not necessary! Where Tugarin Zmievich? Call-ka it here, though this is a traitor to the king's prison, to the traitor, which they call Sergius!

Goblin is considered for a moment and asked unpleasant question:

- And you, the cat, say, when you have learned to manage the stupa grandmother? Something I do not recall%2

- Long ago, have recently learned... getting old grandmother, she has to help... and here Tugarin! Hi, zmievich, take a traitor. Put him to a traitor Sergius, and the door to hear what they talking among themselves.

Ivan grabbed his collar and dragged out of the stupa and led to push back. However, he still managed to hear the voice of the Goblin:

"Let's go, cat, go jump in article%

And the answer cat scientist (who could not fly at least because he could not manage stupa):

- Wait, wait, uncle Goblin. Grandma has requested to talk with the blacksmith, that he sealed with mortar hoops, and then see what the crack?..

Admiring herself ingenuity cat, Ivan walked (or rather, was carried out) for some dark corner, and went into the dark basement, in front of which stood the four Musketeers, and began gently down the steep, slippery steps. Tugarin Zmievich followed him, constantly pushing him in the back.

What Tugarin recognize him, Ivan was not afraid. They had only met once, and then a glimpse into the throne room Saltan, and now Vanya was smeared with soot, and in the cellar was dark only occasional road covered over damp torches.

"Hey, traitor, how to call you? asked Zmievich. Having received no reply, no more than he asked, only kicks in the back are even cruder.

Archers stood then

When they approached the cell door, Tugarin told Ivan to stand face to the wall, took out his keys and opened the door. This time Ivan was enough to untie his hands (he made a site with a "bow"), pulling out a gun under his jacket and send it to Zmievicha.

- Hands up! "he said quietly (suddenly still somewhere near were archers). And face the wall!


- Well, shoot, shoot! That's it! So-and-so! - and reached for his sword.

Indeed, Ivan was afraid. It is one thing to shoot ethereal and soulless computer monsters, and quite another to make the metal though and bad, but a living person who looks you in the eye. Finger treacherously trembled and pressed the trigger firmly refused.

But Ivan hurried and snarled menacingly as possible:

"I fear the%B

There was a heavy pause, during which Zmievich, clenching the hilt of his sword, looked into the face of Vani. Then let go of the handle, slowly raised his hands up and turned to the wall.

- Did you? "Ivan said. "Now, open up, open the door! And he stand against the wall! Hey, Sergei, are you alive?

- Live, live! - Sergey jumped out of the camera and looked around. "Well, sir, WAN, as they say? Thankful for the coffin of life...

- Wait, Serge, rejoice! It would, indeed, the coffin of life did not work - need to somehow get out of here and there, you know, how many Musketeers top?

- And this beauty? - Sergey instantly aware of the situation and pointed to Tugarin. - Let us out and displays! WAN, where we need to bring?

- The yard. There cat scientist, made-up by the cat Baba Yaga, the stupa of waiting.

"Yeah, I understand. Hey how are you there? Serpent! Listen carefully: Ivan now hides a gun in his pocket and send out the barrel at you. And you have, as if nothing had happened, lead the top. Sagittarius will say that the king-father immediately ordered traitors can lead to it. We lead the past stupa around her as if accidentally delayed, and we sit in it and fly away. And repressa - so good is%

Tugarin only sneered back. Coward he really was not.

"You think about it, Zmievich! - joined in the conversation Ivan. - If you refuse us out of here, we'll take away your sword and shut you in the camera. Will we be able to break through or not - this is our problem, but in any case, what a shame you will! In-camera, without the sword... demote, with sovereign service hunt, and then I'll leave it in the camera. And then Oh how uncomfortable, however, Serge?

- Yes, the Messiah.

"You see, Tugarin? And if you bring us to a mortar, it turns out that you accidentally strayed, and here we escaped! Well, scold you, and all.

Tugarin pondered a long time. Then he nodded and slowly walked to the door. Serega, overtaking him, he went first with his hands behind his back and his head bowed resignedly - though under escort. Ivan, threatening Tugarin pistol from his pocket and went back.

Sagittarius at the entrance to the dungeon they passed safely. Those did not even ask - apparently had no right to ask boyar

So they went to court, where the middle was a stupa. On the right was the same door from which came the Goblin, when Ivan the cat came.

And then Tugarin suddenly took a huge leap in the direction of the door (Vanya had time for something to understand, not something to shoot), hid behind her and yelled:

'Help! All here! Grab them! Grab!

Then he jumped out from behind the door - since kompoldovskim gun in his hands. Oh, how Ivan Sergei guessed it searched!..

On all sides were already running archers, razmakhov the%B

Bill was a fraction of a second. Ivan Sergei struggled raced toward the stupa. Ivan pulled the pistol from his pocket and waved it.

Is Ivan! This... is... well ... a former winner of double! "shrieked Zmievich, trying to catch up with them and from time to time shooting - fortunately past.

He should have remained silent about the winner of the double. Vanya finally realized shoot in the air, and all the archers, as if on command, lay down. No wonder - who was hunting inserted a bullet brave winner of double?

John, Joe, and the cat ran up to the scientist stupa almost simultaneously. Tugarin hopelessly behind - apparently, he had more to ride on horseback, and run it lost the habit. And shoot straight on the run, and even impossible, moreover, in the twilight.

Breathing heavily, the fugitives jumped into a mortar. Ivan grabbed a broom and pulled her to himself. Stupa went almost vertically up. Bottom in n the%B

The Palace was soon out of sight. Stupa swayed and creaked. Over the forest was a little lighter than in the yard of Tsar Saltan, but before dark, we had very little time.

Hardly make out the forest glade, Ivan sent a stupa. Landing, despite the deep snow, has been very tough, a crack in the mortar has expanded, but still sit safely.





From the experience of the Sabbath.

Cat curled up and fell asleep. Ivan and Sergei did not want to sleep in the country of fairy tales of their organisms lived in real time, and there has been only a few minutes. What specifically - Vanya did not know, because his grandfather's watches remained Koshcheev.

Sat. Paused. It was quite dark.

- Well, what shall we do, Serge? Ivan was the first to break the silence. "Maybe Doge%

- Do you think the passage in the real world is still open?

"And why not? Anyway, you can try.

- And you think there is a river some Brigand not on duty? Koschey is not an idiot, guess what, we can fly home.

- Well, let duty. On top of the stupa will spitirual and immediately dive into a hole. I won and gun kompoldovsky there, shot in which case.

"Wait, Sir, WAN! First, if the passage is closed? Dive into a hole in our world will not fall, will have to get out, and here and grab us. And secondly, you that, anyway, what with the country's Russian fairy tales? Merlin why you calling here? Evil is defeated. And you want to escape? Well, the cat, then we'll take with me. And where is your namesake - Ivan-tsarevitch, brother Ivanushka? Vasilisa the wise where?

Ivan himself was ashamed of his thoughts on the flight from the country of fairy tales and mumbled:

- Of course not. I thought the house will have a rest, from soot can get washed up, look about, will think what to do next...

- Do not worry, you can still walk and dirty! And the rest - we here all night cuckoo, naotdyhaemsya! And it seems there is a well - forest, the air is fresh, the stars in the sky out how! Here are just a cold, the fire would ignite...

- The kindle would not hurt, only match we have not settled%

- And what Merlin help?

- Well, for example, declare Saltan war...

- And how you imagine it - that the British fought with Russian fairy tales? This is not a fairy tale, but world war happens! Anyway, if Merlin himself could Koshcheev and Tsar Saltan deal - not sent to fetch you a mouse-the place!


- Do, sir, WAN, in the country, Russian fairy tales, only one Kingdom - Saltan?

- No! There is still king Peas! "answered Ivan. - Exactly! We have to fly to the king Peas! It Koschey not bewitched, I told the cat! It even thirty-three knights moved!

" . Well then, let's wait for the morning and fly to this very Peas.

- And we're not solidify until morning? Something quite colder...

- Well, to run, jump... Wait, WAN, can, and am will not have to wait! Hear, like an owl hooting somewhere near? She sees in the dark, perhaps, would allow us...

Indeed, somewhere nearby heard the hooting of an owl. Ivan jumped up and shouted:

- Owl! Devushka! Help me out poor pilgrims! Take me to the country's king Peas! And what%8

Wuhan was quiet, but the owl, apparently, to rescue the poor pilgrims was in no hurry. Maybe thought than Ivan Sergei could have her to thank her, and nothing could think of.

- Owl-a! Devushka! Help strangers I pass, do not let in the frosty night forest freeze! again Ivan cried.

"Wait, sir, WAN, don't shout! - Sergey also rose to his feet. - Maybe it Merlinovskaya owl?

- Why would it?

- And did you try it in English, I had still Merlinovskaya. Remember us little mouse was told that English owls fly around the country, Russian fairy tales? Tell%

- What if the owl does not Merlinovskaya and koshcheeva? I will say that I am a friend of Merlin, and she immediately flies and tell Immortal where we are.

- Yes, if the owl koshcheeva, the English still do not understand. Try, try!

Ivan the best of their knowledge of English gave a short statement about what the friends of the great magician Merlin in urgent need of help. And there now! - Sergei was not mistaken. After a few seconds, the clearing gently landed the great grey owl.

Having understood, finally, a muddled explanations other%

- Quickly, Serge, Wake the cat, while the owl had not changed his mind! Let's go! "cried Ivan and leaped up in a mortar.

Sergey didn't even Wake the cat, but just caught him in his arms and climbed into the stupa with him.

Habitual traffic broom - and aircraft Baba Yaga was separated from the land. Owl, with interest observed the rise, slowly swung his wings and rose above the treetops. Stupa, creaking like an old cart, flew over it.

Ivan voltage sweat, despite the cold. He had not lagged far behind, so as not to miss the owl out of sight in almost complete darkness, and the chance with this very owl did not encounter. A stupa was flying very unstable - crack widened and extended. Sergey, clinging to the side, trying to restrain the expansion of the crack, but the forces that he lacked. A cat is awake there's generally nothing to help. He, however, tried to sing something like: "Hey, Dubinushka, uhnem!", but Ivan Sergei hissed at him in unison, and he resentfully silent.

- Do not be cross you, cat scientist, you know, as we Sergei love you! Just not to the songs now! - said Vanya between desperate attempts to translate the stupa in level flight. "Over the moon had risen, though something has been seen! Look, far to the Kingdom of Peas?

Cat so badly hung over the edge of the stupa that friends was afraid that he would fall, and grabbed it by the tail.

- From%D

- And to the Palace of his far?..

Replied the cat did not, because stupa broke in two.

Spas deep snowy ravine, in which all three of them fell, screaming. Fortunately, the fragments stupa nobody was hurt, but the blow was still very strong. Anyway, one of the legs Ivan no longer felt.

"Hey, Serge! You're alive?

- He's alive! "came from the nearby snowdrift. - A cat is where?

Here I am, good fellows here! Oh-Oh-Oh! "wailed the cat, and sang very plaintive g%

- Side eh you're a stranger native Siberian country,

Side stranger, stranger,

What is not myself at you went,

That is not a good horse for your chosen according

Neither violent winds have won,

Neither the swift rivers zaleleyali...

"Well, if you sing, then do not hurt yourself, " thought Ivan. - A cat is a cat, though, and scientist. Somewhere I heard that if a cat falls, it will always land softly on all four paws...

