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Sergey Zagraevsky


Architecture of North-Eastern Russia

of the end of XIII – early XIV c.


Published in Russian: Заграевский С.В. Зодчество Северо-Восточной Руси конца XIII–первой трети XIV века. М.: Алев-В, 2003. ISBN 5-94025-046-7


The book formed the basis for a dissertation for the degree of Ph. D. in Architecture, specialty 18.00.01 ("Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage ") 



Chapter I. The epoch of Dmitry Donskoy?

Chapter II. The epoch of Daniil of Moscow and his sons

Chapter III: Tver Grand Duchy

Chapter IV. The epoch of “ambitious economy”


Applications, notes


Applications, notes



The following text was translated from Russian original by the computer program

and has not yet been edited.

So it can be used only for general introduction.




Some proportion of the temples in Kamenskoye, the Trinity-Sergius, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Gorodnya, Mozhaisk and Zvenigorod


1 - St. Nicholas Church in Kamenskoye;

2 Trinity Cathedral in the Trinity-Sergius;

3 - The Spaso-P%

4 – церковь Рождества Богородицы в Городне;

5 – Никольская церковь (Старо-Никольский собор) в Можайске;

6 – Успенский собор на Городке в Звенигороде.









The ratio of the width of the rectangle (along the axis North-South) the length (along the axis East-West, without apses)







The ratio of the length of the square, at the level toe zakomaras to the length of the quadrangle on the level cap







The ratio of the length of the square, at the level of 1/3 of height to length on the level cap







The ratio of the height of the drum to the height of the rectangle from the basement to toe zakomaras







The ratio of the diameter of the drum from the top to the diameter of bar%D







Отношение верхнего диаметра барабана к его высоте







Отношение верхнего диаметра барабана к длине четверика на уровне пят закомар







Отношение нижнего диаметра барабана к ширине четверика на уровне цоколя







The approximate ratio of the visible area of the drum to the visible area of the quadrangle from toe zakomaras to the basement







The ratio of the projection of the apses to the length of the square (at the level of the middle of the apses)







The ratio of the height of the apses to the height of the rectangle from the basement to toe zakomaras







The ratio of the height of the pedestal to the height of the drum







The ratio of the height of a podium (basement) to the height of the rectangle from the basement to toe Zack










Приложение 2

Сравнительный расчет условной стоимости строительства

из «получисто» обработанного белого камня

и из кирпича (плинфы)


The calculation is performed in units of labour input (man-days) on the example of the Church of the scale of the Intercession on the Nerl in case its construction in the technique, typical building of the end of the XIII century to the first third of the XIV century. Then the calculation is carried out in the hypothetical case of construction of similar temple of bricks.

Distance transportation of white stone is taken on Wed%D50 km (для Ростова оно составляло около 250 km, для Твери – около 50 km, для Городни – около 80 km, для Москвы – около 50 km, для Каменского, Можайска, Коломны и Старицы – в пределах 1–2 км).

Used calculations Voronin for the construction of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl432 and the white-stone Moscow Kremlin433. To bring indicators of the construction of the Kremlin to the indicators of the Church of the intercession of the adjustment factors are introduced in the smaller volume of construction and the greater complexity of masonry walls and vaults of the temple compared to the walls and towers of the fortress.

1. The notional costs of transporting the stone from the quarries to the construction site.

The volume of rock required for construction, amounted to 408 cubic meters, a weight of 1 cubic meter - 440 kg. Only it was necessary to take 180000 kg stone. Transportation could be carried out in summer boat and the winter - on carts.

1.1. For transportation in the summer:

1.1.1. The average speed of the boat is about 3 km/h (up or downstream).

1.1.2. Movement: 10 hours a day.

1.1.3. On the road at one end goes: 50 km : 3 km/h : 10 hours = 1,7 Nam.

1.1.4. The turnover of the boat (2 late) - 6 days. (exclusive of the day of loading and the day of discharge).

1.1.5. 4 persons can be carried on the same boat about to 1000 kg.

1.1.6. For transportation of stone it is necessary to make lodka-rider:

180000 kg : to 1000 kg = 180.

Total p. 1.1: 180 lodka-rider x 6 days. x 4 persons = 4320 people-DN.

1.2. For transportation in winter:

1.2.1. The average speed carts: about 3 km/h.

1.2.2. Movement: 10 hours a day, i.e. the supply passes 30 km in the day.

1.2.3. Turnover carts: 50 km : 30 km/day x 2 = 6 Nam. (exclusive of the day of loading and the day of discharge).

1.2.4. On a cart can be shipped around 450 kg.

1.2.5. Podvoda-goer for transportation of stone:

180000 kg : 450 kg = 400.

