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S. V. Zagraevsky


New researches of architectural monuments

of Alexandrov Sloboda



Published in Russian: Çàãðàåâñêèé Ñ.Â. Íîâûå èññëåäîâàíèÿ ïàìÿòíèêîâ àðõèòåêòóðû Àëåêñàíäðîâñêîé ñëîáîäû. M.: Àëåâ-Â, 2008. ISBN 5-94025-095-5



Chapter 1. The questions of the date of architectural monuments of Alexandrov Sloboda of XVI c.

Chapter 2. The reconstruction of Alexey Mitropolit Church

Chapter 3. A possible author of architectural monuments of Alexandrov Sloboda of 1510s

Chapter 4. The origin of hipped roof architecture

Annex. Wolfgang Kawelmacher

Part 1. W.W. Kawelmacher – the historian of architecture and restorer

Part 2. W.W. Kawelmacher’s bibliography

Part 3. A little about my father (memoirs about W.W. Kawelmacher)

Part 4. W.W. Kawelmacher’s obituary




Wolfgang Kawelmacher


Part 2.

W.W. Kawelmacher’s bibliography




The following text was translated from Russian original by the computer program

and has not yet been edited.

So it can be used only for general introduction.





(electronic versions of most scientific papers Kavelmahera

located on the web-site


Sergiev Posad, Zvenigorod:

1. Kavelmaher. Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra as an analogue of the Moscow Uspenie Cathedral. In the book: Materials creative report of the trust Mosoblstroyrestavratsiya". M., 1974. C. 47-54.

2. Win, Kavelmaher. On the initial shape of the refectory of the Trinity-Sergiev monastery. In the book: Materials creative report of the trust Mosoblstroyrestavratsiya". M., 1979. C. 26-28.

3. Kavelmaher. About the time of construction Pyatnitskaya Church on Podol, in Zagorsk. In the book: Materials creative report of the trust Mosoblstroyrestavratsiya". M., 1979. C. 35-38.

4. Kavelmaher. About the time of construction Pyatnitskaya Church on Podol, in Zagorsk. In the book: Soviet archaeology. No. 2. M., 1982. C. 245-250.

5. Kavelmaher. About Windows socket Church of presentation in Podil in Zagorsk. In the book: Restoration and research of the monuments of culture. Vol. 2. M., 1982. C. 219-222.

6. Kavelmaher. Nikon Church of the Trinity-Sergius monastery: the author and date of construction. In the book: The culture of medieval Moscow. Xvii. M, 1999. C. 40-95.

7. Kavelmaher. Notes on the origin of "Zvenigorod". In the book: Old Russian art. Sergius of Radonezh and artistic culture in Moscow XIV-XV centuries, St. Petersburg, 1998. C. 196-216.

Boris and Gleb Cathedral in Staritsa:

8. Kavelmaher, MB Chernyshev. Ceramic decor ancient Cathedral of STS in Staritsa. In the book: Scientific readings 1980-1981, the State historical Museum. M.%

Kolomna, Mozhaysk, Volokolamsk:

9. Kavelmaher, Molchanov. New study of monuments of the early Moscow architecture in Volokolamsk, Mozhaisk and Kolomna. In the book: Materials creative report of the trust Mosoblstroyrestavratsiya". M., 1984. C. 73-79.

10. Kavelmaher, Sporovsky. Two architectural fragments from the Dormition Cathedral in Kolomna Kremlin (the question of the early stone construction in Kolomna). In the book: Materials creative report of the trust Mosoblstroyrestavratsiya". M., 1984. C. 80-87.


11. Kavelmaher. Nicholas Church in the village of Chernenkova (unknown building "osipovsky elders" of the middle of XVI century). In the book: Materials creative report of the trust Mosoblstroyrestavratsiya". M., 1984. C. 68-72.

12. Kavelmaher. Unknown building osipovsky elders in the middle of the XVI century - the Church of St. Nicholas in the village Chernenkova. In the book: Monuments of culture. New discoveries. 1987. M., 1988. C. 416-420.

Bell, bell:

13. Kavelmaher. Some of the study of ancient Russian bells. In the book: Questions of theory and practice of architecture and urban planning. Interuniversity collection. M., 1981. C. 154.

14. Kavelmaher. Methods of bells and old bell tower. In the book: Bell: History and modernity. M., 1985. C. 39-78.

15. Kavelmaher. Large evangelists Moscow XVI-first half of XVII century. In the book: Bell: History and modernity. M., 1993. C. 75-118.

16. Kavelmaher, T. Panova. The remnants of the white-stone Church of the XIV century in the Cathedral square of the Moscow Kremlin. In the book: Culture of medieval Moscow XIV-XVII centuries M, 1995. C. 66-83.

17. Kavelmaher, MB Chernyshev. Nikolay Ivanovich Oberacker - an outstanding German foundry, gunner and architect in the Russian service in 1510-e-1530-s (to the question about the author "three strelnitsa" the Moscow Kremlin). In the book: Kremlins. Materials and research. Vol. 15. M., 2003. C. 117-124.