- Vanyukha! Vanyukha! cried Sergey. - Hands and legs intact?

"Hands seem to be intact, but about a foot not sure. How about you?

- Everything is fine. Now look at your feet.

Sergei got out from under the snow and the%B

- Well, bumped, it happens, " said Sergei, a show of indifference. - What should we do? I have an iron nose to go not interfere, and this is how you go? You'll have to haul.

- What are you, Serge? Leave me here, go to the king, Peas, and then will send someone for me.

- Yes you, WAN, freeze! You even run to warm up, so the foot can not! No, it dragged you spacecraft is%

- M-m... don't know... Promotiei path that - have five hundred miles, and a roundabout path - a thousand... But try, try... Oh-Oh-Oh, all the bones ache, all sustavchiki...

- And if the cat runs away forward, as we find a way? Ivan did not pay attention to the complaints of the cat, who did in the metal does not become, and, therefore, everything was fine.

- Yes in its Wake. Look how well in the light of the moon you can see everything.

- Well, okay. Come on, cat scientist, stop moaning and get on in fast forward, to the king Peas. And I'm some sort of a branch on a crutch is broken.

- Yes Sidi you, sir, WAN, still. I crutch friend I can not do?..





Fortunately, long time to go, and shivered, and leaning with one hand on Sergei, and on the other - on a crutch, Ivan did not. Over the forest was just beginning to deal with the dawn, when I struck a small cavalry detachment.

Raising clouds of snow, the riders flew to Ivan with Sulfur Is%B

- Hello, boyar Ivan, brave winner of double! I must! And I've got another was huge, with mountain growth! - deep bass voice said broadshoulders grey bearded, peeling with huge horse. "I Ilya Muromets! And this my friends - that Dobrynya Nikitich, here Alyosha Popovich, that guy Chernomor! Our father the Tsar Pea waiting impatiently for you in his Palace! But for

- Hello dear warriors! Thank you, thank you! gratefully said Vanya. - But that's how I will be able to go to things kaurke if I have one foot out of metal?

- I almost forgot! - in unison said, heroes, and everyone in his hands was a large bag (fur, such as if in the old days the wine were - remembered Ivan). But in furs was not the wine, and the living water. Instantly and Ivanova N. the

- Well, let's go, fairy-tale heroes! Sivka-burka, you do not need to manage? You know where to go?

- Not born one who would control the Sivko Bourke, - proudly said the horse. - And now galloped, where you say - are we in a flash. Just hold on tightly in the stirrups, a good fellow Ivan!..

- Wow, well and speed!.. Wow!.. Hey, Sivka! Burka! Not too fast are we going?

- It is better to ask, not whether we are flying low! I suppose, not on some gray wolf jump, and the heroic horse! "grinned prophetic kaurka, further increasing the speed and leaving the team far behind. True, all the heroes (I think, and Sergei) shouted in unison their horses something like: "Oh you, wolf syt, herbal bag", but where they were to keep up with Sivko Burka?

The Palace of the king of Peas was more like a huge house with a peaked roof. Wood, bloated, he stood in the centre of the small town, surrounded by ramparts and timber walls.

Sivka-burka sped down the main street and stopped at a small trodden ground in front of the entrance of the Palace.

Near sentries archers sat cat scientist and peered anxiously into the distance. Seeing Ivan, he took a very solemn and began:

- When the sun shone red

On whether Nabucco on clear,

Then come back to us young Ivan,

Young Ivan, the son of the Arab East Jerusalem.% B

But the cat is not allowed to finish singing - drove heroes and Sergey. All dismounted from their horses and a friendly crowd burst into the Palace. The cat was between Ivan, Sergei, and Alyosha Popovich, trying to attract more attention and singing a song so triumphant.

In the middle of a large room with rough log walls stood a huge table. At the table sat a lot of long-bearded old is%

At the far end of the hall, at the head of the table sat a thin old man with a very long, very bushy and the white beard. Saw Vanya, he got up from the table and announced in a quavering voice:

- More of my noble and boyars! Let me introduce you to the boyar Ivan, brave winner of double, to whom we owe not only our realm, the state, but life itself! However, boyar Ivan still does not know that he was granted the title of... (king lost) ...after the king-priest, that is, I... (king again lost) ...after I, the king-priest, was Pribram%D

King lost completely. There was a long pause, during which Peas, apparently tried to formulate a continuation of speech. But then he left the fruitless efforts, and exclaimed:

- In short, the boyar Ivan then was granted the title of the first boyar and the right to sit at the right hand of the king-priest, above the high boyars! Loans are the same brave boyar Ivan, his place!

Trying not to look at his feet and not fall down (which was difficult because of the uneven floor), Ivan walked along the hall and sat down by the king. Knights, Sergey scientist and a cat sat haphazardly on the other end of the table.

Ivan was afraid that now the servants, as in the films, will make all sorts of dainties, and he could not speak with the king of Kashchey the Immortal and the Sultan. But Pea immediately Peres is%B

- Tell us boyar Ivan, there have potentates saltashki going on!

Vanya little shy at first, but then still quite coherently told about all your adventures, starting with the arrival of Santa Claus to Alenka. All the time the story about the Nightingale, the Tsar Saltan and Koshcheev room buzzed with indignation. At the end of Ivan had almost shouting. When he came to her with Sergei escape from the Palace of Tsar Saltan, Peas banged his fist on the table:

That enough is enough, boyar! And so everything is clear! Hey, clerk! Bring me the signature on the Royal decree!

- About what? 'asked Ivan and frightened - can ask the king questions?

The king frowned, but said:

- The war we Salasco come on, that's what the decree! Bite, my heroes, swords with hammers, arrows red-hot eyes peeled!

- Wait, wait, your Majesty!

Boyars gazed at Ivan. The king turned to him:

"What is it, Lord? What made you king to argue?

- Yes, I... Your Majesty...

- Just call me the king-priest! We here simply, on a relative! So Thu%D

Ivan thought that the king barely restrain himself not to add to a relative: "And then his head from your shoulders." Very confused. But then I found the strength and gasped:

- U-king-b-father... Sorry... I do not defy you, just wanted to ask here... You about swords with hammers and arrows beauty said, or indeed with them in Saltan want to go to war?

- And what else to Salasco go? With caps? Throwing, of course, but with swords and hammers not hurt. And as strelushki roasted...

Apparently, the king was going to continue colorful description%

- Your Majesty... the King-father! Do you have that kompoldovskogo weapons no? Well, there pistols, rifles...

- Why do we need this crap?

"Why what? In Saltan something she is!

- What are you, boyar Ivan? As the double we won, so all the kings of all countries agreed kompoldovskoe weapons to powersaving that the eye did not corn, and continue to fight fair!

- In the country of Tsar Saltan defeat evil! There is now chief Koschey! They won't fight fair! And weapons kompoldovskoe they do not throw and Dracula had a gun, and the%8

- A gun? Well, maybe someone else and left most of these guns, but where they against our strausak hot! Our three heroes, and another thirty-three knights! Everyone is equal, as the selection, with uncle Chernomor! We then lost a battle with kompoldami because he wanted to usher in the rear for them to go, but got lost in the woods and don't come! And so we would have smashed them to pieces, and their predvodi

Ivan stopped.

- All of them, the kings, the same, he thought. All of them are simple, according to a relative: just that - his head from his shoulders down...

But at the other end of the table stood Serega. Weighed a deep bow and almost knocking his head on the table, he said:

- King-priest, were not executed, were say a word!

- Well, rumor.

- Thank you, our father the Tsar! Permit me to guard your military units brave, tell as weapons kompoldovskoe acts - and then suddenly the enemy will have at least one gun? For example, this Serpent Tugarin I know, he just fight with weapons kompoldovskim go!

- Right, right boyar Sergius says! - got quite a young guy (a little older Ivan), sitting very close to the king - apparently, one of his sons. - Permit me, sir, boyars, Ivan and St. Sergius squad your korraldusele battle to teach!

- Don't allow! I've nothing to decompose squad! Have you nothing at all, Ivan the fool! Oh, it was the king's three sons, two smart, and one...

Bo is%8

Pea has round the hall and shouted to his senile quavering voice:

- Well, the clerk, where there is the king's order? Come here, to the king-father to his decree personally hereunto set my hand! And send a messenger to saltashke, let prepares to battle their squads! Go to him the king of Pea war! Tomorrow, I expect him on the battlefield!

Putting on the decree cross (illiterate? - Ivan thought), the king got up and said solemnly:

As the sun will rise tomorrow, act n%

The psaltery players rang out in unison:

"Oh, thank God,

What shook the corn!

What shook the corn,

In haystacks put them:

In the threshingfloor of the haystacks,

In stand bins,

Pies from the oven!..

When the song ended, Peas shouted:

"Hey, the king's servants, bring dishes! Eat, dear guests, my friends noble, why God sent!

God sent a lot - so much variety of dishes Ivan did not even see a movie. Partied until late at night.

Ivan absolutely did not understand three things: first, how much is

"However, " he thought, " maybe it really Tsar Saltan disarmed, only Tugarin Yes Dracula pistols hid... Well, maybe someone else hid... But for us, then three heroes, and thirty-three heroes... And what a battle they are not ready - maybe in their country of fairy tales so accepted: feast - and immediately to the war. Won - and soon feast... and what the heroes prepare - there they are huge, especially Ilya Muromets...

Went quite late. At the exit from the floor to Sergei came to Ivan the fool, something he said quietly, and they are somewhere left together.

Bent old man in a bright red coat (apparently, the Butler with a deep bow invited Ivan to take place in chambers, granted by king Peas his first boyar. But go to bed absolutely did not want - probably in the real world a little more time. Ivan thanked him, said that he had better take a stroll, and went outside.

In the sky the moon was shining brightly. Under h is%

Came the cat scientist. For decency paused, then began to sing a singularly unpleasant voice:

- Let's go we, brothers, in the blue sea walk,

Will divide us, brothers, infidel ships

Let us, brothers, Treasury how much must...

- Cat, dear, would you better, sang this song Tsar! I heard he loves your songs!

- Is it true love?

"True, true! - confirmed Willow is

"Well, good night, then, brave winner of double! - said the cat, and from all legs flew to the Palace.

By Ivan briskly passed Sergey and Ivan the fool. Serega maliciously threw on the go:

- Well, first boyar, ready for the glorious and victorious war? The gun has ground?

"Wait, wait, Serge!

- Once! There's your namesake says that somewhere in the gardens kompoldovsky car is worth. Maybe what weapons shall find something. - and sped away.





When the troops of the%B

In front rode three knights clad in glittering helmets and armor. Shields, swords, armor, quivers, arrowheads, - it was all polished up unimaginable brilliance and sparkling in the morning sun.

Behind them rode the king personally Peas on a white horse. On the occasion of the war, the king also put on a glittering armor. He was carrying a huge banner.

Ivan, as the first boyar, had the right to go is

Immediately after the king was riding his elder sons and several boyars, followed orderly, thirty - three knights, led by Chernomor. And then endless belt stretched vigilantes and citizens. Someone armor shone someone-no, someone they do not. Some residents had no copies - just spears and sharpened stakes. Still, the army, look out the%

Cat scholar king forbade take on the war, but Ivan and did not insist - what is the use of cat in a fight? And Serega with Ivan the fool nowhere to be seen.