1.2.6. You podvoda-days:

400 podvoda-rider x 6 days. = 2400.

1.2.7. The cost of the horse high and it needs maintenance. For simplicity equate the notional value of "service" horses to the notional value of the contents of the driver.

1.2.8. Total under item 1.2:

2400 Nam. the work of Wagoner + 2400 Nam. work horses = 4800 people-DN.

Total p. 1 (for simplicity, we take the average between p. 1.1. and p. 1.2):

(4320 + 4800) : 2 = 4560 people-DN.

2. Conditional processing costs of white stone.

2.1. Treatment of white stone for masonry walls of the Church of the scale of the Intercession on the Nerl includes:

2.1.1. Breaking: 335 people-DN.

2.1.2. Treatment "semifinished": 2226 people-DN.

2.1.3. The processing of "clean": 1318 people-DN.

Except for the churches of the end of XIII-first

2.2. Кузнечные работы по оправке инструмента для тески камня.

2.2.1. Volume 49400 куб. м stone in the construction of the Kremlin blacksmith's work was 30690 people-DN. Bring them to the volume 408 cu m for the construction of the Church of the scale of Cover:

2.2.2. A correction factor of the transition from construction of the Kremlin to the Church's construction scale of Cover:

408 : 49400 = 0,0083.

Total under item 2.2: 30690 x 0,0083 = 255 people-DN.

Total p. 2: 2561 + 255 = 2816 people-DN.

3. The notional value of construction irrespective of the material is%8

3.1. Data on the construction of the Moscow Kremlin, the following temple scale of the Intercession on the Nerl factor 0,0083 (calculated in paragraph 2.2.2):

3.1.1. The lime burning: 1620 people-DN. x 0,0083 = 13 people-DN.

3.1.2. The clearing to exhaust-kipelki:

968 people-DN. x 0,0083 = 8 persons-DN.

3.1.3. Preparation of the solution:

8300 people-DN. x 0,0083 = 69 people-DN.

3.1.4. The digging of trenches and pits with subsequent filling:

4206 people-DN. x 0,0083 = 35 people-DN.

3.1.5. The transportation of materials for walls

3.1.6. Кладка бутовых фундаментов:

10020 people-DN. x 0,0083 x factor of 1.5 = 125 people-DN.

3.1.7. The device forests:

4682 people-DN. x 0,0083 x factor of 1.5 = 58 people-DN.

3.1.8. The front walls, vaults and drums:

67500 people-DN. x 0,0083 x complexity factor of 2.0 = 1121 people-DN.

3.1.9. The filling of walls: 23350 people-DN. x 0,0083 = 194 people-DN.

Total 3.1 p.: 13 + 8 + 69 + 35 + 125 + 58 + 1121 + 194 = 1623 people-DN.

3.2. The notional value other works:

3.2.1. Roofing: about 100 people-DN.

3.2.2. The Device Is%B

3.2.3. Двери, оконницы и прочие детали: около 400 чел.-дн.

3.2.4. Based complexity of manufacturing figured elements isolate the parts specific to construction of the end of XIII century to the first third of the XIV century. These items could be used in white stone, and brick construction. Volume their production will take approximately equal to 700 people.-DN.

Total 3.2 p.: 100 + 100 + 400 + 700 = 1300 people-DN.

Total under item 3 (labor content of building works in any material):

(p. 3.1 + 3.2 p.) = 1623 + 1300 = 2923 people-DN.

4. Total average estimated cost of conventional (labor), the white-stone building of the temple of the end of the XIII century to the first third of the XIV century:

(p. 1 + p. 2 + p. 3) = 4560 + 2816 + 2923 = 10299 people-DN.

5. The notional value of construction in the hypothetical case of construction of the temple of bricks.

5.1. Conditional cost of production of brick:

5.1.1. 10 construction of furnaces required for construction:

20 person-days. one oven = 200 person-days.

5.1.2. Obtaining 408 cubic meters of clay:

1 person - 1 cubic meter per day, i.e. 408 people-DN.

5.1.3. Delivery of clay from the quarry, forming, download1 cubic m в день:

3 х 408 = 1224 чел.-дн.

5.1.4. Подвоз дров для печи (1 подвода):

2 чел.-дн. х 220 дней = 440 чел-дн.

Total 5.1 p.: 200 + 408 + 1224 + 440 = 2272 people-DN.