Iosifo-Volokolamsk monastery:

18. Kavelmaher. To the construction history of the bell tower of the Iosifo-Volokolamsk monastery. In the book: The architectural ensemble of the Iosifo-Volokolamsk monastery. The study, restoration and museums. Materials of scientific-practical conference 1986. M., 1989. C. 11-15.

19. Kavelmaher. A fragment of the memorial of the first half of the XVII century from the Iosifo-Volokolamsk monastery. In the book: The monument is1988. M., 1989. C. 480-484.

20. Kavelmaher. A fragment of the memorial of the first half of the XVII century from the Iosifo-Volokolamsk monastery. In the book: The architectural ensemble of the Iosifo-Volokolamsk monastery. The study, restoration and museums. Materials of scientific-practical conference 1986. M., 1989. P.30-37.

Moscow Kremlin:

21. Kavelmaher. Some of the study of the architecture of the Annunciation Cathedral. In the book: The unique monument of Russian culture, the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin 500 years. Abstracts of scientific conference. M., 1989. C. 30-33.

22. Kavelmaher. On the initial appearance of the assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In the book: Architectural heritage. Vol. 38. M., 1995. C. 214-235.

23. Kavelmaher. On the aisles of the Cathedral. In the book: Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. M., 2002. C. 123-160.

24. AA Sukhanov (article written under the guidance Kavelmahera). The basement of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin according to the architectural and archaeological studies of the twentieth century. In the book: Art monuments of the Moscow Kremlin. Materials and research. Vol. 16. M., 2003. C. 164-178.


25. Kavelmaher. The history of the birthday of the Church built by Ivan the terrible in the village Djakova. M., 1990.

26. Kavelmaher. The history of construction of the Church of St. John the Baptist in the village Djakova. In the book: Monuments of culture. New discoveries. Yearbook 1991. M., 1997. C. 339-351.


27. Kavelmaher. The Church of the Nativity in S. Yurkin. In the book: Information courier ILAC (October-December). M., 1990. C. 19-21.

28. Kavelmaher. To the question about the time and circumstances of construction of the Church of the Nativity in Yurkin. In the book: Monuments of culture. New discoveries. Yearbook 1995. M., 1996. C. 421-436.

Alexandrovskaya Sloboda:

29. Kavelmaher. Monuments of ancient Alexandrov Sloboda. In the book: Information courier ILAC (October-December). M., 1990. C. 19-21.

30. Kavelmaher. New research Crucifixion of the bell tower of the assumption convent in Alexandrov. In the book: Restoration and architectural archeology. New materials and research. M., 1991. C. 110-124.

31. Kavelmaher. Trinity Church on the Czar courtyard of the ancient settlement of Alexander. In the book: Alexandrovskaya Sloboda. Materials of scientific-practical conference. Vladimir, 1995. C. 30-40.

32. Kavelmaher. Monuments of ancient Alexandrova Sloboda. Collection of articles. Vladimir, 1995.

33. Kavelmaher. Monuments of ancient Alexandrova Sloboda. In the book: Problems of studying old Russian architecture (architectural and archaeological readings dedicated to the memory Rappoport, 15-19 January 1990.). St. Petersburg, 1996, C. 153-156.

34. Kavelmaher. The bronze doors of%D

35. Kavelmaher. Sovereign yard in Alexandrova Sloboda. Experience of reconstruction. In the book: Jacob Ulfeldt. Trip to Russia. M., 2002. C. 457-487.

St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky:

36. Kavelmaher. The cornerstone of Lapidarium George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polish (to the question of the so-called cross Svyatoslavovom). In the book: Old Russian art. Rus. Byzantium. The Balkans. XIII century. SPb, 1997. C. 185-198.

Novodevichy monastery:

37. Kavelmaher. When could be built Cathedral of the Smolensk Hodegetria Novodevichy convent? In the book: Novodevichy convent in Russian culture. Materials of scientific conference 1995. M, 1998. C. 154-177.

China town:

38. Kavelmaher. Voskresenskie gate of Kitai-Gorod according to archaeological excavations 1988-1994, In the book: The culture of medieval Moscow. XVII century. M, 1999. C. 167-180.

Part 3. A little about my father (memoirs about W.W. Kawelmacher)



© Sergey Zagraevsky



Chapter 1. The questions of the date of architectural monuments of Alexandrov Sloboda of XVI c.

Chapter 2. The reconstruction of Alexey Mitropolit Church

Chapter 3. A possible author of architectural monuments of Alexandrov Sloboda of 1510s

Chapter 4. The origin of hipped roof architecture

Annex. Wolfgang Kawelmacher

Part 1. W.W. Kawelmacher – the historian of architecture and restorer

Part 2. W.W. Kawelmacher’s bibliography

Part 3. A little about my father (memoirs about W.W. Kawelmacher)

Part 4. W.W. Kawelmacher’s obituary



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