The road seemed long and boring, and Ivan even wished that the cat scientist remained in the Palace - tale would be some who spoke, or a song he sang, the more fun it all would be. However, the army was singing all the time brave songs. Ivan drove off in mid%

- Vzveytes, falcons, eagles,

Full of grief to mourn!

Whether business under the tents

In the field camp to stand!

A camp - the city of the plain,

Sea street noise,

Gilding rosy

Copper cupolas burn...

And all blocked a powerful bass abyssaudio column Dobrynia Nikitich:

- Comes to a boil then war

Powerful game

Story on the system will go a wall

And roll "Hurrah!"...

Dobrynya winked at Ivan, and went along a fun marching citizens.

Went to evening. Night sat around campfires, again sang songs, again feasted - it seems that food supplies brought up a mountain. Neither Serge, neither Ivan the fool is still not appeared. The peas have repeatedly asked the others what had happened to his youngest son (about Sergei he apparently forgot). In the end, the king said angrily that war is serious business, and the fool Affairs of the

In the morning went on, still fun, carefree, with brave marching songs. After noon the sun had come in the clouds, then walked off the snow.

- How would Blizzard has not begun, the king-father! deep concern said one of the boyars.

- No, let them begin! To the field of battle is at hand, we'll vrazhin defeat - if he's certainly not afraid to go out with us to battle! And Blizzard us with such men are not an obstacle! And, boyar Ivan?

- Not a hindrance, the king-father! - said Vanya almost genuinely. Still the king of faith in a quick and easy victory is%

- Yes, very close!

- Arrived! Finally! Come! That's the battlefield! - soon ran through the ranks of soldiers, and Ivan, asking NMCs maximum speed, rushed forward, to the Tsar and the boyars.

The battlefield was a big, smooth and snowy. Ivan wanted to ask boyars fought there before Peas with Saltanov, and if Yes, always in this field, but all was not up to his questions - build troops.

On the opposite end of the field have also been some movement - apparently approached army of Tsar Saltan. Details are difficult because the snow was stronger and stronger. However, before this storm was still far away, the king was right.

Lined up troops began to converge. Peas with boyars stood behind a small hill, looking at the enemy and something in command. All sides stretching away to the shelves raced Royal messengers. Ivan first listened to the commands of the king, but it was useless - he did not know it, from what regiment consists army, nor the one who in these shelves Governor. Then he ask

No one familiar face was not visible - probably the Tsar Saltan, Koschey and all known Ivan wicked fairy heroes were behind the regiments. But the shelves themselves did not have such a dashing appearance as host of the king of Peas. Cavalry at Saltan almost was not. People walking warriors were frightened, some people fear stop or even begin to retreat. Best line of all the

Weapons have Saltanovskih regiments, too, was, to put it mildly, not much. No one shining armor - more stakes so spears. Yes, and the numerical superiority was clearly on the side of the troops Peas.

"I wonder what the Sultan Koshcheev hoped, when on the field of battle came out? "thought Ivan, already without any doubt in the victory. - They would have such a wretched army in the city to shut and nose out not to show. Or all the world to ask... When after our victory will be peaceful talks, I put Saltan condition - freedom of all good fairy-tale heroes and Koshcheev - in exile! And to let a little of exile in the dungeon will get, will understand how much the pound down and out! And then the children put in prison is please, but what most sit?..

Imagination Ivan hotter, more and more. But the troops at this time approached slower and slower and finally stopped a few hundred feet from each other.

- It seems that the envoy from Saltan traveling the world to ask! happily said Ivan, seeing as the ranks of the enemy leaves rider.

- Something unlikely to Herald a petition about the world, " said one and the

- Exactly! This Brigand! 'exclaimed Ivan. "Well, and where our Ilya Muromets? Now he would show him! Hey, Ilya! -Residential! -Residential! -Residential!

And of residential! -Residential! -Residential! - roaring army shrill chorus. And from the ranks of heroes (standing, of course, in the first line) was driving Ilya Muromets, playing with enormous club is three times greater than that Nightingale once bruised van forehead.

"Come On, Ilyushenka! Get it! 'cried Ivan and his army. They shouted and heroes and the nobles, and even the king himself Peas.

Muromets already swing the%B

And then a shot rang out. Mace fell from the hands of the knight, and his metal statue toppled in yet trodden snow. Nightingale the Robber shot him kompoldovskogo pistol, and not pulling the weapon out (so as not to notice ahead of time), and from under the skirts of his greasy coat.

The ranks of the army of the king of Peas blew a shrill cry of horror, the%

Nightingale turned his horse and galloped with all his strength to his troops, leaning over the pommel of the saddle. In his flying arrows, but the snow was stronger and stronger, and get into the treacherous Thief no one Archer could not.

Before the enemy was quite a bit... Another half a minute - and guska shelves Saltan...

And then there was a loud command, and the first series Saltanovskih troops together

Rang shots. The enemy fire was terrible. After a few seconds, the battlefield was literally littered with metal statues of warriors, warriors, heroes and boyars king Peas.

Because of forests, despite the heavy snow, there was a combat helicopter fired a volley of missiles. Horse regiment Peas, trying to rebuild and attack Saltanovskie troops from the flank, in a few moments longer exist.

Then the helicopter swung low over the ground for new attacks, and Ivan could have sworn that I saw through the snow in a glass cockpit tense face Koshcheev.

But beginning this Blizzard, and the helicopter was flying over the forest - apparently Koschey still considered non-flying weather and decided not to risk nothing. Why, if from the troops of the king of Peas has left a memory? And the survivors were able to finish and tanks, and guns, and simple warriors - to destroy the running was no need even kompoldovskogo weapons.

Sivka-burka nickered, rose

He emerged from under the iron horse, but could not get up - around whistling bullets. One of them struck his helmet - fortunately, never touched.

And then Ivan saw from behind him, lifting the whirling snow and jumping up on potholes at high speed flew kompoldovsky military vehicle. The driver Sergey and rear - Vanya's namesake, whom the king thought a fool. In the%8

- Vanyukha! Grab the king and run! But I will delay! cried Serega, passing by Ivan. And the bullets stopped whistling over his head - all queues Saltanovskih marksmen were sent to the racing car. But to get there it was not easy. And Ivan the fool again fired a grenade launcher, and one of the guns fell silent.

Ivan pulled out a pistol Dracula and released at the enemy

- Begi, Sir, WAN! Run -! - shouted Sergey hard, making incredible turns.

And Ivan, took off on the move heavy and useless mail, not less useless helmet and cling to its feet sheath with a sword, ran to the place, where a few minutes ago proudly waving the banner of king Peas.

The king was lying on the snow and softly moaned. Half of his body was the iron, so to rise, he could not. Near there was no one - apparently, all the boyars either fled the%B

Raced past the thin piebald horse without a rider.

- Wait, wait! 'cried Ivan. - Horse, stop! The king's father dies! Escape!

The horse stopped and stood still - apparently, it fought a sense of duty and a sense of fear. Then he turned back with the words:

- Well, the king quickly soot into the saddle, my good fellow!

- Yes, I could not in his saddle to drag, I don't! Loshadushka, dear, and lie can you?

- What are you? I'm not a camel to go to the rider got! - "said the horse. It's a shame for any self-respecting horse!

- And the king to throw in a trouble - no shame? 'cried Ivan. 'Lie down, and Saltanovskih arrows to hit you harder! There's a bullet whistle! They will be!

The horse looked not see anyone to shame and lay on his stomach on the snow, tucked under her. Vanya difficulty dragged into the saddle Peas, muttering something about the award in the kingdoms. He sat back without his help the Tsar in the saddle no%

- Well, let's go, dear Konik! Removal, darling!

While the horse got up (which wasn't easy with two riders, albeit thin), Tsar Ivan turned to through the Blizzard last show on the field of battle.

I wish they turned not as they went and did not see what happened: kompoldovsky the car in which Sergey was driving, and Ivan the fool again I owe to the grenade launcher, for a second stalled in the snow, and %





Grew dark. Snowfall almost stopped. In the woods, buried in the snow on his knees, got a horse with two riders. In front sat a long-bearded old man in shining armor, rear - disheveled teenager in a bright blue jacket with a hood.

We drove in silence. Yes, and what was to talk? And from Serega, and from the king's sons were only iron statues. As it turned out, the metal is not the%

Fortunately, to the saddle of the horse was strapped a bottle of living water, so that as soon as the field of battle was out of sight, Peas cured. Cure - but not calm. The old man constantly shaking his head and sobbed like a child. However, tears rolled down his cheeks, Ivan.

- The king-father, and will not salutem if we here at night? - calming down a bit, Ivan broke the heavy silence.

"N - no... Not salutem... Here's a little drive through the forest and moving out to the road that from the battlefield to hail my capital leads... Ah, my beloved son... What are you house did not have what you went with vrazhin fight, what do you me, my father, one left on whom you left me...

- The king-father! "Ivan said, finally took himself in hand. - Stop the%

"How... How we win Saltan? Our valiant troops routed!

"Well, the king-father? Ivan tried to look brave, cheerful and optimistic. - Kompoldy out, too, had defeated your army, and nothing, all we have recovered afterwards!

- Yes, of course, boyar Ivan! I forgot that you are a brave winner of double! Eh, I'm an old fool, and hearkened not unto thee, unto%

"Well... don't know... some thinking to do...

"That's it! To think! We must hurry to hail our capital to get! There, with our boyar Duma and think! Ah, the wolf syt Yes grass bag, al you don't want to go, al bear not Mogi? - the last was addressed to the horse.

The horse tried to go faster, but whether his strength was not enough, what with the snow was too deep. Stood up for him Ivan:

- King-BA%D

- What are you, Lord? Horse to thank? - surprise looked at Ivan king.

- Well, why not thank? And no reward? Do you think the king's father, the horse would not be pleased?

- Yes, when it was awarded the horses? I've never let this was not!

- So what? Here's your first time and reward.

"Hmm... Maybe it really reward? That's just what?

- Well, the king-priest, that's you know better.

"Okay, come in degrees Stolny, invent, than to reward the horse. And you, boyars who%

- My Kingdom? What are kingdoms?

- And what you like. Put so - for the salvation of the king rewarded kingdoms.

"Thanks, of course, the king-priest, for kingdoms, but not to them now. And the horse, I think, until unrewarded cost - not before. But thank him and now you can. You look, and his strength will add joy.

- How to be grateful for? On the go?

And even though on the go.

King straightened in the saddle and took a solemn look.

"Listen to me, good horse, horse brave, heroic knight! I, Tsar Pea, I say to you thank you for what you me, the king my father, from the field of battle passed in one piece... (king lost) ...well, not quite safe... (king again lost) ...well, then again I was in one piece...

The king lost the final, paused and said:

- In General, thank you, to the%B

- And you, the king-father, thank you for your kind words! I'll try! "replied the horse, threw back his head and, indeed, walked a little faster.

We got on the road. "Horse giant, rather like a very shabby horse, went to trot, but soon he still could not - he periodically switched to a step or even stopped to rest.

The road stretched painfully long, but finally, Peas cheerfully said:

- Well, very soon, and get there! Look for those turning the forest ends, the field begins%2

- See... hush, Hush, the king-father... And you, the horse, so loud snort... What's that noise back? Like motors...