5.2. The notional value of construction work regardless of the material was calculated in paragraph (3: 2923 people-DN.

Total for 5 p.: 2272 + 2923 = 5195 people-DN.

6. A comparison of the notional value of the building of white stone and brick: p. 4 : 5 p. = 10299 : 5195 = 1,98.

7. Conclusion: the temple of the end of XIII-XIV century, beginning from "semifinished" processed white stone on average more expensive such as brick in%2

8. In the case of the Church location near the quarries (which took place in Kamenskoye, Mozhaisk, Staritsa and Kolomna), we can neglect the transport component. Then the ratio of notional value of the building of white stone and brick is:

(p. 4 - p. 1) : p. 5 = (10299 - 4560) : 5195 = 1,1.




1 Nekrasov A.I the Emergence of the Moscow art. So 1. M., 1929. C. 13.

2 This practice this%

3 For more information, see: Zagraevsky SV Yuri Dolgoruky and old white-stone architecture. M., 2002 (hereinafter - Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture). C. 4.

4 PSRL, 10:167.

5 O.M. ioannisyan, Torshin E.N., P.L. Zykov Church of Boris and Gleb in Rostov the Great. - In the book: Old Russian art. Rus. Byzantium. The Balkans. XIII century. Saint Petersburg, 1997 (hereinafter - ioannisyan, and others, 1997). C. 232.

6 PSRL, 18:81-82; 10:167.

7 Voronin N.N. Architecture%1, M., 1961; Т.2, М., 1962 (далее – Воронин, Зодчество). Т. 2, с. 139.

8 ПСРЛ 15:42, 414.

9 Antipov IV of the old Russian architecture in the second half of the XIII century to the first third of the XIV century, SPb, 2000. C. 28.

10 PSRL, 18:89; 15:44.

11 PSRL, 8:170.

12 PSRL, 15:45.

13 Kavelmaher CENTURIES, Panova ETC. Remnants of the white-stone Church of the XIV century in the Cathedral square of the Moscow Kremlin. - In the book: Culture of medieval Moscow XIV-XVII centuries M, S 66.

14 PSRL, 7:202; 18:91; 20, PM 1:179.

15 PSRL, 20, part 1:282.

16 PSRL, 15:45; 7:202; 18:91.

17 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 158.

18 PSRL, 7:203-304; 10:206; 15:47; 18:92.

19 PSRL, 21:585.

20 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 385.

21 Kavelmaher V.V., Orlov S. p. Two architectural fragments from the Dormition Cathedral in Kolomna Kremlin (the question of the early stone construction in Kolomna). - In the book: Materials creative report of the trust Mosoblstroyrestavratsiya". M., 1984 (hereinafter - Kavelmaher, Kolomna). C. 80-87.

22 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 163.

23 Belyaev L.A. Ancient monasteries of Moscow (con. XIII-beginning of the XV centuries) according to areal the

24 The Bulkin, VA, A. M. Salimov assumption Cathedral of the founding of the monastery in XV-XVI centuries. In the book: Tver, Tver region and adjacent territories during middle ages. Vol. 1. Tver, 1996. C. 79-84.

25 Chvorostov EL assumption Cathedral of the founding of the monastery in Tver (problems of reconstruction). In the book: Tver archaeological collection. Vol. 4, so 2. Tver, 2001. C. 346.

26 V.I. Fedorov, Shelepina NS Ancient history of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. M., 1987; V.I. Fedorov New about the ancient topography, and the first stone buildings of the Moscow Kremlin. In the book: The state museums of the Moscow Kremlin. Materials and research. Vol. 1. M., 1973; Fedorov V. Uspensky Cathedral: the study and conservation of the monument. - In the book: Uspensky Cathedral of the Moscow%

27 Zagraevsky S.V. ABOUT the early post-Mongolian architecture of North-Eastern Russia. M., 2003 (hereinafter - Zagraevsky, Early post-Mongolian architecture).

28 Nekrasov A.I of the City of Moscow province. M., 1928 (hereinafter Nekrasov, 1928). C. 164-165.

29 Voronin, Architecture. So 2. C. 204-205.

30 B.L. Altshuler Monuments of architecture of Moscow Russia the second half of XIV-early XV centuries (new studies). Thesis for%2

31 Там же.

32 Воронин, Зодчество. Т. 1, с. 326.

33 Альтшуллер, диссертация. С. 48.

34 Ibid., C. 49.

35 Ibid., C. 10.

36 Ibid., C. 91.

37 B.L. Altshuler, New studies on St. Nicholas Church in the village of Kamenka. - In the book: Architectural heritage, № 20. M., 1972 (hereinafter - Altshuller, Kamensky). C. 19.