- What are the engines?

- Really, what could be the motors in the country of fairy tales? Only kompoldovskie! The king-father! Think tanks are coming! Similarly, tanks! Well, athletic horse, let's rather off the road into that grove! There bushes, hide!

- What are you, boyar Ivan, to hide from the enemy going? he rose king.

- Calm down, the king-father! We do not hide! It's just a Ruse! Hey, Loches is%

- Well, if military stratagem, then okay...

Jumping off the horse in the Bush, they saw in the bright moonlight, on the road to the capital, the king of Peas at full speed rushed two tanks. Behind them - carts, which were machine guns. For them - Saltanovskaya cavalry. Each rider was either a machine or a gun.

Gritting his teeth from the consciousness of complete powerlessness, king and John watched as the leading tank stopped at the city walls and accurate shots from a gun began to destroy the tower for the tower from which the defenders of the city had tried to shoot him with arrows. The second tank, even without reducing speed, broke the gates and entered inside. Followed the rest of the squad.

Just a few minutes from the city were heard firing, then all was quiet.

- Well, that's the end of my Kingdom, to the state, " said the king, and fell face down in the snow. Then he jumped up:

- I will not die! I must die! Boyar Ivan, kill me, save me from shame. What? Don't want to kill me? I do not want to perform the king's commandment? How dare you? Head from his shoulders! Hey, where's my executioner? To Execute Of Ivan! A first execution of Peas, the old fool, destroyer of his sons, his army and his country! Where block? GM!..

Right in the face struck a large lump of snow - van%D

The king, who lost his Kingdom, the state is obliged to die like a hero! You boyar Ivan, take the horse giant and go home, and I went to die!

Peas pulled his sword, he turned and was about to go into the field, which rose a captured city. But Ivan again behaved disrespectfully - king grabbed his arm and turned to him.

- The king-father! To die like a hero is good, but why die in vain? Let's try to get to the capital Saltan - may to raise a riot will succeed! Or weapons kompoldovskoe find in there - and you saw how warriors Saltan bullets afraid! Oh, sorry, pistol Dracula cartridges over... Well, anyway, we'll fight yet! My friend Sergei prop-Christ.

By the end of the fiery speech of Ivan the king quite recovered his spirits.

- Oh, first boyar Ivan kingdoms for you - too little reward! Come on, brave and vysokomudry winner of double! Hey, bring me us, a good horse, a horse brave, heroic knight, unprepared roads to the city capital Soltoski nasty!

Of course, the horse did not deserve any of these titles. Even when he was moving at a normal road, its speed was such that Ivan sometimes it seemed that they walk with Peas would be reached quickly. And when, hearing the noise of engines or cheerful clatter of hooves Saltanovskih patrols had to Wade through the snowy forest paths, "heroic knight" did not break through every ten steps. Fortunately, the king and the death of Ivan frost is not threatened - from the horse was as warm as the stove.

It seemed that the whole eternity passed, while Ivan and Tsar Pea left the thick forest on a hill, which was visible to the capital of Tsar Saltan, and stopped the horse.

The walls around the city was not, and to enter it would work. But how to get to the huge Royal Palace surrounded by a high brick walls and guarded by many archers? This Ivan itself is not PR is

- The king-father! Tell me, have you saltanovskoy capital residents?

- Who? - Peas in bewilderment turned to Ivan.

- Well, spies...

- What are peonies? Speak clearly, brave Lord!

"Well, your scouts, who constantly live in the city of Sultan!

- Ah, spies! Similarly, there are!

- So let's, when it gets dark, go to them, spend the night with them, and think together, as a revolt against Koshcheev Saltan and raise. Addresses them you know?

"What?" Hell... resa? What's this?

- Well, what street, as%

- Wait, wait, vysokomudry boyar... I think... Yes, I remember! One of my scout lives...

Agree where it lives his scout, Peas did not have time. At the same time, two shots rang out. One bullet went through the hood Ivanova jackets, and another hit in the chest before the king.

Instantly turn into a metal Peas fell from his horse. As he fell, he dragged and Ivan.





Falling into deep snow, Ivan guessed to stand still and not to move. Not a single bullet in piste%D

Lie had a long time. Then he heard voices approaching, seemed very familiar to Ivan:

- It seems both knocked!

- Well, fellow Koschey that sent us here! Exactly - here we met them!

- Are you in one of them shot, Nightingale? I am in Ivashka.

"And I to Peas. Oh, sorry, should have the opposite! I have with this plygavka Ivan old bills have accumulated! Pre-Christ.

- And for me, that is less than with the accounts? I won a little of the boyars not demoted for escape from these traitors to the Imperial prison! Fortunately, Baba Yaga Koschei in a word for me put her finger in the pie, too cannon! The stupa is a traitor Ivashka she chose! And you, you Rogue, all about mouse some remember! Tired already myshom it!

- Well, Tugarin, okay. Don't lose your temper. Now bring their statues Saltan, and let him their king's court will deliver - to all who for good, and want to fight, feared and trembled! You Zmievich, what reward to ask you?

- Well, still do not know...

- Hands up! The gun down!

Ivan, who had no other way out, he jumped out of a snowdrift and pointed the gun at the Dracula approaching enemies.

Brigand and Tugarin Zmievich was taken aback. They, though, and kept their guns in their hands, but to raise them did not. Of course, while Ivan shot at one of them, the other would be able to take up arms and shoot, but with whom And%D

There was a tense silence. Then Tugarin said:

"Hey, boyar Ivan! Let's be honest-we put their pistols, and you own!

- What then?

- And then experience the power of their gallant in fair fight, without any kompoldovskih stuff!

- Yes? Sly what - you two, and I'm one! What is an honest fight happen?

"And you went in a straight fight with one of us! And second,%

Hearing that Tugarin admits the possibility of the victory of Ivan the Nightingale smiled. But Zmievich continued:

- Do you, Ivan, see, and saber-no! Well, that you was convinced that the second attack, take a sword to it!

- Well, so be it... but first, let me sword, and then put the gun! And then you attacked me with two swords, I know you... And do not put a gun, and emissions! And then you raise them quickly and begin to shoot, I know you...

- Well, agreed?


- Agreed...

- Excellent! Nightingale, give Ivan sword!

- What are you, Zmievich? His sword and gave him! I'll fight with him, not you!

- Why is this?

- Yes, a lot of why.

- Because of the ill-fated mouse?

- And what if because of the bat.

- You again with his misom! I am now Ivashka shot and missed! Because of him I was a bit of boyars not herded! I was with him and fight!

"No, me!

"No, me!

Both wicked fairy-tale characters so inflamed the dispute that Ivan, if he had the bullets could easily turn them both in the metal - they would not have understood what had occurred%

At the moment there was hope that the Nightingale and Tugarin so quarrel that the shoot each other. But there is plenty yelled, they decided to cast lots to fight with Ivan.

Bundles dice. They began to throw, who has more points fall.

Ivan fell into complete apathy. What's the difference with whom he now have to fight on swords with Nightingale or Tugarin? He once saw on television championship for fencing, but there were no swords, and something else... Vanya hardly remembered that it was a rapier. More than once he saw the movie, where they fought with swords, but it was quite unlike the way fencing championship... And this time is%

He even started, when the Nightingale uttered a cry of joy - to beat dropped him. Tugarin with an offended air removed from the belt of his sword and threw it to Ivan. Then all three on count one, two, three" threw their guns in the snow.

- Well, Ivan, choose - on-Hiking going fight or in equestrian? "said the Robber.

Ivan looked at his "horse giant", with Pont is%8

- Well, probably, in a walking...

And at this point from the path that goes from the forest, he heard a voice:

- Hello, gentlemen! I have seen here preparing a duel... as it is in Russian... duel with swords?

From the forest, clad wandering monk, leaving the great Merlin himself.

Ivan was stunned with joy and wanted to throw magician's arms. Then I remembered, in what situation he is now, and said resignedly:

"Yes, Mr. Merlin, is preparing piedino the%

To hide the tremor in his voice, he turned to the Nightingale and saluted him with a sword - exactly as once saw in a movie.

But Merlin came and continued:

- I see, my friend, Lord John is going to beat me with a strange knight... What is your name, valiant knight?

- What are you, old man? Go away, do not disturb! displeased said the Nightingale.

- I have a Merlin, the Grand master of black, white, and other magic, sovereign Earl and the Duke, the first knight of the round table, actual privy Royal Advisor, the Keeper of the seal of the nine kings, three Queens, Lord protector and Regent seven of the king's sons, and two of the king, holder of the highest and first degree seventeen crown and seven secret orders! I demand that you, the valiant knight, give your name!

- I Brigand, Odihmantev son, my Lord and commander of the regiment left hand of Tsar Saltan " muttered pretty taken aback Nightingale. - Wow, himself Merlin we came... Hey, Merlin! What if we Tugarin now you grab - and to the Palace of Koshcheev?

- According to the code duel of honor, Lord John have the right to put a soldier in his place. And he puts me, lo%

"Hmm... something! I Ivashka want to fight! He attacked me, bat selected...

- The Nightingale! But do not bother you again with his misom! - interrupted Tugarin. - Do not reproach foreigner! You probably have not heard about this same code, but I heard! Ivan has the right to put in place a soldier, his equal in honor and dignity...

"Ugh, I can't stand these words - honor, glory,

- But what honor and glory - what are you, Nightingale, Merlin's afraid? His alien magic does not apply here! And for Merlin Saltan Koshcheev us more generously rewarded than Ivan! Come on, I will fight, if you are afraid!

- Why? I? I was afraid? Yes I got that from Ivashka that with the old man! 'll deal with Merlin, and Ivan living in the Palace will! Koschey and Saltan more pleased! Well, come out to fight to the death, old man!

- Give me your sword, Lord John, - said imperiously Merlin.

- Mr. Merlin! How are you at your age will fight with the Nightingale? Let's much better than I...

- I do not think that Lord John, that VI is able to fence, and I know how. Please give me a sword.

Ivan gave his sword and walked away.

Merlin Nightingale saluted and stood in a fighting stance. The robber, brandishing a sword above his head and with a roar, rushed to the magician.

The match was quite unlike that Ivan had seen on TV. First Merlin all the time receded, short deft movements sabres beating off strong, but clumsy attacks of the enemy, and then, when it seemed that the old magician and completely exhausted, he suddenly rallied and made some very sophisticated attacks, one of which Nightingale recapture not USP is%

Breathing heavily and wiping the sweat from his forehead, Merlin saluted the defeated enemy and turned to Tugarin:

- You valiant knight, must now call my name and give the winner.

- Never! cried Zmievich, grabbing his sword Nightingale - as luck would have fallen straight to his feet. - Never! I, the Lord and commander of the ambush regiment Tugarin Zmievich, challenge you to fight to the death! And if you're tired, old man, let Ivan instead of you fighting! The Nightingale has used a more club swing, but not Sabelli damask! I told him - let me first! Well, who would dare to fight with

There was a heavy pause. Merlin again got into a fighting position. Ivan rushed to him to stop - it was obvious that the magician was very tired and could not fight with Zmievichem. However, Ivan still less able to fight with such a strong opponent.

- Well, who decides? approval repeated Tugarin Zmievich.

"I dare! "came a familiar voice from the side of the road leading to the city. - Here we are with you, snake, we'll fight seriously! And then, as defenseless people miss or army Peas from kompoldovskih guns to shoot, so all you brave! And what will sabelki valiant try?

- Serge! 'cried Ivan. - Serge! You're alive!

Indeed, to place the fight against the gray wolf raced Sergey. Behind him on the broad back of a wolf perched male scientist.

- Alive, sir, WAN, alive! Go away, do not disturb! And you, cat, get down, and then the battle will Sasebo inadvertently! Hello, Mr. Merlin! Give me my sword!

- Sir Sergey! VI is able to fence?

- Know how, know how!

- Serge! With any e

No way! Come out to fight to the death, serpent!

- Equestrian will fight on foot or in boyar Sergius? - his voice Tugarin.

- Yes as you like! You are weaker, and you decide!

From such impudence Tugarin aback for a moment, then barked:

- No, you decide!

- Well then, in equestrian! - Sergei sat comfortably on the back of the wolf and whispered something gray in his ear.

Tugarin climbed on his horse and rode towards the enemy, howling few faltering voice:

- You're a fine fellow, in my hands!

Want the

Want - you, young man, now tread,

Want - you, young man, now burst...

"Stop, Serpent! - shouted Sergey when the enemy approached almost closely. - Dishonest get a fight! We fight, and you alone must fight! And for you people out how!

Tugarin surprise looked back. At this point, the gray wolf has made a huge leap forward, and Sergei violently knocked Zmievicha sword on the head. The blow fell flat, but it Hwa%

- Knit it! "called Sergey.

Merlin took off the rope, replaced by robes belt, and tied Tugarin. Serega jumped off the wolf and turned to Ivan.

"Well, Hello, sir, WAN!

- Hello, Hello! Tell me how you managed to live? I saw your metal statue!

- For a cat scientist thanks...

Then, friends, all of each other to tell! - interrupted a Merlin. - Soon to get dark, and we must succeed in town!

- Now go, Mr. Merlin, " said Ivan. - Only Tugarin ought to lean to a tree somewhere...

- What for? - wonder what%

- The snow is bad, cold...

"Well, sir, WAN, you give! This serpent you a little iron is not converted, and you are about his health! Such kindness and destroy can! And, Mr. Merlin?

- Well that VI, sir Sergey! Lord John is very kind and good person, and I appreciate it the most. And in General I am sure that all the good people in life is very good at it.

"Okay, okay... " said Sergei. - Well, at least pull far...

Drag was not only just, but it is easy because friends come from all five of them. Ivan, Merlin and Sergey Tugarin the arms and legs, wolf pulled the collar and the cat was rushing around and merrily singing:

- Before the dawn will rise,


When Zmievicha dragged to the edge of the woods and leaned against the large birch, Ivan recalled:

- And my pistol was found to be! The Nightingale and Tugarin they too were just as they now find in the snow... I didn't even see which way they were deceived... And the gun like Dracula I threw out there, though it must be found... True, he unloaded...

- And where is the knight Nightingale? said suddenly Merlin.

The robber, whom forgot all disappeared - apparently iron hand not POM

- Most of the city! If Nightingale you have time to go reach the first, king Sultan to mobilize troops and my plan will fail! - exclaimed the magician. He ran the shortest routes, and we have to go to a detour to the patrol did not meet! Lord John, sir Sergey, Mr. trained cat! Sit down quickly on the horses!

- What are the horses? Wolf us all not gonna take, but on my "heroic horse%D

- Not a horse, and wonder: running - trembling, stumbles and falls - not rising - slyly added the cat. Fortunately, quietly, so that the horse giant" is not heard and not offended.

"Wait, Sir, WAN! And the horse Nightingale and Serpent on that? "said Sergei.

- And they give us a rule? We still masters of their win...

- Why give that we have won! In books about knights ' tournaments,% D,

- Yes, it is so.

- You know, the horse bandit? Will you obey the winners?

Horses Nightingale and Tugarin according nodded.

- Well, well! You, WAN, I bet you miss the gray wolf and the cat scientist? So go together, but we are a magician on horseback.

Before the climb back to the wolf, Ivan (still had time to find an unloaded pistol Dracula) came to the "horse heroic" and stroked his mane:

- Thank you! You are the most wonderful horse in the world, but that's very slow... Well Department with the%B

- Of course, I find, good fellow! Good luck to you!

Ivan jumped up on the gray wolf, helped to climb up there is a cat, and they with Merlin and Sergey raced toward Cantonovskoe capital.





Cat somehow taken a dislike to the "horse giant" at first sight, humming a little song:

"My Milenka

Bad brute.

She stood at the mountain,

Its stuck mosquitoes...

- So who, Sergei, you revived? Did the cat scientist? 'asked Ivan Sergei, riding on horseback near Tugarin.

He, he! Yes, let him tell you about his heroic deed!

- Oh, brave winner of double, right't know where to start! Well, I got to the news of the defeat of the brave troops of the king of Peas on the field of battle, and then the capital, and the Palace tanks Cantonovskie captured. How good that you, Ivan, has prompted me to act like a cat Baba-Yaga! Again I get covered in soot, he pretended that evil cat, with CAntonovskii warriors%2

Cote reclined behind Ivan and continued:

"Then I decided to find a statue of good fellow Sergius and revive it. Guard, standing on the field of battle, too, thought I was the cat Baba Yaga, and missed me. Then I brought a bottle of living water, and poured it on Sergius. And then we found a grey wolf and ran to the Palace of Tsar Saltan. Oh, thank the gray wolf, thank you!

- Something embarrassed cat, and it is unusual for him! - said Sergey. -

"Begged wolf? What gray did not want you here go?

- Of course, not wanted! If you heard about, so be rushed at full speed. But what we did not expect there to meet!

- Didn't expect? And why did you do decide to go here?

- Well, kind of like to explore. Well, maybe a riot to raise against Saltan... Maybe Koshcheev try to capture... In General, we asked the wolf to bring us the

"Not for that! But Tomcat me all back scratched, but for the sake of such things can and be patient... - said the gray wolf.

"Well done, well done, gray! - Ivan patted him on the neck. - Do not you, cat scientist, a young man - no words! Would reward you must, but just nothing... never mind, freeing Saltan spell Koshcheev, he's a Prince, please!

- VI think, Lord John, that it all the same

- Of course! I remember Saltan at war with kompoldami, he is not evil! Mr. Merlin, tell us how you managed to find me?

- Oh, Lord John, it is very easy! I have long been dressed in a monk and wandered around the country Saltan. My owl was waiting for you at the hole in the river and told me about your coming, but the Nightingale was able to have time to meet with you before I did. When another owl you off to the king Peas, then she told me about you. Then I know that was a battle on the battlefield, and that VI is not to die.

- Also owl told? "asked Ivan.

- Yes, I have a lot cos they gave me all the info. I knew your heroism and decided that VI will come to the capital of the Sultan to fight themselves or raise revolution. And with this little hill... hill... where VI is to have a duel with Nightingale and Tugarin... From this hill is best seen major city Saltan, and I decided that I meet you there. This solution is simple, because the%B

- Yeah, bad I still know the country of fairy tales - caught Koschei in such a simple trap - sorry said Vanya. - King Pea something old, he excused... Oh, sorry, live water over... If more water will find you need to revive it... Well, Mr. Merlin that you could come in time, and then the end would come to me... And how are you, Sergei, guessed Tugarin so cool to fool?

- Yes, it is also very easy! Cat scientist me all the time we jumped on the wolf, telling stories - you know, I was awkward to interrupt him after what he has done for me! Well, among other things, he told an epic Alyosha Popovich, as he did himself Tugarin Zmievicha to fight aroused - that to some of the Prince's daughter molested, and Alyosha came%D

- ...And for you nowadays force - and that no estimate. He looked Tugarin Zmievich ago - at that time he jumped up, his head chopped down. And fell dead... continued cat scientist.

"Well done, well done you, cat! That's how it is useful to know all the stories! - quickly interrupted Ivan, Recalling that epic Alyosha Popovich was a very, very long. - Tell me, Sergei, how did you feel when the statue was turned? Well, when your car exploded on the battlefield?

- To be honest, sir, WAN, generally did not feel anything. Outbreak of some sort, a second night, and then it seemed as if the rain comes. Open your eyes, and this cat scientist I live water pours...

- Softly, gentlemen! And we'll go a little more slowly, so as not to attract attention! Soon enter the city! - interrupted a Merlin.

Passing through the dark and deserted streets along the back STE%

- Where are we arrived, Mr. Merlin? You said that you have a plan...

"Yes, Lord John. Now VI all to see himself - a magician came to the mountain land of the wall. It was a narrow hole. Merlin leaned over to him and shouted:

- Hello! Call Michiko-narushima!

- A mouse-the place? - exclaimed Ivan.

"Yes, Lord John. Even when VI is to rescue Ms. Mishka from Nightingale, she found me through my owls, mi agreed, and now all mice, rats, frogs, moles, rabbits and these... as they are called in Russian... hedgehogs dig away the passage to the Palace of the Sultan in apartments Koshcheev. I also decided that Mr. Immortal influenced king his magic, and that the fight should not the king Sultan, and the%8

From manhole jumped mouse-a place. Seeing Ivan, she rushed to him:

- Brave winner of double! Finally! I was so afraid, so afraid that you will die in battle with the enemy. How nice that you're alive!

- Hi, hi, mouse! Ivan took place in his arms, kissed and gently put back on the ground. - Wow! How did you find Merlin?

- Oh, I don't know, I don't know... you See, owl flies, I think - suddenly Merlinovskaya? I ran after her, shouting: "Merlin, Merlin!" She picked me up and brought to the great magician...

- Well, mouse-a place, you give! - said Sergey. - And if the owl is not Merlinovskoy? Would eat you and all...

- Yes, probably, I would... But I so wanted to help the brave winner of double, so wanted... And then my great magician told what to do, we all got together and began to dig this passage! He is almost ready, so just expand it a bit. Hey, lagutenka! My beloved friend! Come quick, Ivanushka has come! And you, whack, go say Hello to the brave wins the

A second yard was a lot of small. Such hordes of various rodents, amphibians and insect Ivan in my life seen. They all screamed, squeaks, humming and chirped, trying to at least touch the brave winner of the double. Where frog-wah, and where just a frog, it was impossible to distinguish - so many of them were. Yes, and the mice had plenty, so that Ivan p

However, it fell and all the other friends. Several rabbits danced around Merlin and joyfully sang:

- Zainka, Stickam

Walk the same, walk,

The gray, on new

Strolling, walk!..

Sergey almost fell, stumbling on a huge mole. The cat was absolutely plastered them that fear him mice. One particularly brazen rat climbed up the wolf's neck and screamed s is%

And suddenly this whole gay discordant noise was deafening whistle. At the entrance to the courtyard stood a Brigand. One hand he was still an iron - probably not even had time to receive medical treatment the living water.

Of course, this is only in the herb from the whistle of a Nightingale all the grass ant had ate, dark lesushki to land was inclined, and that the fellows were - so all the dead lay. WITH%D

"Well, then, my dears? - joyfully cried out Nightingale. - Well, bold archers, angry young men, grab them! Grab the traitors! Alive enough! Alive! Tsar Saltan and his Excellency Koschey want exemplary punishment to arrange to teach it to others for the good fight!