38 Ibid., C. 21.

39 Ilyin M.A., Maksimov P.N., Kostochkin CENTURIES the Stone architecture of the epoch of blossoming of Moscow. - In the book: The history of Russian art. So 3. M., 1953. C. 342.

40 David L.A., Ognev B.A. Forgotten monument of Moscow architecture of the XV century. - In the book: Brief reports of the Institute of history of material culture. Vol. 62. M., Leningrad, 1956. C. 51.

41 Ibid., C. 55.

42 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 324.

43 Ibid., C. 321.

44 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 113.

45 Ibid., C. 91.

46 Ibid.

47 Ibid, s 24.

48 Ibid., C. 91.

49 Altshuller, Kamenskoe. C. 22.

50 Small Soviet Encyclopedia. M., 1959. So 6, C. 243.

51 Kuchkin V. A. Formation of the state territory of North-Eastern Russia in the X-XIV centuries. M., 1984. C. 146.

52 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 91.

53 Yushko A.A. Moscow ground IX-XIV centuries. M., 1991. C. 88.

54 Karamzin N.M. history of the Russian state.

55 Там же, т. 5, с. 26.

56 Памятники архитектуры Московской области. М., 1975 (далее – Памятники...). Т. 2, с. 215.

57 Юшко А.А. Указ. соч., с. 131.

58 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 204.

59 Altshuller, Kamenskoe. C. 25.

60 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 205.

61 Altshuller, Kamenskoe. C. 25.

62 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 204.

63 Ibid.

64 Inv. No. of CCM-130.

65 Christianity. Encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1995 (hereinafter - Christianity). So 2, S. 258.

66 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 204.

67 Ibid., C. 142.

68 Ibid., C. 228.

69 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 13-158.

70 PSRL, 18:103.

71 PSRL, 8:8; 18:108.

72 PSRL, 8:34.

73 Karamzin.

74 ПСРЛ, 18:151; Воронин, Зодчество. Т. 2, с. 265.

75 Альтшуллер, диссертация. С. 53–60.

76 Памятники... Т. 1, с. 238.

77 Там же, с. 269.

78 Ibid., C. 215, 222.

79 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 69.

80 Ibid., C. 72.

81 PSRL, 18:129.

82 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 207.

83 Ibid., C. 194.

84 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 44.

85 PSRL, 6:140.

86 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 245.

87 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 83.

88 A.A. Sukhanov the Basement of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin according to the architectural and archaeological studies of the twentieth century. In the book: Art monuments M16. M., 2003. С. 165.

89 Приселков М.Д. Троицкая летопись: Реконструкция текста. М., Л., 1950. С. 149.

90 ПСРЛ, 20, ч. 1: 231.

91 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 151.

92 Ibid, p 80.

93 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 250.

94 A.A. Sukhanov Decree. cit., S. 168.

95 Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 29.

96 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 252.

97 Recall that, according to research by the author, the inner space of the main Church could not exceed 200 square metersand the side of the omphalos - 6 m (see Zagraevsky, %D

98 Альтшуллер, диссертация. С. 83.

99 Суханова А.А. Указ. соч., с. 164.

100 ПСРЛ, 15:45.

101 Borisov NS Russian Church in the political struggle of the XIV-XV centuries. M., 1986 (hereinafter - Borisov, 1986). C. 61.

102 Ibid.

103 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 5, S. 34.

104 A.A. Sukhanov Decree. cit., S. 168.

105 PSRL, 25:228.

106 Borisov NS Ivan III. M., 2000 (hereinafter - Borisov, 2000). C. 16.

107 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 53-60.

108 Detailed substantiation of this date, which nowadays is often questioned, see the book.: Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 34-35.

109 In the Church of Boris and Gleb in Kideksha clutches treated somewhat more roughly adjustment of stone made less accurate selection of blocks of color worse.

110 Ognev B.A. Some problems of the early Moscow architecture. In the book: "Architectural heritage". So 12. M., 1960. C. 46.

111 Rappoport P.A. Construction production of Ancient Rus. St.Petersburg, 1994. C. 131.

112 "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" ("should not multiply sushnost the

113 Rappoport P.A. Decree. cit., S. 128-129.

114 Voronin, Architecture. So 1, 325 C.

115 Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. Annex 1, p. a 3.

116 Voronin, Architecture, so 1, S. 285.

117 Ibid, 233 S..

118 Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. Appendix 1.