Sagittarians disorderly crowd rushed into the yard.

Mice, rats, rabbits, frogs, hedgehogs and others%

- Vanyukha! You're the very thin, and you have a gun! Climb into the passage and deal with Koshcheev! We'll cover you! - Sergey snatched Tovarischu sword.

Rather, Lord John, soon! cried Merlin, too, taking out his arms.

The last thing I saw Ivan before you start to squeeze in an underground passage - as, Baring his teeth and growling menacingly, rushed to the enemies of the gray wolf.

The passage was very narrow. Ivan was constantly clumps of freshly dug earth. In some places the hole made such zigzags, which had to crawl back and turned on his side or on his back - otherwise it was impossible to move on. There were moments when Vanya was panic - what if the passage will become more fortunate, and he will have to crawl back? Your feet will move forward %

And Vanya crawling and crawling. It was hard to breathe, the darkness was absolute. Fortunately, a hedgehog (maybe the same - from the women's chamber) went ahead and told in advance which way to turn. And the company still was not so sad.

- Well, here we are, a brave winner of double, - finally said the hedgehog. - We have a Palace. Now the top will be the bricks is a stove in the chambers Koshcheev. Moles their shattered, so that they can be removed. Just see to it that this time the stove is not heated, but it will burn, and this mouse-the place and the frog-wah not survive... anyway, be careful out there... We're all very Jerusalem.%

Ivan said nothing - it was not until pleasantries. Hardly took a few bricks, sat up, and stuck his head inside the furnace, which was not heated, but it was pretty hot-well, he was in the hood and winter gloves.

Van suddenly occurred to some guy he is like - all in earth and ashes. He grinned. But one of its kind Koschey speechless lose, and that the

The mood has improved. Really, the worst is over - because he crawled through a tunnel, not stuck! And as with Koshcheev one on one, he'll manage somehow... by the Way, that's Immortal!

Through the hole in the furnace could be seen as Koschey entered the room. It seems that he was alone. Thoughtfully pinched a long beard, and sat down to his Desk.

Ivan carefully took some more bricks. But this is quite silently failed - Immortal turned and looked suspiciously toward the stove.

And then, as luck would have it, one brick fell and fell down. Koschey jumped up and seemed about to call the guards.

Van had nowhere to retreat.





- Quiet, Koschey! Hands up! You have me on the fly, if made of - shoot you! - hissed Ivan, squeezing through a hole in hand with the pistol Dracula and sending weapons to Koshcheev. Then he climbed into the furnace and tumbled into the room, not for a moment taking the gun from the sorcerer. He jumped up, quickly checked the bolt on the door - he was Zap%D

Immortal stood bewildered middle of the room and seemed to really speechless. Then he said:

- Yves... Ivan?

- Ivan, Ivan! All Koschey, the end of thy reign come! 't give up! Quickly disenchanted Saltan and all the others!

- How is it... M-I t ' and that Dr. reported that all traitors caught, arrested... T, but Yves van... you're in for a pit%

- How long they will have to dig! 't Give Up, Koschey!

- P-wait, wait, Ivanushka. We are old friends. Come on... this is the most... sit side by side, talk debugging...

"Enough, Koschey, leave these stories cat scientist! We'll have to talk! Never defeat the evil in fairy tales! Quickly conjures all back!

D Yes no conjured I do, it's all Saltan invented... And I have always advocated for good, Saltan extremes kept...

"You're lying! Saltan I know it is not so! And you know, you're so, you can! Quickly casts a spell! Count to three, then shoot! Times! DV

- If you, Ivan, shoot, then come running archers.

"Nothing, yet come running, you're all I have to turn into iron. So let's see, there are metal charms Koshcheev or not! And can, and will not running - the walls are thick out here, not hear! Surrender better one's bacon!

- So what are you, Ivan, want?

- I said, - conjures all back to Sultan was good, all released from prison, and who on the field of battle Pogue

Koschey silent. Then he began to whisper something to himself.

- Conjure already? Well, well done. Conjures.

Blurry Koshcheev whispers grew louder and louder. This Immortal closely watched in the direction of Ivan.

- Why is he looking at me? "thought Ivan. "Maybe he's not Saltan raskoldoval, and me trying to conjure? Hardly... He knows that it is useless - I'm from another world... Yes he's not looking at me, and at the window! I wonder what he saw there.

At this time, the evil wizard, still looking toward the window, and began finely jump on the spot.

"What is it? "asked Ivan. - Strange in his spell... Bounce-why?

The men became higher and higher - almost to the ceiling. The show was pretty funny, but Ivan was not amused.

"Hey, Koschey! What are you...

In the next jump Immortal at the moment hung from the ceiling, and then... Flying! With great speed off towards the window!

Even if the gun cartridges were Dracula, still shoot Ivan would not have succeeded. Long beard prole%

The jerk was the strongest, but Ivan's beard is not released. The beat on the window sill, the blow on his open casement window and he followed Koshcheev soared high into the air. The Palace of the Sultan instantly fell far below.

The speed was great, the wind whistled in my ears. What they height, Vanya never imagined - down to watch it once.

Warlock, continuing to whisper something to himself%2

He looked down at such a height he climbed even in a mortar Baba Yaga. It was impossible even to distinguish between forests and fields - only the endless expanse of white, sparkling in the moonlight.

And then Ivan something hit him in the shoulder. He turned his head and saw his grandfather's watches, which he took the Brigand, and then at the Nightingale - Koschey. Watch out of his pocket Immortal%D

Another spurt - and beard escaped from his hands. But Ivan had time to grab the clock.

He expected that the chain immediately broken. And if not a chain, the pin, which is a chain coupled to afford. But no - watch survived!

Keep the chain was much more convenient than the beard - a large clock hands did not slide off. Ivan calmed down. Once they are all class competed who longer dangling on the bar, and he, like most thin, won with most of the%B

- Not sever! "cried Ivan. "Hey, Koschey! Never break the chain! It's enchanted hours, they can not break! 't give up!

Gritting his teeth and continued to whisper (apparently necessary for the flight spell), Koschey continued to fly. His attempt to detach clock failed - clasp the pin was very tricky, and under the weight of Ivan open it was impossible. Then Immortal tried to reset my gray coat with a clock, but it failed: the severity of Vani floors coat stretched, and the buttons did not unbuttoned.

Ivan was afraid that Koschey now turn back, fly to the Palace of the Sultan and passed his Musketeers, but apparently the magic power of the Immortal allowed him to fly in a straight - as a space rocket.

"Hey, Koschey! I still don't get away! Landed! Or around the world fly together?

Koschey again said nothing, but after a few seconds, Ivan felt that they were flying down.

- Right, it's time would be so, ' said Ivan.

But they declined faster and faster. Too fast... And flew almost vertically down... most vertically...

- Bessmert is%8

And then Koschey for the first flight time his voice:

- We are not falling, my good fellow! We fall! I have not figured out and we flew over the border of Russian fairy tales! My magical power has ceased to act!

Judging by the hysterical tone of voice, Koschey this time did not lie.

The earth is rapidly approaching. Ivan stared down - maybe they are lucky, just as then, when the collapse of the stupa, and they fall into some deep snow? But the dream%

- Oh, Koschey, I told you - give up and landed! Now dash to both! He grew sinister?..

And at that moment something abruptly stopped their flight.

The blow was not fatal, but still very strong. Stunned Ivan felt it something compresses, and lost consciousness.





Ivan recovered from dimensional rocking. He opened his eyes and froze: eg%

- Cyclops! - understood Vanya. - Cyclops from the myths of ancient Greece! Well, well! Okay, it's good that she warn't that he caught us on the fly... Maybe with him will agree...

"Hey, Cyclops! Hello! - he cried. - Thank you, that caught us, gave us a break! Where are you we talking?

The giant did not even sweep of the eye in the direction of Ivan continued measured pace.

- Cyclo-op! May

- What are you, Ivan, talk to him! It is the same in Russian does not understand! - shouted from the other hand Koschey.

- And you, Immortal, you know Greek?

"No... No ancient Greek, or new...

- Well! And I don't know! And suddenly it in Russian something to see! We must try!

- Well, try, try...

Ivan shouted themselves hoarse, but no attention to him Cyclops not paid. Then Ivan tried to free herself, but the giant squeezed it so that his breath. I had to obey.

Climbing to the pass between small hills, reminiscent of the foothills of the Crimea and Caucasus, and descended into the valley, the Cyclops turned in the direction of the slope of one of the mountains. In the rock was cut down a huge cave - it easily could enter the engine. Judging by the unimaginable filth, stench, and gnawed bones scattered everywhere, and lived here Cyclops.

The far end of the cave was taken by a palisade of thick logs and was a sort of cage. Cyclops, taking two logs, roughly thrown in a cage with Ivan Koshcheev and put the logs back. Then, something to himself under his breath (apparently, singing), he started a fire in the middle of the cave.

Ivan and Koschey slowly got up, stretching his stiff joints.

From the corner of the cell is%

B - b-e... - plaintively lamb bleated.

- Hi! - addressed him Ivan. "What did you get in here?

B - b-e... Me-uh...

He also ancient Greek and in Russian does not understand, " said Koschey.

- Look! - Ivan turned into a "grid". - It seems that Cyclops something going to fry. Maybe this RAM? When the Cyclops us here bore, I saw near some flocks of sheep were grazing. Perhaps the RAM out.

- Can, and t is

For greater persuasiveness Koschey raised his hand to his mouth and pretended like eating something. Lamb looked at him sadly and nodded his head and plaintively bleated.

- Similarly, The Immortal. I must! Poor lamb! Maybe we can for him to do something?

- You think about yourself, Ivan! It is still unknown whom the Cyclops will eat before his or us!

- Us?

- Us, us. Are you about the Cyclops do not know? Or your brain been knocked from the blow?

- Exactly! Well, in the sense of the Cyclops, not the brain... Odyssey, he, perhaps, wanted to eat... We were in school... legends and myths of Ancient Greece...

- That's it. I saw that he brought us into his cave, got it! - Koschei even in such a desperate situation has not changed a passion for boasting. - So are we lost, Ivan! Just gone!

- That it takes us to the lamb sit... Exactly bad, Koschey... Ah, how did you fly did not calculate? I told you - give up... the Spell would you Saltan, and would have lived all n%D

Ivan tried to log - can they shake? But the whole trunks large trees or shake or move it was absolutely impossible. And squeeze between them, also without success.

- Well, Koschey, Nava! And you, sheep, help! At least one move the log!

Lamb, though not understood in Russian, but realized what was happening, and tried to RAM a running log.

- Oh! One-two!

But the logs were as dead. However, they were really dug or even into the log rocky rocky ground. Ivan tried to dig with his hands, but only broke off all the nails.

"Hey, lamb! Roy earth horns! See? Do it like this! And that's it! Times! Two!

But even solid horns had nothing to do with the rocky floor of the cave Cyclops.

The giant turned to the noise, grinned and showed Ivan Koshcheev huge iron skewer. Everything was clear.

And then Ivan despair began struggling to yell at Koshcheev:

- It was your fault in the victory of evil Immortal? Now you are and see what happens when the fairy tale ends badly! We're done here, in the ancient Greek myths, and no one we'll never find, no one living water will not revive! Remember, you said that it would be good to Masha bears eat? Spoke? Well, how do you think?