119 Vygolov VP Architecture of Moscow Rus middle of the XV century. M., 1988. C. 224.

120 A.A. Guber, Kolpino UD the Art of Western and Central Europe in the epoch of developed feudalism. the Sabbath.

121 Огнев Б.А. Указ. соч., с. 60.

122 Воронин, Зодчество. Т. 1, с. 94; т. 2, с. 466.

123 Выголов В.П. Указ. соч., с. 71.

124 To this author kindly pointed M. ioannisyan in 2002.

125 Voronin, Architecture. So 1, 116 S..

126 Personal interviews with VV kavelmaherom. 2002.

127 Rappoport P.A. Decree. cit., 121 S..

128 Voronin, Architecture, So 1, 106 S.; O.M. ioannisyan, P.L. Zykov, Serve A.V., Glazov VP, Karacheva NM Architectural and archaeological study of Nativity Cathedral in Vladimir. - In the book: The State Hermitage Museum. Reporting archaeologists%D

129 Беляев Л.А. Указ. соч., с. 160.

130 Огнев Б.А. Указ. соч., с. 45–62.

131 Там же, с. 57.

132 Альтшуллер, диссертация. С. 138.

133 Ilyin M.A. Russian tent-roofed architecture. The monuments of the middle of XVI century. M., 1980 (hereinafter Ilyin, Architecture). C. 32.

134 B.L. Altshuler Pillarless temples of XIV century in Kolomna. In the book: Soviet archeology, № 4. M., 1977 (hereinafter - Altshuller, Kolomna). C. 156.

135 Ibid., C. 160, 166.

136 Ibid., C. 159.

137 Ibid., C. 163.

138 Ibid., C. 160, 164.

139 Ibid., C. 166.

140 Ibid.

141 Ibid., C. 160.

142 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 15; the results of the excavations Vul the

143 Альтшуллер, Коломна. С. 167.

144 Там же.

145 Ibid., C. 161.

146 Ibid.

147 Vl.v.sedov even believed that the churches of North-Eastern Russia XIV-XV centuries were trehapsidnoy "without exception" (Sedov VLV Features of architecture of North-West Russia in the Church of the Nativity of the virgin in Gorodnya. In the book: "Novgorod antiquity". M., 1993. C. 63), but the one exception we know - the first odnoapsidny the Church of the Annunciation in the Moscow Kremlin (mid 1390-ies), which, however, already in 1416 was rebuilt by trehapsidnoy plan (A.A. Sukhanov Decree. cit., S. 171).

148 Similar in its time was the place of the temple of Yuri Dolgoruky and Vsevolod the Big Nest, which were also built in size, close to the "maximum security" (see Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture, S. 80-82).

149 For more information, see Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 82.

150 Altshuller, Kolomna. C. 172; Altshuller, dissertation. C. 49.

151 Altshuller, Colom%

152 Там же, с. 164.

153 Ильин, Зодчество. С. 32

154 Альтшуллер, диссертация. С. 80.

155 Суханова А.А. Указ. соч., с. 168.

156 Альтшуллер, Каменское. С. 22.

157 Юшко А.А. Указ. соч., с. 88, 90.

158 Archaeological map of Russia. Moscow region. Vol.2. M., 1995 (hereinafter - the Archaeological map). C. 107.

159 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 324.

160 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 324.

161 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 24.

162 Ibid, 109 S..

163 Ibid., 102 S..

164 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 321.

165 Spiritual and Treaty ratification of the Grand and appanage princes of the XIV-XVI centuries M-Leningrad, 1950. (Hereinafter - the Spiritual...) C. 8, 15, 17, 34.

166 Monuments... So 1, S. 247.

167 Karamzin N.M. FROM

168 Забелин И.Е. История города Москвы. М, 1905. – Репринтное изд. М., 1990. С. 70.

169 Федоров, 1985. С. 54–58.

170 Выголов В.П. Указ. соч., с. 62.

171 Fedorov, 1985. C. 55.

172 Ibid., C. 56.

173 VP Vygolov. The decree. cit., S. 61.

174 Wagner G.K. From symbol to reality. The development of plastic image in the Russian art of XIV-XV centuries. M., 1980. (Hereinafter - Wagner, 1980). C. 62.

175 Ibid., C. 57.

176 The author is grateful Aphrodinae for giving an opportunity to familiarize with these fragments.

177 Voronin, Architecture. Vol.2, S. 154.

178 Fedorov, 1985. C. 54.

179 Wagner, 1980. C. 70.

180 Подробнее см. Заграевский, Белокаменное зодчество. С. 82.