Immortal sat silently in a corner, holding his head and rusk the

- And do not tell you whether the tale? Lived were Ivan and Koschey. There did not bother, do, good profits. And somehow they met together and decided to fly through the air, but here I will catch them Cyclops! They kept shouting, begging for mercy, tried to escape, and he roasted them on fire and ate. Here and fairy tales end, and who listened - well done. You are like a fairy tale? That's for you!

Koschey sank upon the ground and also began to shout:

"Ah, sorry, Ivanushka, forgive me! I invented all sorts of old age nonsense, decided that in fairy tales evil must win, a spell of Tsar Saltan, and now dying for it! And you're with me for nothing like this! For this to us? What good does not win, why we roast Cyclops nasty on the spit of iron?

Cyclops, indeed, already lit the fire. Peacefully, pahry the%

- I do not want to spit, Ivan! Save me! I swear great, great oath evil wizard, black wizard: if saved from the accursed Cyclops, always will be only good things! Never will be good people hoodoo! And put in prison! I will not! I swear all the light and dark forces, I will not! Just think of something, the greatest Prince, brave winner is

- What is there to think? I remember we were in school, as in the myth about the Greek heroes Odysseus Cyclops one count stuck in the eye while he slept -- He was blind, and they ran away... And that we can stick? Nothing, not even the stones, some logs huge! And he is not going to sleep, and so we will not get to his eyes... wow, what a useless myths in school are In school...

- What, Ivan? What gum?

- Well, chewing gum! Chewing gum! Ah, there! Listen, Koschey carefully: you go around the entrance... Well, some out of those logs... Lie and pretend that died or lost consciousness. When this type decides to drag us or this lamb on a spit, I will try to pay attention to me, and I go away. He will enter into the cell, and you should stand on all fours

- Why?

"I'll scare, he'll step back, stumble on and you will fall! I recently Andryukha with her boyfriend a dirty trick on the change made, I bit the back of his head not beat! Understand?

- Do you think you can scare the Cyclops, Ivan?

- I do not know, but we can try. You, Immortal, there are other options? No? There he goes! Quickly get down! I still have to catch a thoroughly chew gum!

Koschey lay down and froze. Cyclops came off the log, blocking the entrance, and wanted to grab him.

- Ho-Hey! The parasite one-eyed! Look, I'll show you! 'cried Ivan hard, waving his arms and jumping.

Cyclops left Koshcheev and reached for Ivan. He ran to the far corner, still shouting and waving his arms.

One step forward - and the giant was inside the cell. Koschey stood on all fours and crawled back to his feet.

Another moment and Ivan will be in the hands of a giant... But Vanya struggling cheated out of "gum bubble. Huge - he even in school such never came.

Cyclops perplexed stopped. Ivan slapped the bladder. There was not that cotton - almost an explosion. Br is%

Cyclops fell with a resounding crash, and very successful (for Ivan and Koshcheev) and failed (for myself) - right back into the fire. With a wild howl jumped up and began beating his head against the wall of the cave, trying to extinguish the outbreak hair.

"Come on! 'cried Ivan.

- Yes, we run, " muttered Immortal, trying to get up. Apparently, Cyclops, tripped over it, reduce it down slightly.


"Hey, sheep, for me! - he cried.

Lamb dutifully trotted after her. Vanya almost pulled himself out of the cave Immortal, miraculously cowered away from the roaring and tossing of a giant. The Dodge RAM failed, but the Cyclops that only made worse: he stumbled on animal and fell again, this time hitting his head even more.

Lamb, too, fell from a blow on the foot Cyclops, quickly jumped up and ran in%D





Above the low mountains of the country of Greek myths of the dawn breaks. The sky was quite bright. A wide valley surrounded by yellowish-brown rocks, overgrown with bright green grass, near flocks of sheep were grazing. The landscape was beautiful, but everyone, of course, was not to shop.

- Well, where to go? Don't know which side the country of Russian fairy tales? the%9

Koschey only moaned in response.

- I do not know? Cyclops seems to be coming down the valley, so we have to climb the valley to the pass! Ran, and then he will come down and begins to chase us! Hey, Immortal! How are you? Can you escape? Well, at least to go?

- I can, I can, " she procreated Koschey and took a few faltering steps. Then he fell on the grass.

- Yes, very bad old man... What to do with it? a confused thought Vanya. - Do not throw the same here, to be eaten by Cyclops...

And then his eyes fell on the sheep.

"Hey, lamb! Help! We saved you, now you save us! Come here, Koschey you sit on your back!

Baran stared blankly at Ivan, obviously not understanding what he wanted. Then Vania grabbed him by the horns and dragged to the Koshcheev. Then helped the wizard to get up and pushed him onto his back sheep. Animal recoiled at first, but then I realized what was happening, and obeyed.

- Koschey, hold on the horns! Baran, run for me! Now Cyclops round! We run, run!

Run up the hill was very hard the

"Nothing, nothing, " said Vanya himself. - If only to pass to get to, and further down, it will be easier...

Koschey groaned and moaned, but the horns held firm. Then he came around and said solemnly:

- Ivan! The greatest Prince and commander of the regiment of the right hand! The great sorcerer Kashchey the Immortal - in your debt forever! I'm sorry that because of me it happened!..

Ivan wanted to say something, but he couldn't - he was out of breath from running, and the rise became steeper. But here, n is%

- Dream-eh! Down there! At the end yonder valley! "cried Ivan. - Rather go! Where is the snow - there certainly is a country of Russian fairy tales!

The neighborhood was filled with a savage roar of the Cyclops. He came to himself and is now struggling raced up to the pass - in pursuit of the fugitives.

"Come away, Prince Ivan! cried Koschey. "Hey, sheep, forward! and he spurred lamb, as the horse. However, animal and needed no prompting - it drove the terror of the Cyclops.

The race was furious. Several times Vanya, stumbled on some stone, he fell headlong down the slope. But then he jumped up and raced on. A couple of times fell and lamb. Also flying head over heels, and together with Koshcheev. But the old sorcerer tightly clutched the horns and do not let them, even hitting his head back against the stones under considerable weight of sheep.

Cyclops was getting closer and closer.

Followed by the second. The edge of the snow was still far away, and the heavy breathing of the creature was heard quite near.

- Why didn't have time... - doomed Ivan thought and turned around. I turned and Koschey.

Turned around, stopped and... laughed. They expected to see hanging over a giant, but instead of them raced one-eyed savage average growth. Disheveled scorched Prad the%B

Running up close and realizing that the victim is almost as tall as he, tribal stood in amazement and, probably, began to wonder what to do next.

Koschey tears with sheep and said through his laughter:

- Wow! Before the snow is still far, but we are already in the country, Russian fairy tales! All Cyclops, lost your magic power!

- Probably, near the border of the snow has melted, the heat is somehow here comes from the country of ancient Greek myths... - said Vanya, odoevskii.

"Well, Prince Ivan, what we, the former Cyclops to do?

- Wait, wait, Koschey! Though he had no weapons, and no giant, but still healthier you will be... How to fight with him did not have...

Indeed, the former Cyclops has let out a guttural cry and rushed at them.

And at this point in the case entered lamb. With joyful bleating he jumped from behind Koshcheev and butted savage in the stomach. He rolled over on his back, but got up. The lamb is%8

- Gently, gently, lamb! 'cried Ivan Koshcheev. "He will be away in their myths and again will be a huge! Oh, do not understand the RAM in Russian...

Sheep in Russian did not understand and continued the chase. Cyclops began to rise in his eyes, but apparently had no idea about it. And turn not guess. Hearing a thud and a victory bleating of a sheep, he alepecia from sun is

How long was driving sheep Cyclops, remained unknown, as they quickly disappeared from sight among the mountains of the country of legends and myths of Ancient Greece.

- Well, it seems, and everything is relieved Ivan. - Well, Koschey, give me a little rest and back. Can fly? Will report me?

- Of course I can, because we are already in the country, Russian fairy tales, " said cheered sorcerer. And you'll carry! My magical power, Prince Ivan, unique - who want to carry! Heard, I guess:

...Up there in the clouds before the people

Via Le

Warlock is the hero!..

- Yes, I read. It seems that even in the school. And it does about you, Koschey?

- And me, Ivan, different names. But everywhere in the Russian fairy tales evil sorcerer meets - this is about me! We have more evil magicians no - I am one! The witch Baba Yaga, of course, not in the bill... And now, it turns out, all the evil wizard is left...

- Well, nothing! But the good wizard appeared! Their earlier in our fairy tales was not, and now I will!

- Exactly! - obrad the

- Yeah. And the most boastful, " grinned Vanya himself.

- By the way, brave winner of double and Cyclops, I almost forgot to give you your watch! Here, take them. And again sorry for all... is a good magician Koschey bowed his head.

- Yes, well, well... You that I better tell Immortal: and can you its magic to fix and clean clothes? And we ourselves ought to wash - and we with you after all the adventures similar to know that... Or more correctly - it is unknown who... Snow-we absolutely will not autotransa... Maybe your magic us something to wash?

- Of course, of course, Prince Ivan! Now repair, clean and wash! This is for me at all easy! But forget the spell... was a little alarmed, maybe... Yes, Now I remember!

Koschey focused, and began to whisper something. Stained and torn clothes on both of them immediately began as new. Face, hair and hands, too, were clean.

- Thank You, Immortal! Now the spacecraft is%B

"I'm afraid brave winner of double and Cyclops, not get us to rest for another ten minutes. We need to noon in the capital Saltan catch.

- Why noon?

- And at noon thy friends killed.

- How to execute? 'cried Ivan is not his voice. - How to execute? Without your consent?

- Yes, I gave consent, even when they only had caught until you underpass lez... And Sultan confirmed... So fly, Prince, soon!

- Fly, fly! I like - to your shoulders to get?

- No, I was not be dispersed %

- Ready!

"Now take off, so just Nicolaou the right direction and speed... Thou me, Prince Ivan, no distractions, so that no error happened. And then I fly to turn don't know how, you are not on the plane to fly...

Koschey whispered something. Whispered a long time. Then I started jumping up - exactly how, then, in his chambers. Then he took off.





They flew in silence. Koschey all the time whispered something is apparently needed for the flight spell. Ivan, holding his beard dangled from the bottom, looking around. However, nothing in particular could not see - endless snow-covered forests and fields, occasionally cut by rivers. Sometimes the bottom floated some small villages. Where are they, what side they were approaching the capital, van%

But now, finally, appeared at the bottom of a big city. They Koshcheev decreased exactly in its center. That Palace of Tsar Saltan, and next - a large market square filled with people.

In the middle of the square was constructed high platform on which stood a block. Nearby on the throne sat important Tsar Saltan, dressed in a robe, a crown, scepter in his hand. Next to the Royal throne Ivan had time to consider the Nightingale, Tugarin and the Goblin.

Ivan and Koschey landed right into the crowd of people, a miracle no one crushing, while listening to a lot of abuse in his address:

"Be careful!

- Flying here!

- Here are magicians clumsy, pressured honest people!

- What are you, Mikula, standing, writing on the neck insolent boy!

- And you, old man, which woman?..

Ivan got not even a slap, but two. Koschei also inherited. But everything quickly calmed down, because the platform in the middle of the square came crier, and said:

- Slu-ushay, people respected the decree CA-ar!

The crowd was silent and began to listen.

- I CA-Tsar and government-Tsar Salta-EN, by the king's will to command the publishing house of ail: caught change of ANNIKOV, foreign sorcerer Me-urlin, would-ormer our Supreme Governor and would-ex-holder of the first degree of our great order, and CE erge, St. George's son, would-ex-Governor of our regiment left hand and would-ex-holder of the third degree of our great order, sentence one's one...

The Herald stood spectacular break and announced:

- ...To ka-azni-ertai through the heads useknove-enie!

The crowd gasped.

And Pozo-oblakov treasonous, cat disci-Yong and wolf CE Arago, to the same sentence one's one's! And ISPO-olnit this penalty dis-ertnuyu at noon on the market square! O e. - the Herald did another spectacular pause and looked at the sun. - CE-ACA-AU!

Rattled alarming drum.

- Koschey! Heard? Rather disenchanted Saltan! 'cried Ivan.

- Yes, I conjure, Koldo%D

- So come to pushing forward!

- Come on!

- Sorry!.. Sorry!.. Sorry, let go!.. Sorry... it is necessary... Very urgent... Sorry... Sorry... Where are you, Koschey?

- Yes, the beard someone come!.. Let go!.. It's me, his Excellency Koschey... You must miss me... Honestly, I... Why not believe? Oh, don't hit me...

Ivan dashed to the rescue and barely snatched Koshcheev from the hands of two furious and peasants.

- Stop it! Shame on you grandpa hurt! Oh! And me something for that?..

Fortunately, farmers diverted from Ivan Koshcheev, because at this time the platform was taken prisoners, and there was a silence.

Ahead surrounded by four Musketeers proudly Chagall great Merlin in a tattered monastic robes. Then two more Sagittarius led Serega - his clothes were intact, but under eye view of the enormous bruise. Both were put in heavy chains, ominous jingling with each step.

For them a few Musketeers were bound in heavy chains more gray in the%B

Behind the procession was broad Royal executioner in a bright red cap with slits for eyes. In one hand he had a great axe, and the other he pulled the tail of a cat scientist due:

- That caught good fellow,

Tied the hands of white

He was taken to the castle in stone

And Yes on the main square

Cut off Bueno head...

Using the fact that the crowd waited in Aidan the

"Oh, sorry... Sorry... Miss, please... Oops!..

Ivan stopped and froze. He had just stepped on the heel... Baba Yaga. She stood in the front ranks of the crowd and watched the proceedings on the platform. Hearing a familiar voice, she turned around.

Silent scene did not last long. Baba Yaga, quickly find, took a deep breath and yelled:

'Help! This Eve...

Fortunately, at this moment was heard again the drumbeat that drowned Babkin cry. And behind Ivan had struck behind Koschey:

- What are you shouting, witch? Well, soon here!

"Oh, Hello, your Excellency... How is it... It's Ivan... the Traitor...

"I'll show you who's a traitor! Quickly away, and to continue his hut nose did not show!

The witch stood still for one second, looked confused at Koshcheev, then Ivan. Then I realized that here something is wrong and what is better in any case disappear, bowed, turned and disappeared into the crowd.

And Ivan Koshcheev, get some more poking, kicks and cuffs, nakon

- Conjures, Koschey! Caldo-UY!

"Yes, Yes... - Immortal pulled his beard out of someone's boot and began to whisper a spell.

Merlin came to the block and put it on her head. The executioner, handing archers silent figure of a cat scientist tested, well I edged axe. Again there were ominous drumming.

It won't Immortal, ' thought Ivan. - Until he spells whisper, as they will act until the Sultan understand what was happening, until the charge to stop the execution... maybe the magic of Code the%

And the executioner raised the axe...





The executioner raised the axe...

And then Ivan rushed forward with a cry:

- Stop! Stop! It is I, the main traitor Ivan! I! I fought for good, and Merlin, and Sergey in this case drew! I need to execute! Hey, the executioner, but leave you in peace Merlin, he is not to blame! Me, I've executed!

The crowd roared in astonishment. Archers surrounding the place of execution, shied away from Ivan, as from plague. The executioner of surprise he dropped the axe - fortunately, not at Merlin%

Climbed to the platform, Ivan shouted:

- Hello, your Majesty Sultan! Prepare a new Royal decree: the main traitor to the cause of evil, Ivan Andreev son, who was the greatest Prince and the commander of the regiment right hand, sentenced to death by... as there is... otsenivanie... in short, to execute the main traitor, all my fault! A magician Merlin, boyar Sergei cat scientist and gray wolf on all four sides go! Don't blame them!

It is literally deathly silence - Ivan even thought he heard a frantic whisper Koshcheev.

Sultan rose from his throne. Took a few faltering steps forward. Then he said:

"Hey, watch it! Seize the main change... Oh, what am I saying... What?.. What's going on? Someone explain to me what's going on here?..

For some time the king looked around in confusion, then turned to Ivan:

- Prince Ivan! My greetings to you! Maybe though you explain to me what's going on here? Who dared to put a chain on the great magician Merlin and the nobleman Sergei

"Yes you are, your Majesty, it is better not find out who dare, but just tell them to remove the chains! - said Ivan. - Well, sometimes... Error out...

- Do you have a bug! Of course, immediately remove the chains! And who's there beside my king's throne was hanging out? I must! Brigand! How do you get through here? Come on, the guard, grab a robber!

Taken aback archers moved in the direction of the Nightingale, but he was smart and ran away, pushing through the crowd. Tugarin Zmievich did not wait until the king will pay attention and

Crowd noise increased. Apparently, people did not understand what was happening, and each put forward their version.

- Your Majesty! It would be necessary to explain to people that the execution is canceled - helpfully whispered to the king to be near the Goblin, to understand the situation better than Tugarin.

- Must be... Should Herald say... order a new sign...

The king clearly confused - however, were at a loss to any in its place. And here on the platform got Koschey.

- Your Majesty, we now fix everything! Doses is

"Well, given, - said the Sultan, looking suspiciously at the Immortal.

"Thank you, your Majesty. The Herald, ready? Repeat after me: listen, my dear people, the new Royal decree...

- Slu-ushay, Naro-od respected, the new criminal code-AZ Royal!..

The crowd fell silent. Herald regularly repeated for Koshcheev:

I CA-Tsar and government-Tsar Salta-EN, by the king's will to command the publishing house of ail: to announce today a great day mi-Il! And our friends, a great magician Me-urlin, boyar se-erge, cat disci-Yong and wolf CE Arago, by mistake almost executed, release and reward one-ing ranks, orders and estates! All the ex, who was mistakenly concluded placed in a dark-Itza on the island of Buyan, the auger free-ing and reward one-ing! A PA-ache all reward one one of our most great Prince, the commander of the regiment, and the right hand IIA Ana, Andre-eve's son, win-Evesham evil is about to be-cheeks ever!

- King Peas don't forget! - said Ivan Koshcheev and the Herald.

"And the king of the City of Okha, and his sons, and his retinue-on, and its citizens-on by mistake on the field of battle field-egsa, immediately revive one's!

- Sagittarius heard? Quickly take the water of life - and forward, to revive! "snapped Tsar Saltan. These ran like mad.

And to conclude with the king Peas ve-echny mi-Il forever! And return the%

- And maybe even half possessions Peas a leave? What fought, the king-father? said Saltan Goblin.

But Koschey heard his words, and dictated a Herald:

- A robber Nightingale and Tugarin and their supporters Goblin, deceit and flattery, who had stolen into the confidence of my Majesty, catch, grab...

Goblin was taken aback.

- And in exile to send!

- And in exile share one's! - spread over the crowd powerful voice of the king's Herald.

- Do not catch me and missed! I myself, himself, willingly into exile go... ' faltered the Goblin,% D

- And Tepe-er I CA-Tsar and government-Tsar Saltan, pavelev-Ayu people to go home am!

People began to disperse, animatedly discussing the incident. Koschey and Herald breath. Then he went to the Immortal king:

"Forgive me, father-Tsar! It's because of me it has come to this... It's because I'm bewitched!

- Are you? Me?.. Dare?.. Hoodoo?..

- I, the king-priest, I am! And only Prince Ivan my eyes to all my wickedness and baseness opened! So, the king-priest, want - to the%B

King thought. Ivan almost laughed, remembering the job to the lesson of the Russian language, how to put a comma in the sentence "execute not pardon". Then, too, went to Saltan:

- Your Majesty! I beg your pardon Koshcheev! He has reformed and will never be the evil sorcerer! Only good! I vouch for him!

"Well... If you, Prince Ivan, vouch for the Immortal, then, perhaps, our Majesty of his gracious...

Pardoned Koschey bowed to the king, then with a feeling shook Ivan by the hand. The king finally competent in the situation, he called several boyars and began to give them instructions, anyone going to the island of Buyan open prison and to release prisoners, and who - in a country king Peas withdraw troops. Immortal volunteered to go to the hill near the capital, to find myself IU

Friends of Ivan the already relaxed. Serega washed black eye living water, and Merlin, shivering in his tattered monastic robes, brought huge boyars coat.

Ivan walked up to them. All embraced, even the grey wolf with the cat. It took quite a long time, because if five friends hugging each other, it gets a lot of hugs.

- Well, boyars, go to the king, ranks, orders and farmhouses to get! happily said Ivan.

"Thank you, Lord John, but why should I have need of the estate in the country Sultan? I was my country to wait, I got a lot of possession.

- So what? The extra seats will not prevent. However, Serge?

- I do not know, sir, WAN... Today, given, taken away tomorrow... We somehow survive without Castanovsky estates...

- Come on vrednichat! All the same good end! Go get rewards!

"Well, now, now. Here are a couple of words cat scientist say, then all go together... cat, and you what a fine fellow! How do you keep!%

- Oh, I don't want it even remember! Here's a better look:

...And then Ivan and his glory sing,

And then he Sergius and sing glory,

And then Merlin and his glory sing,

And sing glory to them, century to century!..

- Sorry, Mr. trained cat! - interrupted Merlin. - Lord John! Your hours do you have?

"Yes, I gave them Koschey.

- A VI has long been looked at them?

- But do not look - not before it.

- See more now! I don't know how much time has passed in your world, and they show it. VI as their set at seven minutes before the New Year?

- Well, %

- A pass in your world is open seven minutes at the time of your world, then the passage closed.

- Yes? Oh! Serge! Serge! At grandfather clock for almost the New Year! Just a little bit - and the passage closes! Come quickly! Grey wolf, are you there? Quickly take us to the river, where the hole in the ice! Mr. Merlin, we went! Cat scientist, bye! Tsar Saltan! Your Majesty! Bye! Happily, Koschey! We will be back! We will definitely return!..

- As you already leaving? What rank%D

- Thank you, our father the Tsar! Sometime later! cried Sergey, jumping on his back the wolf behind Ivan. - So far, friends! Cat scientist, thanks for everything! So far, Mr. Merlin! Before meeting! Wolf, let's full speed!..

Gray wolf lunged forward and rode down the road, raising storms of snow.




Book 3. The double


Moscow, 2004.

© Sergey Zagraevsky




Book 1. The invasion of compolds

Book 2. Good and evil

Book 3. The double


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