181 Голубинский Е.Е. История русской церкви. Т.1, ч. 1. М., 1901. Т.1, ч. 2. М., 1904. Reprint ed. M., 1997. Vol. 1, 1 o'clock, S. 338.

182 Zabelin I.E. Decree. cit., S. 70.

183 PSRL, 10:190; 18:89.

184 For more information, see: Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 85.

185 Vygolov VP Decree. cit., S. 194.

186 Ibid.

187 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 153.

188 Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 87-89.

189 Fedorov, 1985. C. 57.

190 Kavelmaher CENTURIES, Panova ETC. Decree. cit., S. 66.

191 Ibid., C. 73.

192 Kavelmaher CENTURIES Methods of bells and Russian kolokolin

193 Кавельмахер В.В., Панова Т.Д. Указ. соч., с. 75.

194 Там же, с. 71.

195 Там же, с. 78.

196 The author expresses his gratitude Aphrodinae for your kind assistance in acquaintance with these wall blocks.

197 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 158-161; Wagner, 1980. With 75-79; Grashchenkov A.V. Carved white-stone belt temples of Ivan Kalita in the Moscow Kremlin. In the book: Monuments of Russian architecture and monumental art. The capital and the province. M., 1994. C. 37-52; Antipov IV Decree. cit., S. 38.

198 Zagraevsky, Early post-Mongolian architecture. C. 22, 25.

199 Kavelmaher, Kolomna. C. 82.

200 Ibid.

201 Pictures of these fragments courtesy of V. kavelmaherom.

202 Kavelmaher, Kolomna. C. 84; Altshuller, dissertation, S. 32.

203 Kavelmaher, Kolomna.C. 83.

204 Ibid., 86 S..

205 Ibid., C. 81.

206 Ibid., C. 82.

207 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 4, s.

208 Ibid., 102 S..

209 Ibid., C. 103.

210Such assumption was stated Kavelmaher in personal conversations with the author in 2002.

211 CIT. in book.: Ancient Russian city planning in X-XV centuries. Edited Nphoenix. M., 1993. C. 45.

212 Eaasy. History of military%2

213 Подробнее см. Заграевский, Белокаменное зодчество. С. 35.

214 Альтшуллер, диссертация. С. 24.

215 Заграевский, Белокаменное зодчество. С. 107.

216 Spiritual... S. 8.

217 Zvyagintsev LI, Viktorov A.M. White stone suburbs. M., 1989. C. 7.

218 These studies were conducted by the author in 2003.

219 The location of this quarry author kindly pointed Alexander O. (ilyino), rector of St. Nicholas Church in Kamenskoye.

220 Zvyagintsev LI, Viktorov A.M. Decree. cit., S. 7.

221 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 321.

222 Archaeological map. C. 103.

223 Kuchkin V. A. Decree. with%D

224 Карамзин Н.М. Указ. соч., т. 4, с. 141.

225 Там же, с. 32.

226 Там же, с. 25.

227 Там же, с. 188.

228 Там же, с. 52.

229 Там же, с. 87.

230 Юшко А.А. Указ. соч., с. 71.

231 Альтшуллер, Каменское. С. 22.

232 Yushko A.A. Decree. cit., S. 97.

233 Ibid., C. 88, 90.

234 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 4, 93 S..

235 Ibid., C. 105.

236 PSRL, 10:190; 18:89.

237 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 163.

238 The Bulkin, VA, A. M. Salimov Decree. cit., S. 79-84.

239 Chvorostov EL Decree. cit., S. 346.

240 Ibid.

241 Ibid.

242 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 399; Kuchkin V. A. Decree. cit., S. 196.

243 PSRL, 11:219, 221; 4, h 1:388; 5:252.

244 V.I. dal Explanatory dictionary of the living great Russian language. St. Petersburg, 1903. Reprint ed. M., 1994. So 1, S. 450.

245 Kuchkin V. A. of the criminal code of The%B

246 Воронин, Зодчество. Т. 2, с. 403.

247 Sedov VLV Features of architecture of North-West Russia in the Church of the Nativity of the virgin in Gorodnya. In the book: "Novgorod antiquity". M., 1993. C. 63.

248 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 405.

249 Sedov VLV Decree. cit., S. 66.

250 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 401.

251 In the patrol book 1614. it says, "the Church of the Nativity of the MostHoly mother of God, which is Gorodnya, the Cathedral Church of the Yes side-chapel of St. John the Baptist stone, slim is%81667. the possession of the boyar Aigarakov in the Tver district, says: "In the village of Gorodnya on the Bank of the Volga river talus, and scree the Church of the Nativity of the MostHoly mother of God, in the limit of Christmas we John the Baptist stone buildings... the great princes of Tver Prince Ivan Mikhailovich and son Evo Prince Alexander Ivanovich" (CIT. in the book.: Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 400).

252 PSRL, 11:219, 221.

253 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 401.

254 Ibid., C. 415.

255 Ibid., C. 411.

256 Ibid., C. 403.

257 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 125.

258 Galasiewicz A.A., Kolpakova G.S. Report on the Church of the Nativity of the virgin in Gorodnya the conference of memory of David L. in the trust "Soyuzrestavratsia", March 28, 2003.

259 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 127.

260 Klug E. the Principality of Tver (1247-1485 years.). Tver, 1994. C. 223.

261 PSRL, 11:219, 221.

262 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 415.

263 Altshuller, Kamenskoe. C. 23.

264 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 411.

265 Ibid., C. 388.

266 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 5, S. 27; N. Borisov,%D

267 Карамзин Н.М. Указ. соч., т. 5, с. 41.

268 Там же, с. 26.

269 Там же, с. 38.

270 Borisov, 2002, S. 205; Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 5, S. 53

271 Borisov, 2002. C. 145.

272 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 5, S. 34.

273 Klug E. Decree. cit., S. 221.

274 Borisov, 2002. C. 140.

275 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 253.

276 Klug E. Decree. cit., S. 223.

277 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 424.

278 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 126.

279 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 380.

280 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 127.

281 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 4, S. 163; so 5, S. 25.

282 Sedov VLV Decree. cit., S. 62-69.

283 Ioannisyan the

284 Там же.

285 Там же, с. 235.

286 Там же, с. 248.

287 Воронин, Зодчество. Т. 2, с. 414.

288 Altshuller, Kamenskoe. C. 19; Altshuller, dissertation. C. 126.

289 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 4, 84 S..

290 Ibid. C. 98.

291 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 402.

292 Kuchkin V. A. Decree. cit., S. 163.

293 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 411.

294 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 143

295 Ibid. C. 143.

296 Approval of the dynasty. The history of Russia and of the Romanov dynasty in the memoirs of the contemporaries. Andrey Kind, Augustin Myerberg, Samuel Collins, Yakov Horseback Riding

297 Воронин, Зодчество. Т. 2, с. 411.

398 Там же, с. 172.

299 The report on the architectural and archaeological investigations of the monument of architecture of the XIV-XIX centuries Staro-Nikolsky Cathedral in Mozhaisk. Trust Mosoblstroyrestavratsiya". M., 1981, 1982 (hereinafter - the Report, Mozhaisk). So 1, 1 C..

300 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 172.

301 Ibid., C. 267.

302 Ibid., C. 272.

303 Nekrasov, 1928. C. 190, 195, 196.

304 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 288.

305 Ibid., C. 289.

306 Borisov, 2000. C. 20.

307 The Report, Mozhaysk. So 1, 2 C..

308 Voronin, Architecture. So%

309 Суханова А.А. Указ. соч., с. 176.

310 Воронин, Зодчество. Т. 2, с. 269.

311 Отчет, Можайск. Т. 1, с. 3.

312 Там же, т. 4, с. 8.

313 Воронин, Зодчество. Т. 2, с. 268.

314 Л.Izvarina, Aminjanov. The decree. cit., S. 7.

315 CIT. in book.: Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 268.

316 Ibid.

317 Ibid.

318 Ibid, so 1, S. 204.

319 The Report, Mozhaysk. So 4, 8 C..

320 Ibid, s 24.

321 Nekrasov, 1928. C. 195, 196.

322 The Report, Mozhaysk. So 4, S. 21.

323 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 385.

324 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 4, 101 S..

325 Voronin, Architecture. So 1, S. 326.

326 Ioannisyan, and others, 1997. C. 232.

327 Zvyagintsev LI, Viktorov A.M. Decree. cit., S. 27.

328 For more information, see: Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 14-20, 141.

329 For more information, see ibid., C. 48.

330 Borisov, 2000. C. 393.

331 The assumption FI history of the Byzantine Empire. M., 1997. So 1, S. 603.

332 For more information, see: Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. With. 48-73.

333 Ibid, with. 110.

335 Ioannisyan, and others, 1997. C. 248.

336 For more information, see: Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 38.

337 Ioannisyan, and others, 1997. C. 248.

338 PSRL, 1:469; 10:115; 1:473; 17:27; 18:77 and other

339 Vygolov VP Decree. cit., S. 224.

340 For more information, see: Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 31-40.

341 Altshuller, di is

342 ПСРЛ, 15, ч. 1:55-57; 10:216.

343 Альтшуллер, диссертация. С. 107, 112.

344 Подробнее см.: Заграевский, Белокаменное зодчество. С. 68–69.

345 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 439.

346 Ibid., C. 442.

347 Kavelmaher CENTURIES, Panova ETC. Decree. cit., S. 79.

348 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 161.

349 For more information, see: Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 42.

350 Ibid, p 132-136.

351 Wagner, 1980. C. 74

352 Borisov, 2000. C. 191.

353 Wagner, 1980. C. 134

354 Ibid., C. 194.

355 For more information, see Zagraevsky, 2000. C. 64, 116.

356 For more information, see Zagraevsky, white-stone architecture. C. 123.

357 Ibid., C. 48-51.

358 Macarius, Mitropol%D

359 SV zagraevsky. Jesus of Nazareth: the life and teachings. M., 2000 (hereinafter - Zagraevsky, 2000). C. 117-120; SV zagraevsky. God is not the murderer. M., 2001 (hereinafter - Zagraevsky, 2001). C. 112-114.

360 Chronicle of Christianity. M 1999. (Hereinafter - Chronicle of Christianity). C. 109.

361 Britannica. Article “Nicaea, Council of”.

362 Chronicle of Christianity. C. 109.

363 Acts of the Ecumenical councils. Kazan, 1871. So 7, C. 688.

364 E.E. Golubinsky Decree. cit., so 1, 2 hours, 57 S.; Voronin,%2

365 Заграевский, 2000. С. 117; Заграевский, 2001. С. 112.

366 Field V.M. Byzantine Art. In the book: General history of art. M., 1960. So 2, including 1, S. 60.

367 Ibid.

368 This philosophy expressed by A.I. Komech in personal conversations with the author in 2002.

369 E.E. Golubinsky Decree. cit., so 1, 2 hours, 57 S..

370 Acts of the Moscow cathedrals 1666-1667, M, 1893. CH. 43.

371 The decrees of the Holy governing Synod from 1721 to 1878 - In the book. A guide to Orthodox clergy. M., 1878.

372 CIT. in book.: Hroni The%B

373 Забелин И.Е. Указ. соч., с. 70

374 Там же.

375 For example, Ivan Danilovich in 1322 brought to Russia Tatars destroyed the Yaroslavl and Rostov (Borisov, 1986. C. 52).

376 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 4, 102 S..

377 Borisov, 1986. C. 52-53.

378 Karamzin N.M. Decree. cit., so 4, 106 S..

379 Ibid, 119 S..

380 Borisov, 1986. C. 70.

381 Ibid.

382 Ibid.

383 Ibid., C. 57.

384 Ibid., C. 70.

385 Ibid.

386 Voronin, Architecture, So-2, 81 C..

387 Mokeev GY Mozhaysk - the Holy city of Russians. XVI century. M., 1992. C. 41.

388 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 68.

389 Ibid., C. 142.

390 Ibid., C. 140.

391 Ibid.

392 For more information, see: Zagraevsky, 2001. C. 134.

393 Salimov A. M. Tverskaya Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. Tver, 1994. C. 42.

394 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 138.

395 Wagner, 1980. C. 71.

396 There is a chance that the Moscow Kremlin Lapidarium fragments are stored not wall pilasters and rods portal assumption Cathedral Kalita. But still we decided to introduce them to our reconstruction is still in the Metropolitan Cathedral could be larger than%

397 Воронин, Зодчество. Т. 2, с.105;.Вагнер, 1980. С. 28.

398 Воронин, Зодчество. С. 305.

399 Огнев Б.А. Указ. соч., с. 48.

400 ПСРЛ, 8:170.

401 Karamzin. The decree. cit., so 4, 130 C..

402 Monuments... So 2, S. 207.

403 Voronin, Architecture. So 1, S. 452.

404 Altshuller, dissertation. C. 31.

405 Voronin, Architecture. So 2, S. 343.

406 Ibid, so 1, S. 326.

407 Ibid, so 2, S. 232.


© Sergey Zagraevsky



Chapter I. The epoch of Dmitry Donskoy?

Chapter II. The epoch of Daniil of Moscow and his sons

Chapter III: Tver Grand Duchy

Chapter IV. The epoch of “ambitious economy”


Applications, notes


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